Chapter 338 Inheritance (2 in 1)

Ten days later, within the bloody hall, Tang San slowly opened his eyes, lightly exhaled a cloudy breath, and then slightly shook his head with a regretful face, "Unfortunately, still failed to break through level 97."

"Titled Douluo level 95 and beyond realm, it's true that it's not something that can be attained by piling up spirit power alone."

In the past ten days, he had butchered all the spirit masters within the Killing City, and even those who were lucky enough not to have been poisoned to death, he had also dealt with them on the spot.

Most of the devoured life force was transferred to Tang Chen for his recovery from injuries, while he absorbed spirit energy.

Unfortunately, even after devouring so many evil spirit masters, his spirit power still remained stagnant at the peak of level 96.

After all, it was the spirit power that he had gotten from devouring, not the spirit power that he had transformed little by little by using his martial soul as a medium to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, so it couldn't perfectly harmonize with himself. If he wanted to go further, the only way to do so was to make his physical body, martial soul, and spirit power perfectly compatible. Originally, he thought that letting his body adapt for a few days would be enough to achieve this, but now it seemed that he still needed an opportunity if he wanted to step into the 97th level.

"And fighting is undoubtedly the best way." Standing up, his gaze looked in the direction of Heaven Dou City.

"Lin Manshan, are you ready?" With a low murmur, he walked out of the large hall in large strides.

Not long after, he came to the room where Tang Chen was, and seeing that the person had already woken up, he couldn't help but smile, "Great Ancestor, it seems like you've already adjusted."

"Uh-huh." Tang Chen nodded slightly, and then his eyes revealed a brilliant aura, "Let's go. It's time to avenge the Clear Sky Clan."

When things were settled, it was also time to meet her. Time, it had really dragged on for too long. Inwardly, he was also sighing sadly.

"Hm." Tang San nodded, closely following Tang Chen's side as they walked out of the large hall together.

"Heh." On the other side, within the Divine Realm's Shura God Temple, the Shura God standing by the pool laughed coldly inwardly.

Tang Chen's internal injuries weren't just as simple as being eroded by the Bloody Mary poison and being parasitized by the Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King, the most serious thing was the permanent damage caused by the Rakshasa God's divine thought forming a confrontation with the Shura God's divine thought in his body.

The Divine Remnants could not be resolved by a mere life energy.

If it wasn't for the fact that he took advantage of Tang Chen's opportunity to complete the eighth examination to address his needs, Tang Chen would still have to die regardless of the circumstances.

As for his purpose for doing so.

He couldn't help but glance at the few Gods on his side, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

Seeing Shura God glancing over, Sea God couldn't help but silently slander, 'This Shura is really shameless. Obviously, there are already two heirs who have completed the preliminary examination, but he is still thinking of fighting for Lin Manshan, the benefits are really all taken up by him alone.'

'However, these two really aren't that remarkable, so it's not surprising that he wants to swap them.'

'In any case, sending the Shura Blood Sword with Divine Thought into the Skywalker Academy does make it easier to monitor Lin Manshan and see if he was chosen by the God of the Underworld. By the way, it's also convenient for me to observe whether those two little ones are suitable to inherit my divine throne.'

In the middle of his thoughts, Shura God's cold voice suddenly sounded, "Sea God, if you have any opinions, you can get out now."

The Sea God reacted quickly and immediately straightened his expression, "Brother, what are you talking about? What kind of opinion would I have about you, my good older brother?"

"Heh." Shura let out a heckle and withdrew his gaze.

When he looked at the pool once more, within his line of sight, Tang San had already left the Killing City with Tang Chen, rushing towards the Skywalker Academy.

A few days later, the two were still in the middle of their rush.

Inside the Skywalk Academy, in the cultivation room, Lin Manshan sat on a futon, his skin haloed in green.

But with the passage of time, the green faded, at the same time, the original skin with the tint of blood, gradually transformed towards light purple.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Manshan slowly opened his eyes, and his skin, which had already changed to a light purple colour, quickly faded back to its normal skin colour.

At that exact moment, "Ah Man, it's time." Shan's voice suddenly rang in his head.

In the next moment, the ground shimmered with green, and a wide vortex appeared out of nowhere.

It took four months, and it was finally completed... Feeling the intensifying suction underneath him, Lin Manshan did not resist, allowing his body to be pulled by the vortex, sinking a little.

In a few blinks of an eye, the familiar winding River Styx appeared within his sight, and not far from the shore in the open space, Shan stood with a smile on his face, and spoke excitedly, "Don't worry, I've already done a cover-up, the Gods of the Divine Realm are unable to observe the interior of the Underworld through the outer secret realm."

Lin Manshan nodded slightly and landed in front of Shan.

The latter looked up and down, then sighed with emotion, "Ah Man, if it hadn't been for these countless years of memories in my head, honestly, I would have really wanted to directly take over your physical body and leave the Underworld to personally experience the colourful world outside and roam around as much as I could."

"Ai, sometimes living too long and knowing too much, is a burden."

Lin Manshan smiled, "Shan when you return next time, we will definitely be good friends who have endless things to talk about. And, at that time, the Underworld will definitely not be as dead and silent as it is now, but a lively new world."

"This is also the reason why I made another choice, and I believe that you will definitely be able to do it." Shan also revealed a smile, then slightly raised his eyebrows, "Ah Man, it's fortunate that you completed your transformation today, if it was two days later, I'm afraid that my peach would have been plucked."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Lin Manshan couldn't help but ask.

"Let's walk and talk." Shan slightly nodded and turned towards the direction of the great hall.

"Good." Lin Manshan took a step to follow.

Shan continued to speak, directly addressing the topic, "Tang Chen has come out of the Killing City and has upgraded his physical body to Demigod status."

"Tang San's seventh examination was to defeat Tang Chen and seize the Shura Blood Sword in his hand."

"The two engaged in battle in the Killing City, and in the process, Tang San unleashed some sort of eye power, releasing a spiritual attack with a hint of divine power attached to it."

"It was this strike that helped Tang Chen break free from parasitic control and successfully complete the eighth examination. Subsequently, the Shura God took the opportunity to intervene, helping Tang Chen eliminate the permanent damage to his physical body caused by the confrontation between the Rakshasa Divine Thought and the Shura Divine Thought."

"I've been paying attention to the world you're in these days, and as soon as the fluctuations of the Shura God's divine thought appeared, it was immediately perceived by me. A Divine Examination place with only a trace of divine thoughts lingering naturally couldn't hide from my prying eyes, and the entire process was sort of clear to me."

"According to the division of strength in your world, the current Tang San's strength has already reached the peak of level 96. As for Tang Chen, now that he's passed the eighth exam, his body's spirit power is tainted with some of the divine power, and his physical body has already reached the divine level, only his soul strength is still pretty poor. After all, after being parasitized for so many years, it's already a miracle that the soul and mind haven't suffered any damage, much less having made some growth."

"However, even so, it's only one step away from achieving a divine soul and breaking the shackles to become a god at a hundred level."

"The two are now on their way to your academy." Shan continued.

"However, there's no need to worry. Let's not talk about the fact that he hasn't become a god yet, even if he has already become a god, he's at most a third-level god, and he's far from Dugu Bo, an Evil God who has inherited the first level divine position in a proper way, so the two of them together will only get beaten."   

"However, the fact that the Shura God has stepped in to help Tang Chen with his hidden dangers is, I'm afraid, quite intentional."

"Is he trying to use Tang Chen and Tang San as a medium to spy on me?" Lin Manshan couldn't help but say, "I appeared within the Rakshasa God's Divine Examination Secret Realm before, and the Shura God would definitely guess that I've gained the favour of a certain God. But the specific god, because of your move to conceal it, and the Underworld being so far away from the Divine Realm, he was unable to probe clearly. And now, I'm afraid that he has already learned that I am not the heir of a certain god in the divine realm by asking the gods of the divine realm or in some other way, and I appeared on the outskirts of the Underworld back then."

Having a smart heir is good. Shan chimed in, "So, the Divine Realm may already be guessing that you are my successor."

"Dugu Bo and the Rakshasa God have already become gods, this is something that the Divine Realm might not have failed to sense."

"Thus, the Shura God is well aware that Tang Chen and Tang San travelling to your Skywalker Academy is no different from sending them to their deaths, yet he didn't stop them."

"And Tang Chen has the Shura God's divine artefact in his hand, which contains the Shura God's divine thoughts and divine power. Once Tang Chen dies in battle, this divine artefact will naturally be obtained by your Skywalker Academy, and in this way, the Shura God can use the divine artefact as a medium to spy on you."

"And if you come into contact with this divine artefact, the Shura God might directly imbue the divine power contained within it into your body, passing the divine throne to you in the process. In this way, not only has the hidden danger of the Divine Realm been resolved, but the Divine Throne has also been passed down, so it can be said that this is a killing two birds with one stone."

"I have to say, it was a beautiful idea!"

"It's just a pity that their Divine Realm is too far away, and they didn't act as fast as I did. Hehehe, for so many years, the Divine Realm only knows of my existence, but has never seen me actually make a move, so they naturally know very little about my abilities."

"If they want to pick my peach, they're still far away."

"Not a single one of the Gods in the Divine Realm can match my ability to observe the outside world and locate and transmit sound at any time."

Very well, this ability will soon be mine. Lin Manshan nodded slightly and then spoke.

"Honestly, I'm not a fan of the Shura God. I believe that when I fought with that Tang San, it was that Shura God who stepped across the line, which caused my enemy to escape."

"The Divine Realm is not allowed to interfere with the lower realms, to put it mildly, the Shura God's behaviour like that is considered knowing the law and breaking it."

"Heh, those Gods in the Divine Realm nowadays, there aren't many good ones, one is more hypocritical than the other." Shan also laughed coldly, "In order to pass down the divine throne and break free from their shackles, and go outside to have a good time, they are capable of doing anything."


In between their conversations, the two walked into the grand hall.

"There's no time to waste, let's start now." Seeing Lin Manshan walk up to the Soul Eye's surface, Shan spoke.

After saying that, his figure suddenly dissipated, turning into a bright green light that quickly merged into the Soul Eye above him.

In the next second, the huge pupil of the Soul Eye looked directly at Lin Manshan with a swish, and a pillar of luminous green light then erupted out, shooting straight at Lin Manshan's brow.

"What pure soul power." Lin Manshan was astonished, then his thoughts moved, and his martial soul immediately appeared, hovering in front of his eyes, "Natal Soul Gear!" Without hesitation, he inputted his entire soul power into it, and at the same time, he transformed the soul power injected into his body by the Soul Eye into it.

Between an absorption, a transformation, and a transmission, the whole body was wrapped in a green aura and was hoisted up to levitate and ascend into the air.

He rose until he was parallel to the centre of the Soul Eye's pupil, and only then did he stop.

'A special energy that relies on the power of the soul to transform, it is indeed peculiar.' Shan couldn't help but secretly sigh, 'The reason why Ah Man has such a physique should be because of this unique way of cultivation. In that case, the Underworld of mine might really be on the rise.'

In the middle of his thoughts, he increased his channelling efforts, while speaking out a reminder.

"Ah Man, my divine power is transformed from pure soul power, and cannot be directly converted into spirit power to enhance your cultivation. However, it can act on your physical body."

"With the aid of soul divine power, your physical body's vitality will be continuously stimulated, thus strengthening your physical body. As for how high it can be strengthened, Ah Man, although the Soul Divine Power can continuously stimulate your physical body's potential to enhance the strength of your physical body, it will at the same time consume the life force in your body as an energy source. Therefore, I think it's time for those life energies you've accumulated within your body to come into play. Hurry up and draw them out for energy supply, and achieve the body of a True God right now."

Hearing this, Lin Manshan didn't hesitate, and immediately operated the Meridian Heaven Skill, mobilizing the Soul Core within the Lower Dantian and pulling out the life energy within it to run along the meridians.

A moment later, he only felt a fiery heat rising from his limbs and bones, scorching every cell in his body.

Pain, pain to the core.

There was no time to be distracted, so he could only withdraw his Martial Soul first and focus on operating the technique and mobilizing the life energy.

At the same time, cultivating soul power, and making the strength of the physical body rise by one point, the soul power in the body would also be one point more, adding one point to the protection of the physical body.

Gradually, the pain that was originally somewhat difficult to control began to ease down.

Crackling, bone-crushing sound was heard continuously, until a certain moment, the eight spider spears behind his back brushed up and popped out, the entire body clothing turned into flying ash, the skin on the body began to ooze out keratin, and at a very fast speed it became more and thicker, wrapping the body all over.

Not long ago, a dark green armour formed, gold lines spread all over the edges and intersections.

"Natal Soul Gear Spiritize!" As if remembering something, Lin Mansshan suddenly gritted his teeth and urged his soul power to surge behind him. In just an instant, the eight spider spears behind his back were dyed with a green jade texture, and between the glowing reflections, the outlines began to flow, stretch and change.

A few breaths later, eight dark green arms rhythmically moved their fingers.

"???" It can still be played like this? Shan was instantly taken aback.

His mind couldn't help but think of the multiple elemental energies he felt within Lin Manshan's body, and he inwardly exclaimed, "Good idea!"

Worthy of being my chosen heir. He added inwardly.

Then he continued, "Ah Man, at this rate, soon, you will have both a divine body, divine soul, and the divine power of the Soul Law, achieving the position of a True God. As for low-level energy like spirit power, it is ultimately transformed from the energy of heaven and earth. When you go out, you can directly draw from the heavens and earth to transform it. With a sturdy divine body as a base, there's no need to worry about any hidden dangers at all."

"In short, how strong your physical body is, how much energy of heaven and earth you can absorb."

"The power of the soul is compatible with all things, and the same is true for the divine power of the soul. It is almost a different system from the power of the elements. You can even practise both."

"That may be why the rules of heaven and earth limit me. I cannot have a physical body and I cannot leave the underworld as soon as I am born."

"Haha..." He laughed uncontrollably, "And now I can finally get rid of this bondage."


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