Chapter 339 The wise Tang San

Two days later, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, the backyard. Ta-ta-ta, the sound of hurried footsteps was heard.

"Eh?" Ning Fengzhi, who was drinking tea in the living room, instantly raised his head and put down his teacup to look out the door.

In an instant, the footsteps disappeared, and a male voice sounded, "Patriarch, there are two guests of unknown origin outside the clan gate who want to see you by name, one of whom is suspected to be a Titled Douluo."

Unknown origin Titled Douluo, naming to see me. Looking at the situation, there was no notification of identity, but rather the release of pressure on the gate guards to show off their strength. Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly and turned his head to look at the Sword Douluo sitting on the side with the Bone Douluo, then he rose from the seat to stand up and stride towards the door, the Sword Douluo, the Bone Douluo also stood up to follow along.

"Where is the guest now?" Pushing open the door, he looked towards the reporting disciple.

"Already been led to the meeting hall." The disciple responded respectfully.

"Well, I see, you go back." Ning Fengzhi nodded and took large strides toward the Meeting Hall.

Not long after, the three of them arrived at the meeting hall, and when they looked around, their pupils instantly shrunk.

"Uncle Ning, long time no see." Tang San, who had already uncovered his black robe because he heard the footsteps, was the first to speak out.

According to Tang Chen's intention, the two were originally going to go directly to the Skywalker Academy, however, midway through, he changed his mind.

According to the news he had initially received when the Clear Sky Clan was destroyed, Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo were also present. However, a group of Titled Douluo from the Martial Spirit Hall was staring at Ning Fengzhi, so they couldn't do much. However, after the destruction of the Clear Sky Clan, it was difficult to say the current stance of Ning Fengzhi.

Therefore, he proposed to Tang Chen to come to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

A battle between two Level 99 Titled Douluos would take place, and with the distance between the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan and the Skywalker Academy, it would definitely be sensed by the Sword Douluo and the Bone Douluo.

At that time, Ning Fengzhi would definitely be there to observe the battle. Then, who would Ning Fengzhi choose to help?

The Clear Sky Clan had already been destroyed, so Ning Fengzhi might not necessarily fail to choose to intervene against them to befriend the newly rising Skywalker Academy.

However, given Ning Fengzhi's character, he would never let Sword Douluo or Bone Douluo join the battlefield when the situation was not favourable.

Thus, he had come wearing a black robe and also walked outside the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan's gates in a grand manner.

Two black-robed men of unknown origin had come to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, and this undisguised news was bound to be known by someone outside now. Then, if they fought at Skywalker Academy next, their identities would be guessed regardless of whether they won or lost.

In this situation, Ning Fengzhi lost the opportunity to make another choice when the battle became favourable.

Joining in to help only after the fight was almost over, and meeting up with one's enemies, no one would like this kind of fence-sitter. As such, even if Ning Fengzhi had intervened to help the Skywalker Academy during the battle, he wouldn't have been able to gain Dugu Bo's friendship afterwards.

Therefore, in this situation, Ning Fengzhi's best option was to not help each other and stand far away and watch.

This would undoubtedly eliminate a few hidden dangers in their next actions.

In addition, with Tang Chen's return, coupled with his current Titled Douluo Strength, it might not be impossible to pull Ning Fengzhi into the water and deal with the Skywalker Academy together, increasing their chances of victory.

Although this possibility seemed minimal to Tang Chen, he also recognised that a trip was necessary.

Ning Fengzhi choosing to be neutral and watching the show, how could it be worse than Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo joining against them?

"Three of you, long time no see." Tang Chen swept his gaze over Ning Fengzhi as well as Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo and spoke blandly.

"Greetings, Coronet Clear Sky." Ning Fengzhi, who stood at the front position, responded respectfully.

Tang Chen waved his hand and continued, "Sect Leader Ning, the old man has come today for only one reason."

"Dugu Bo's strength has risen to level 99, and with the destruction of the Clear Sky Clan that day, and the presence of a bunch of Titled Douluo from the Martial Spirit Hall in the surroundings, it's understandable that Sect Leader Ning chose to stand by and watch the show. But now that I've returned, the promise of the Upper Three Clans being in the same breath, I wonder if Sect Leader Ning still remembers it now?"

At that, the majestic power of his body was slightly released, and the surrounding air suddenly became a little heavy.

Such a might; it seemed that Tang Chen's strength had become stronger again. However. Compared to him... Sword Douluo suddenly realised that although the majestic power released by Tang Chen gave him a feeling of extreme danger, it was far less than the feeling that Dugu Bo had given him that day in the Imperial Palace.

Tang Chen's might was as suffocating and mind-numbing as a towering mountain.

Dugu Bo, on the other hand, let him have a feeling of being in the ocean, what he could feel was only his own insignificance.

How can a lofty mountain be compared to an infinite ocean?

From this, it was clear that Dugu Bo's strength was definitely above the current Tang Chen.

Ning Fengzhi also felt this point, and immediately had a plan in his heart, slightly arching his hand, with a bitter smile on his face, he said, "It's not that Ning is unwilling, but it's really difficult to intervene. Right now, everyone in the spirit master world thinks that your clan is connected to spirit beasts, and that nephew Tang San has also been characterised as an evil spirit master. If I intervene in this situation, I will certainly become a target. Ai, I still hope that Coronet will understand Ning's predicament."

Tang Chen nodded slightly, "I already know what happened, Tang San merely devoured some spirit beasts, and did not devour any innocent spirit masters with his external spirit bone. Characterising him as an evil spirit master is a bit of a fuss."

"Humans and spirit beasts are originally mortal enemies, are spirit masters cruel for hunting and killing spirit beasts to absorb spirit rings? For countless years, has the spirit master community killed fewer spirit beasts?"

"Colluding with spirit beasts is even more of a joke, my Clear Sky Clan has stood on the continent for many years, and has not yet fallen to that point."   

"In my opinion, these baseless accusations are nothing more than the Skywalker Academy and the Martial Spirit Hall fuelling the flames, and people are just saying what they want to believe."

"Ai, it's hard to tell with all the people talking, and Ning can't stand on his own in this world." Ning Fengzhi also sighed.

There was no doubt that Tang San hadn't told Tang Chen all about what he and Tang Hao had done over the years. Otherwise, with Tang Chen's nature, he would definitely punish him severely. Tang San, this person, is truly untrustworthy. He glanced at Tang San with his spare light and concluded inwardly.

The two came today with a heart to kill. Between his thoughts, he also understood the thinking of the two men.

"Uncle Ning" Tang San interjected at this time, "Next, Junior will go to Skywalker Academy with great-grandfather, no matter what choice Uncle Ning makes. I only have one thing to say."

With that, the spirit power surged from his body, and under his feet, the yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, red, red, black nine spirit rings were unfolded, and then they retracted at an extremely fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, they unfolded once again, except the spirit rings turned into seven black rings.

"Junior has now been promoted to the peak of level 96, and like great-grandfather, I have obtained the inheritance of God as well."

"Being able to attain today's strength is also precisely because Junior has already passed the first few divine examinations."

Peak level 96, Divine Inheritance. Ning Fengzhi's heart suddenly fluttered.

This was undoubtedly a threat, becoming a god at level 100, who could stop them? If he didn't help, when Tang Chen and Tang San defeated Dugu Bo and overthrew the Skywalker Academy, then the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan would meet its end, and with Tang San's penny-pinching nature, if he became a god, he would definitely retaliate.

As for helping him, again, with Tang San's nature, if he became a god, he might not treat the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan well.

This was a choice where the crisis far outweighed the opportunity.

Most importantly, the two of them had yet to complete the Divine Examination, meaning that they had yet to become a God at level 100.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"Nephew is truly gifted."

Then, intentionally, he smiled and spoke, "When the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament was held, Ning had said that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan would always be a friend of the nephew, and today, my reply remains the same."

Heh, what a fence-sitter. Just now he still looked embarrassed, now that he saw that I was strong and had the potential to become a god, he immediately changed his face. Tang San inwardly laughed coldly, but on his face, he smiled, "Then the junior will wait for Uncle Ning's good news."

"In that case, we should set off now." Tang Chen was inwardly disdainful, his tone was bland.

Tang San was able to advance to the peak of level 96 just by passing the first few divine examinations, while he originally had level 99 strength, passing a few more divine examinations naturally strengthened him.

On the other hand, Dugu Bo had only been promoted to level 99 not long ago, so the gap between the two was obvious.

In his opinion, Ning Fengzhi had thought of this very point, which was why his attitude had suddenly made a 180-degree turn.

Judging from this situation, he was ready to wait for an opportunity to help.

A helpful act is a helpful act, but such a fence-sitter was not something he was happy to see.

"Ning will see you off." Ning Fengzhi still had a smile on his face as he escorted the two away.

When the two of them walked away, his face was instantly sombre.

"Let's go back to the house and talk about it." With that, he turned around and walked towards the house.

"Fengzhi, are you thinking?" Closing the door, Sword Douluo couldn't help but ask. Having known each other for many years, he could naturally guess some of Ning Fengzhi's thoughts from his face, he just wasn't sure.

"In this battle, Tang Chen and Tang San must die!" Ning Fengzhi's voice was harsh, "If the two of them become Gods, the balance of the continent that we've maintained for so long will be directly broken. Not only will Skywalker Academy and the Martial Spirit Hall face extinction, but I'm afraid our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan won't be able to end up any better either."

"Tang San this person, I really can't trust him."

"So, you've decided to help Skywalker Academy?" Sword Douluo couldn't help but say.

"Hmm." Ning Fengzhi nodded slightly, "Lin Manshan is a person who remembers favours, and this crisis at Skywalker Academy is a good opportunity for my Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan. With this grace of help, I'm sure Lin Manshan will treat our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan well when he grows up in the future, or at the very least, he won't do any harm."

Saying that his eyes swept over Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, "This operation, it must be foolproof!"

"Uncle Sword, Uncle Bone, let's go together."

"Good." The two men nodded with cautious faces.

With that, Sword Douluo lightly waved his sleeve to conjure a longsword to hover on the ground, and Ning Fengzhi obediently approached and stepped on it.

Not long after, several streams of light flew out of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan and flew in the direction of the Skywalker Academy.


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