Chapter 328 Rewarded in the Future

"As for the spirit bones, Bing'er will make up the torso bones for her. As for me, as a pure elemental being condensed out of heaven and earth's energy, I do not possess a flesh and blood body like other spirit beasts. Therefore, I don't have a structure like a skeleton within my own body." The Snow Emperor continued.

"However, just as I can condense the physical body you see today, I can also rely on my own origin to condense Ultimate Ice Attribute Energy to simulate a Spirit Bone for her, which should be around 100,000 years old, and the effect will be no different from that of an ordinary Spirit Bone."

"In addition, it can also evolve as the host grows."

"As for exactly how far it can evolve, it depends on how well Miss Bing'er comprehends and controls the ice element in the future."

Simply put, it would mean that one needs to continue condensing and compressing ice attribute energy to increase the quality of the spirit bone. Lin Manshan guessed inwardly.

"Furthermore, with my current cultivation level, it should be enough to replenish the limb spirit bones for Miss Bing'er." The Snow Emperor added.

Worthy of being a super spirit beast with a cultivation of close to 700,000 years, this is outrageous. Dugu Bo complained from the bottom of his heart, while simultaneously thinking darkly, 'Luckily, Ah Manshan suggested convincing them to make a sacrifice at first, if they were to be killed straight away, how could we get so many benefits.'

"Then thanks a lot." Lin Manshan hurriedly arched his hand in thanks.

On both sides, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er immediately followed with a curtsy, "Many thanks senior."

The Snow Emperor squeezed out a smile and turned her head to look at the Ice Emperor.

The latter nodded her head, her eyes looked towards Shui Bing'er, and when her double chelae were slightly lifted, strands of turquoise-green energy-like flames rose all over her body, and then the fire became more and more intense until flames covered her whole body, and her armour began to gradually become somewhat illusory and transparent.

Honestly, she is reluctant to sacrifice, but the situation requires her to do so, so she has no choice.

And under the limited choices, she could only choose the result she wanted to see the most.

Sacrifice to the same person as the Snow Emperor so that the two could stay together all the time.

In addition, by doing so, it would also be just right to raise the cultivation of this girl called Shui Bing'er directly to Titled Douluo and replenish her Spirit Bones.

In this way, the group of people in front of them would not come back to trouble her fellow clan members because of the missing spirit rings and spirit bones.

In the middle of her thoughts, a pillar of turquoise-coloured light suddenly erupted from her body and slammed straight into Shui Bing'er.

On the other hand, the 100,000-year-old crystal dragonfish in Snow Emperor's hand also initiated a sacrifice, and a pillar of glistening white light covered Shui Yue'er.

"Spirit Sacrifice..." Lin Manshan's gaze couldn't help but fix on Snow Emperor, secretly sighing at the other party's expressed determination.

Time passed little by little, unlike killing a spirit beast and absorbing the spirit ring, the sacrifice was equivalent to actively gifting the energy, so the energy was absorbed very quickly.

Just a few hours passed, and the entire sacrifice process was completed. And the result, naturally was excellent.

Shui Yue'er was the first to complete the sacrifice, her spirit power shot up to 75, and she harvested a 100,000-year-old torso bone.

Shui Bing'er then completed the process, harvesting a 390,000-year-old torso bone and at the same time, her spirit power soared to 78, reaching the limit of what her current physical body could adapt to.

Because he was worried about hurting the souls of the Ice Emperor and the Dragon Fish, Lin Manshan did not infuse the two women with soul power to strengthen their physical bodies. How much one could improve depended entirely on the two's physical qualities in all aspects. Thus, one level 5 and one level 8 was already quite high.

It couldn't be helped, it was really hard to find a suitable spirit bone for Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er.

Shui Yue'er had only absorbed a ten-thousand-year-old right leg bone before, while Shui Bing'er had a head bone.

As a result, the strength of the two's physical bodies and meridians was not high, to begin with, and it could be said that the fact that they were able to improve so much this time around was entirely dependent on the boost brought about by the spirit beast sacrifices.

Unfortunately, without the enhancement of multiple spirit bones, there was only a limited amount of enhancement that the body could adapt to in a short period of time.

Unless one could absorb a few more spirit bones to raise this upper limit in a short period of time.

It was just like eating, one could eat several meals a day, but not several tons at one meal. The energy produced by the Ice Emperor's sacrifice was undoubtedly extremely large, but not much could be digested by Shui Bing'er in a short period of time, and by forcibly absorbing it, not to mention anything else, the meridians would be burst first.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but secretly marvel at the Snow Emperor's uniqueness as a pure elemental being.

Snow Emperor's control of the heaven and earth elements as well as her own energy was really too high-level and could be described as being close to the Law. Not to mention being able to condense her own body with the Ultimate Ice Attribute Element, she was also able to help others condense their spirit bones.

Without a doubt, if the restrictions of today's rules of heaven and earth were to be released, he dared to predict that the Snow Emperor would absolutely have the opportunity to achieve a Divine Personality like the initial innate beings, and it would still be an extremely powerful Divine Personality.

'This Snow Emperor, I can only say that she was born at the wrong time.' On the other side, Bibi Dong, who had heard Lin Manshan describe the Underworld and Ancient Era, also sighed dimly.

While the couple was thinking, the Snow Emperor also took a step forward, slightly propped up her hands, and initiated a sacrifice.

The next moment, the majestic energy from her body suddenly erupted, pale flames rose gradually as her body became transparent, turning into a beam of light and pouring into the body of Shui Bing'er.

A few hours later, underneath the feet of Shui Bing'er, nine spirit rings slowly moved in rhythm.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, orange-gold, orange-gold, orange-gold, shining brightly in the sunlight.

'Worthy of being a Super Spirit Beast, it's so damn awesome.' Dugu Bo's jaw dropped, a mouthful of saliva stuck in his throat.   

On the other hand, Lin Manshan's eyes are also flickering, somewhat dazed, at this time the appearance of the Shui Bing'er can be described as changed drastically, white eyebrows, and white hair draped over her shoulders, her face is absolutely perfect, can be described as beautiful as a fairy, her temperament is also out of this world, her figure is also perfect to the extreme.

It is fat where it should be fat, thin where it should be thin, curved where it should be curved.

In the next second, he immediately returned to his senses and turned his head to glance at Bibi Dong. At that moment, just now, he felt that his own Ah Dong had great emotional fluctuations.

Immediately, he straightened his waist and continued to look at Shui Bing'er with a straight face. At this time, the light on Shui Bing'er's body had already dissipated. However, in the next second, light suddenly flashed on both sides, and then a white and a green figure emerged, on one side was the Snow Emperor wearing a snow-white dress, and on the other side, there was a double-ponytailed little loli wearing a green dress and with green hair, with a height of only one meter and a half.

She was as tall as the main body, but she was quite cute. Lin Manshan inwardly commented.

"Hmph!" Seeing Lin Manshan look over, the Ice Emperor immediately threw her head to the side arrogantly.

If you're not in a soul body right now, I really would let you know what it means to have your ass blossom into other colours. Lin Manshan's face didn't change as he turned his head to look at the Snow Emperor.

The latter nodded slightly and turned her head to look at the beasts behind her, her spiritual power fluctuating as she transmitted her voice:

"Everyone go back."

Seeing the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor reappear in front of him, Ah Tai also secretly sighed in relief and nodded his head, "Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor, don't worry about us, I will definitely guard the Extreme North Land. I hope that the next time we meet again, you will have already achieved what you wished for and become Divine Beasts."

After saying this, he turned his head to look at Lin Manshan, nodded, took a heavy step, and turned to leave.

Seeing this, the surrounding spirit beasts bowed their heads in unison towards the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor in a gesture of respect before turning around and scattering to leave in all directions.

Only the Ice Bear King remained in place, looking at the Snow Emperor with a face of reluctance.

"Xiao Bai, go back. Cultivate well, we will definitely meet again." The Snow Emperor said in consolation.

"Uh-huh." The Ice Bear King nodded solemnly, then turned around and left with a single leap.

Only after the Ice Bear King left far away did the Snow Emperor turn back to face Lin Manshan, smiling and nodding, her body then dissipated. In the next second, the Ice Emperor also instantly disappeared.

"..." Lin Manshan, who was still holding a grudge, shook his head and walked towards Shui Bing'er in large strides, smiling, "Bing'er, how do you feel?"

"Nothing much, it's just that my body is a bit uncomfortable." Shui Bing'er responded with a smile.

"That's natural, your spirit power is now level 93. The cultivation level has risen so much all of a sudden, of course, your body is not adapting. Moreover, your breath is unstable right now, so you need to spend time to properly consolidate it next." Dugu Bo, who had followed him up, immediately interjected, and then sighed with emotion, "Bing'er, breaking through the Titled Douluo level at less than 24 years of age, you're now considered the number one in the continent."

Shui Bing'er was instantly a bit constrained, looking up at Lin Manshan, softly saying, "I believe that Ah Man will definitely be able to surpass me."

"That's true." Dugu Bo nodded his head deeply, then turned his head to look at Lin Manshan, "Say, Man'er, what's going on with you? How did you suddenly obtain a divine Examination, and from what you said just now, your soul was even promoted to a divine soul."

"Honestly, I also feel it's quite sudden." Lin Manshan laughed, "At that time, I was in the middle of closed-door cultivation in my cultivation room, and then my soul was inexplicably and strangely pulled into a piece of examination space, and after that, I experienced something and was promoted to a divine soul. Grandpa, you must have heard from Zhuyun and the others about the situation of my cultivation room, it was filled with ashes, I was sitting there dry for a long time."

"This divine Examination of yours came quite oddly." Dugu Bo couldn't help but retort, "Won't they be afraid that your physical body will starve to death."

It seemed that a certain god had valued Lin Manshan's talent and ability, and personally bestowed the divine examination. On the side, Qian Daoliu couldn't help but sigh quietly, 'No wonder he was able to make my heart tremble, a divine soul, that's definitely a state that only a god can reach.'

'That is to say, Lin Manshan is now a god or a demigod from a certain point of view, the difference is only the realm and cultivation at the physical body level.'

A person sitting at home, a divine examination coming from the sky, and looking at the situation it was still guaranteed, there were no one gained something like this in history.

If Tang Chen, who was looking around for a chance to become a god, knew about this, he wondered what he would think.

Hey, forget about him, even I am envious.

"No matter what, the result is good now." Lin Manshan shrugged, then looked towards Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu, arching his hand and saying, "Many thanks to Her Holiness Pope and the Great Worship for the help today, this great favour, junior will definitely repay it in the future."

As he said that, he did not forget to glance at Bibi Dong with his afterglow.

"." Bibi Dong's expression was emotionless, just nodding slightly, but inwardly, she was restless, secretly cursing the little pervert.

Reward in the future. After many years as a husband and wife, she didn't need to think about it to know what Lin Manshan's so-called repayment referred to. This guy, sometimes was just very unscrupulous and full of tricks.

"Small matter." At the side, Qian Daoliu smiled lightly.

Other than arriving in person, he really didn't do anything today. That immortal herb was equivalent to taking it for free, thinking about it put him in a happy mood.

"Since this matter has been settled, we should also go back." Dugu Bo chimed in.

"Hm." Bibi Dong nodded slightly.

Thus, the crowd embarked on their return journey.


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