Chapter 337 Tang Chen reappears (2 in 1)

"It seems that there is still a period of adaptation which needs to be crossed, and only after the consciousness awakens can the life energy continue to be channelled."

Feeling that the life energy that was channelled was no longer being absorbed, Lin Manshan slowly withdrew his hand.

Right now, the Blue Silver King's cultivation and physical body had all been transformed into the purest energy and injected into Ye Lingling's body, leaving only a seed that had inherited the power of the bloodline as the new physical body. The result was just like the original Blue Silver Emperor, the strength of the soul was too high for the body to carry, so he needed to enter a period of dormancy, relying on natural growth until the bloodline, soul, and physical body were perfectly compatible.

You can nurture the growth of the seedling, but you can't overdo it for the time being, otherwise it will damage the foundation. This was because although life energy could accelerate the plant's growth, it could not enhance the thickness and denseness of the bloodline in it. Therefore, too fast growth would result in dilution of the bloodline.

At least in the current fledgling stage, it couldn't be continued.

Only when a certain level of consciousness was awakened, when it could convert life energy into other energies instinctively through the Blue Silver King's bloodline ability, then life energy be injected into the plant brainlessly in a single stream. As for now, speeding it up using the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well Spring Water would be sufficient.

Thinking of this, he got up and walked to the side of the artificial spring, took out a few bottles of Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well Spring Water from his spirit tool, and poured them in one by one.

Afterwards, he walked to Ye Lingling's side and smiled, "Lingling, how is it?"

Ye Lingling's eyes brimmed with joy as she raised her head, her pretty cheeks slightly red, obviously a little excited.

"Level 84, and I also absorbed a left leg bone."

"Not bad." Lin Manshan nodded, then pulled up her small hand and continued, "Let's go, we should go back now."

"Hm." Ye Lingling nodded slightly and followed Lin Manshan as he turned around to look around at the Blue Silver Grass that swayed its branches and leaves. Seeing Lin Manshan clasping his fists in farewell, she also hurriedly bowed slightly in salute. In a few moments, holding the arm, the two of them walked out of the valley side by side.

The cultivation life continued.

Ten days later, Killing City, Hell Road, and Tang San once again stepped in.

Finding the direction, relying on the Titled Douluo cultivation, he flew through the air and came to the huge stone tunnel that connects to the Killing City, pulling out a few large ceramic pots from the spirit tool, one by one, he dumped them into the blood pool below.

As early as the first time he entered the Hell Road, he understood that the blood pool below the Hell Road was the human blood that had been accumulated over many years of killing in the Killing City, that is, the Bloody Mary that he had seen in the Killing City.

At the same time, it was also the core of the entire Killing City.

If one were to poison the area that was connected, it would inevitably affect all the spirit masters within the Killing City, which would naturally include the Slaughter King as well. As such, the probability of defeating the Slaughter King within the Killing City would naturally increase greatly. Therefore, during this period in the Star Dou Great Forest, while searching and hunting spirit beasts, he also collected a large amount of poisonous medicinal herbs and toxins from the bodies of poisonous attribute spirit beasts.

Only after a long period of devoted refining, he managed to produce these barrels of extremely potent, highly proliferative poison.

As a precautionary measure, he also refined a few of Yama's Invitations.

'The Killing City, this dark, evil, terror-filled world shouldn't have existed in the first place. The evil spirit masters who reside inside are all unpardonable as well. Regardless of whether a god left it behind or not, the darkest side of this world should disappear.'

'If I do this, it will be considered doing the world a favour.' Between his thoughts, he poured all the poison into the blood pool, then turned to leave.

Half an hour later, Tang San stepped into the Killing City.

Looking around, "Ah ah ah ah." Constant wailing sounds were resounding from the streets and alleys.

Tang San's face was bland, striding towards the centre of the city, but before he could take a few steps, "Who is it, who is it!" A stern cry suddenly resounded, followed by a blood-red figure rising up into the sky.

"It's me!" Tang San lowered the brim of his black robe and raised his head to look up, and the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul appeared in his palm.

"You, damn you!" The Slaughter King's eyes were crimson, his right hand clenched, and with the blood-coloured longsword in his hand, he directly launched a dive.

It seems that this blood-coloured longsword is that divine weapon. Tang San's eyes flickered, murmuring softly in a low voice, "Good timing!" With a pivot of his foot, he directly held the hammer to meet him.

With a total of 16 spirit rings from his two martial souls, along with full-body spirit bones, he thought that he could be fearless of everything.

Moreover, the breath of the Slaughter King in front of him was turbulent, and it was obvious that he had already been eroded by the poison.

In the blink of an eye, "Boom!" Sword and Hammer exchanged blows, and a figure suddenly fell back.

It was precisely Tang San!

"How is this possible!?" Tang San's face revealed a look of astonishment.

The Slaughter King, who had taken a few steps back to stabilize his stance, had red auras flashing in his eyes, his tone was cold, "Hand over the antidote, or, die!"

"Want the antidote? Then come and get it!" Tang San coldly grunted, "Death God Domain!" Without hesitation, he once again rushed to meet him.

Inwardly, he was also pondering, 'The Slaughter King has already been poisoned, as long as I hold him back and keep making him strike, I'll be able to accelerate the spread of the poison. Defeating him is just a matter of time.'

"Clear Sky Nine Absolutes. Boom boom boom." The giant hammer swung, and explosions continuously reverberated in the air.

Not long after, "Ahhhhh, die for me."

Seeing that the poison in his body was already somewhat difficult to suppress, the Slaughter King once again let out a loud roar, his body filled with blood light, and the magic pattern on the surface of the blood sword in his hand also seemed to be triggered, and the light surged, as if blood was flowing.

"Come and die!" A sword was swung out.

"Clang!" Tang San's figure flew straight backwards.

'Worthy of being a divine weapon, it's really powerful.' Looking at the cut mark on the head of the Martial Soul Hammer, Tang San's heart was heavy.

Seeing the Slaughter King once again swinging his sword and rushing in, his thought suddenly shifted, immediately swinging his hammer to make a blocking action, at the same time, purple light flashed in his eyes.

In just a blink of an eye, within the eyes that were lowered to conceal, there was a purple light intersecting with blood light.

The next moment, the sword blade attacked, directly hitting the hammer handle, "Clang!" A piercing collision sound was emitted.

Right at this moment, Tang San raised his head fiercely, and the light in his eyes suddenly seethed, "Purple Demon Pupil's Shura Demon Light!" A red and a purple light ray shot out at the same time.

Because it was the hammer handle blocking the sword blade, the two were almost face to face, the distance was extremely short.

Although the Slaughter King reacted quickly and made a side evasive manoeuvre with his eyes closed, it was already too late, and his eyebrows and eye sockets were directly hit.

"Ah!" With a miserable scream, his body flew straight backwards, and he subconsciously covered his head and retreated backwards through inertia.

Immediately afterwards, a change that made even Tang San feel surprised occurred.

Visible to the naked eye, the original tragic whitish face of the Slaughter King began to flush with blood, the long bloody hair was also transforming towards black, the wings behind him shattered inch by inch, and the blood-red eyes also gradually changed to normal colour.

The only thing that remained unchanged was the demonic pattern in the centre of his eyebrows.

"This is?" Although he didn't understand inwardly, Tang San's hand movements were not slow, he immediately brushed his hand against the spirit tool and threw out two Yama's Invitations.

At the same time his calf bowed, his hand rested on the Clear Sky Hammer, attacking again.

"Clear Sky Nine Absolute, Nine to One." Without the slightest bit of restraint, he struck the strongest strike of his life, just to kill the Slaughter King with one blow.

And right at this moment, the black eyes of the Slaughter King ahead suddenly flashed with a trace of doubt, "Clear Sky Hammer!?"

With a low murmur, his other empty hand quickly swung out, and a huge black hammer that was covered in dark golden demonic patterns suddenly appeared.

"Ding ding." The two Yama's Invitations that flew in were immediately blocked by the hammer handle, followed by the giant hammer's undiminished might, which directly met Tang San's attack.

"???Clear Sky Hammer!" Tang San looked shocked, but Clear Sky Nine Absolute Nine to One emphasizes no retreat, at this time the attack can't be withdrawn, otherwise he will definitely be countered by the force and seriously injured. As he thought inwardly, without hesitation, he continued to send out the attack.

"Boom!" The two hammers clashed, and Tang San flew backwards in response.

'The other party kept his hand.' Feeling the force coming from his arms, Tang San's heart instantly brightened.

"Child, you're a disciple of the Clear Sky Clan? Whose child are you?" Just as his feet touched the ground, the Slaughter King's voice was heard.   

"My father is Tang Hao, and senior, you are?" Tang San spoke respectfully.

"Tang Hao, you are Hao Er's child!" The Slaughter King's body immediately trembled, and then he sighed with emotion, "It seems like many years have passed, even Hao'er's child has grown so big. Good, you're good, at a young age, you have such strength."

"Child, my name is Tang Chen."

At these words, Tang San's pupils instantly shrunk, and then he plopped to his knees, somewhat chokingly crying out, "Great Ancestor!"

"You must uphold justice for my father, for the Clear Sky Clan."

"Uphold Justice?!" Tang Chen's brows furrowed, and he came before Tang San's eyes in a flash. However, instead of directly reaching out to help, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, as he made the gesture of helping him up with both hands in vain, saying kindly, "Child, you get up first."

"During the time I was away, what exactly happened? What happened to Hao'er? And what happened to the Clear Sky Clan?"

Tang San instantly burst into tears, choking through clenched teeth, "Father. Father he died. The Clear Sky Clan also... Destroyed."

"What!" Tang Chen's expression instantly changed drastically, and he quickly said, "Quickly say, what exactly happened?"

Tang San, who had already gotten up, immediately recounted the situation of the Clear Sky Clan over the years, his parents' love for each other, the persecution by the Martial Spirit Hall, the expulsion from the clan, the clan's closure and retreat, and the subsequent death of Tang Hao, and the annihilation of the Clear Sky Clan by a team of bandits, all of which were told one by one.

Of course, some minor details were overlooked during the process.

For example, some of the things between him and Lin Manshan, as a Twin Martial Soul possessor, being defeated by a grassroot person, to him, it wasn't honourable.

"Good, what a Martial Spirit Hall, what a Qian Daoliu, what a Dugu Bo." Tang Chen's body was brimming with a murderous aura, and tears were flowing from his eyes, "It's also my fault, if I hadn't disappeared for so many years, how would Hao'er and the Clear Sky Clan have ended up in this situation."

In between the galloping blood light, Tang San could vaguely see a flow of blood under Tang Chen's skin.

As if thinking of something, he even said, "Great ancestor, this can't be blamed on you. Although I don't know the reason, from what happened before, it's obvious that you lost your sanity for some reason, causing you to be unable to leave this place."

"The most important thing to do now is to first resolve the poison in your body so that your strength can return to your peak. In this way, with you coming out, we will still have a chance."

"Auntie and the remaining Clear Sky Clan disciples, as well as Xiao Wu, are all still waiting for us to save them right now."

At these words, a trace of pain immediately spread across Tang Chen's face as he shook his head slightly, "It's too late. My body has been parasitized by the Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King for too long, and I've been swallowing Bloody Mary for years, so my physical body has long been eroded to the brink of its limits. The severe poison that I received earlier was merely the last straw that crushed the camel. With my current physical condition, I won't be able to live much longer."

"What!?" Tang San instantly showed horror on his face.

Tang Chen's face, however, regained its calmness as he continued, "Child, I can see that you're also undergoing the Shura God's assessment. That spiritual attack you sent out earlier clearly contained a trace of Shura God's power."

"It was precisely that helped me get rid of the Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King's control, while at the same time dissolving away all the divine energy that the Rakshasa God had left behind in the Shura God's divine thought back then."

"It's just a pity that it's too late. The current me is no longer capable of taking the next Ninth Examination."

Saying that he picked up the Shura Blood Sword in his hand and asked, "Child, how many exams have you proceeded to now?"

"The seventh exam, the content is to defeat you and reclaim the divine weapon." Tang San said back.

"The seventh exam." Tang Chen mumbled, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, but he quickly recovered, and his expression turned solemn, "The Martial Spirit Hall is powerful, with many experts, and there's a Qian Daoliu seated in the city, if my body is unharmed, I can accompany you forward for a while. But now, if I am using my full strength, I am afraid I won't be able to hold out for long. For now, the only way to fight against the Martial Spirit Hall is to help you become a god."

But, I'm afraid, Xiao Wu won't be able to wait for me to become a god. Tang San's mind swirled as if he thought of something, and he hurriedly interjected.

"Great Ancestor, what if I could help you with your physical body?"

Tang Chen stared blankly, then smiled bitterly, "A rotting body, can't be easily saved."

"Great Ancestor, there's no harm in trying." Tang San continuously expressed.

When he said that the Eight Spider Spears behind him stretched out, roots of golden threads extending out, then he added, "Great Ancestor, don't resist."

"Okay." Although he didn't know what Tang San had up his sleeve, Tang Chen still nodded.

The next moment, the roots of golden threads approached to pierce into the skin, followed by strands of suction force, visible to the naked eye, and strands of almost transparent liquid poured out along the golden threads.

When the liquid flowed out to cover most of the gold threads, Tang San pulled out all of the gold threads.

Afterwards, the tip of the golden threads came close to the ground, squeezing out all the poison.

"Great Ancestor, please follow me." Tang San greeted, turning towards the group of already dead evil spirit masters ahead.

Tang Chen nodded and followed with the same pace.

When he got close, he saw Tang San stabbing the golden threads behind him into the evil spirit master's body. At the same time, a few of them extended over and pierced into his skin.

"This is?" With slightly surprised eyes, he saw that those golden threads that pierced into the evil spirit master were dyed a glistening green.

"Life energy, my external spirit bone, can devour life force and spirit energy." Tang San said in return.

In fact, he had another purpose for poisoning the Killing City, and that was to devour all the poisoned evil spirit masters. As long as he could devour all the evil spirit masters in the entire Killing City, his strength would undoubtedly receive a notable boost.

Tang Chen had obviously thought of this as well, and without furrowing his brows, he spoke out:

"Child, tell me, is your current cultivation obtained by devouring spirit masters."

"Great Ancestor, a great revenge is at hand, I have no choice." Tang San replied, "However, Ancestor, please rest assured, I've only devoured these vicious evil spirit masters in the Killing City and the spirit beasts in the forest, and I've never harmed any innocent spirit masters."

"As for cultivation, the Divine Examinations actually played a big role. After completing the first 6 exams, my spirit power reached the Spirit Douluo realm, and I also acquired two God-given spirit rings. After absorbing into the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul, I gained two high-level spirit rings."

"After that, I cultivated in the Star Dou Great Forest for a long period of time. During this period, through hunting high-level spirit beasts, I obtained several power-type spirit bones that were over 60,000 years old, which allowed my cultivation to quickly advance to the Titled Douluo realm."

"Subsequently, I started to add spirit rings to the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul."

After thinking of the information about the spirit beasts he hunted and killed, he continued, "It was with these that I was able to reach my current cultivation level."

Twin martial souls, indeed extraordinary. Tang Chen's expression eased, through the advantages of the Twin Martial Soul, relying on absorbing spirit bones and absorbing more spirit rings to raise his cultivation level would not result in a weak foundation. As for devouring living beings, spirit beasts and human beings were originally in a hostile relationship, so killing them was just a matter of killing them. As for the evil spirit masters within the Killing City, they all deserve to die, so killing them would be no different.

As long as one could keep the bottom line and not indulge in killing, sparing the innocent and weak, it would not be a big problem.

Nodding slightly, he observed the life energy entering his body.

In a short while, the light in his eyes flickered slightly, "It does work, I can feel my physical body functions reviving."

"That's good." Tang San also breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "There are still many evil spirit masters here, I think it should be enough to revitalize Ancestor's body to your prime condition."

"As for afterwards, Ancestor, I hope that you can first accompany me on a trip to the Skywalker Academy to rescue Xiao Wu."

"This is natural, as the culprit who destroyed my Clear Sky Clan, they should be dealt with as a matter of priority." Tang Chen's eyes revealed a brilliant aura, "After the purging of Skywalker Academy, I'll make a trip to my Martial Spirit Hall, and I think the Qian Daoliu will release Hao'er and the rest of them."

Now that he had completed the eighth examination and had a divine weapon in his hand, he thought that it would be hard to find a rival on the continent.

Unless that Dugu Bo had already become a god.

Within a short period of more than ten years, he had been promoted from a first-level Titled Douluo to a 99th-level Limit Douluo, so there was indeed a possibility that Dugu Bo might have obtained the Divine Examination. However, there was also a gap between a God and a God.

As long as he hadn't already become a god, he thought he wouldn't fail after the completion of the Shura God Eight Examinations.

Moreover, for the enemy who had destroyed the Clear Sky Clan, he had to make a trip no matter what.

This battle was unavoidable!


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