Chapter 340 God, Origin

In the Underworld, in the centre of the hall, above the dais, the huge eyeball faded away illusorily, leaving only a bowl-sized dazzling green ball of light surrounding a jade-coloured bead the size of a dragon's eye, which gently flew in front of Lin Manshan, who had already landed on the ground underneath the dais.

As the ball of light flickered, a voice entered his mind, "Ah Man, this is the Soul Eye, a divine artefact that I have spent countless years nurturing with my own essence. Now that the divine position has been passed on to you, I am considered to have broken free and no longer need to rely on the Soul Eye. Next, I will enter the Reincarnation Passage and start a new life, so this Soul Eye will also be given to you."

"In the future, the Underworld will be in your hands."

As the words echoed, the emerald-coloured orb slowly floated in front of Lin Manshan's eyes, and the voice was heard once again.

"The Soul Eye is condensed from pure soul power, and does not have a solid entity in itself, but it can protect and augment the soul, so you can incorporate it into your Sea of Divine Consciousness."

"In this way, when you unleash a skill similar to a soul attack in the future, the power will be greatly enhanced."

"In addition, the Soul Eye can also assist in peering into the outside world and recording what you see. Everything I've seen and heard over these countless years has been recorded and backed up, so this is also considered my gift to you. Seeing more things is always useful. However, with just a few years of experience, you have now, prying into my memories that have spanned countless years will most likely have a detrimental effect on yourself."

"This is also the reason why I did not directly transmit the memories hidden within the Soul Eye to you just now."

"Keep it for now, and look at it slowly in the future."

Incorporating the memories directly, I'm afraid my brain might burst. Lin Manshan received the Soul Eye and nodded, "Shan, thank you."

"You're welcome." Shan said indifferently, "Also, there's one more thing, about where you came from."

"Looks like you noticed." Lin Manshan's expression remained the same, during the process of receiving the inheritance, his body was almost in a state of complete defencelessness towards Shan. As the soul power passed in, it was normal for Shan to be able to feel the abnormality in his soul as well.

"Well, your soul contains a hidden memory that does not belong to this world." Shan directly pointed it out and then said, "Such an example is not unheard of in the history of ages that I have witnessed. There are only two reasons why this would occur. One is that the soul is special and can resist the River Styx's flushing and wiping of memories. However, as far as I know, even if this happens, the reincarnated person can only retain a very small portion of their memories, which will subsequently be ignored as a fantasized dream."

"There is also another situation where the being was extremely strong before death, and the strong tend to have remarkable soul strength, thus even after death and falling into the River Styx, they can resist the River Styx's washing over them, and even swim up to the shore to move around in the Underworld for a while."

Shan once said that his name came from a strong person who swam ashore from the River Styx. Lin Manshan nodded slightly.

"Therefore, I assume that in one of your lifetimes, you were most likely an extremely powerful and strong person, a strong person who specialized in the Way of the Soul. This point can be glimpsed from the special energy in your body that was transformed from the power of the soul." Shan continued, "If one day, you really want to trace the source of the memory, my suggestion is that you might as well try swimming against the River Styx."

Could it be I am 'him' in my former life, therefore, when the memories were shared I had the first perspective. Lin Manshan had some sort of notion rise up within him at once, and then he murmured.

"Against the flow of the River Styx, could it be that the upstream source of the River Styx is connected to other worlds?"

"Not only the upstream, but also the downstream." Shan replied, "The nature of the Underworld is, from a certain point of view, a transit station, as well as a special spatial node. To put it simply, the outside world is like a funnel, with the mouth of the funnel representing the range that the Divine Realm outside can radiate to, encompassing numerous life worlds. The Underworld, on the other hand, is the neck outlet of the funnel."

No wonder there was only a vortex in the sky above the Underworld. Lin Manshan nodded his head slightly and listened attentively.

"After the living beings outside die, their souls will fall into this neck outlet, and their memories will be washed away and dissipated in the River Styx, leaving only the purest soul essence. After that, they will be washed downstream by the Styx River to the Reincarnation Passage, or they will walk into the Reincarnation gate. The end is the same, being reinserted into the outside world by the spatial passage where the Reincarnation Passage is located, and beginning a new reincarnation with a new identity." Shan continued.

"It's worth mentioning that the soul essence, as the soul's most initial form, after being plunged into life, the race attained is not fixed. It could be a human, a beast, or even a mountain, rock, flower, or tree. Therefore, from my perspective, there is essentially no difference between the various beings in the outside world. This is because after death, the souls all end up transforming into a completely blank soul essence, and everything will start from scratch."

"The soul origin is the ultimate destination of life, as well as the starting point of life." Lin Manshan nodded slightly.

"Not bad, the role of the Underworld is to recycle souls, clean up the memories before dispersing them to form new life, allowing the outside world to operate always with vitality." Shan made a summary, then brought back the topic, "However, after spending so much time in the Underworld, honestly speaking, I have never been able to figure out where exactly the upper reaches of the River Styx are connected to, and I can't enter due to the restrictions placed on me."

"However, I guess that it might be connected to some higher level world, a new cycle of reincarnation."

"The reason for this speculation is because, after years of observation, I have found that the number of beings reincarnated from here sometimes doesn't match up with the number of new beings born in the outside world. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Then the question arises, where did the reduced soul origin go? Did it wear out in the spatial passage? But if it's worn out, then why the quantity is sometimes more?"

"So, you're guessing that the part where the quantity is wrong is because of other realms?" Lin Manshan couldn't help but say.   

"That's right." Shan responded, "Unfortunately, the world outside is too big, and it's really difficult for me alone to observe the whole picture. Adding to that, there are restrictions on me that prevent me from personally entering the Reincarnation Passage to find out what's going on. Thus, the answer to this question has never been sought."

"Perhaps, you can give it a try in the future. Of course, it would be best to pass on the divine throne first."

"Hm, Shan, I'll make a note of this matter." Lin Manshan nodded.

"Since everything is settled, then I will leave now. Manshan, I hope we'll have the chance to meet again in the future." Shan added, "Also, counting the time, Tang Chen and Tang San will almost be reaching your Skywalker Academy, so I think it's time for you to go back as well."

"They won't be able to do any harm, I'll see you off first." Lin Manshan smiled.

"Two jumping clowns are nothing to worry about, their actions, I can also observe them in the Underworld later, and I can make a move at any time."

"That's also true, anyway, you can now enter and exit the Underworld at will." Shan also spoke in a relaxed tone.

Not to mention that he could enter and exit the Underworld at will, Lin Manshan is also extremely powerful right now.

The strength of his soul had reached the realm of the God King, and this was the result of him adding the soul power that had been accumulated in the Underworld for many years to Lin Manshan's body. There were no other gods in the Underworld right now, and if the soul strength wasn't used on the heir Lin Manshan, who else could he give it to?

With the power of a realm added to his body, the strength could be imagined.

As for the physical body, it was at least at the level of a first-class god. Taking into account the enchantment from that strange energy in Lin Manshan's body, he doesn't have to keep it low-key. Honestly, even he was envious. To be this strong just after becoming a God, his future achievements were simply unpredictable.

No matter what, squeezing Tang Chen and Tang San would simply be too effortless.

"Let's go then." Lin Manshan chimed in.

"Good," Shan responded, levitating and floating towards the entrance of the grand hall.

Not long after, in front of the gate of the Reincarnation, Lin Manshan slightly arched his hand and watched as the ball of light that Shan had transformed into drifted into the gate of the Reincarnation.

Only then did he murmur in a low voice, ''Do I need to find another successor? Older brother Shan, you'll be next!"

"Who would let their own child be restricted?" The throne of the Underworld God was not something he was very eager to pass on to his children.

As a God King level innate god born to uphold the law of the soul, Shan was definitely carrying memories after being reborn, he knows about this from Rebirth of God King Tang San.

It was just that the Shan has too many memories, so he believed that he would be in a state of long-time sealing, and live many lives before he could remember everything.

But so what, he would awaken one day.

"I hope you don't get reincarnated in another realm." Mumbling quietly, Lin Manshan spread out his palms and controlled the Soul Eye to fly towards his brow, without the slightest hint of a gap, it simply merged in an instant. There was no memory influx anomaly occurring, and everything seemed extremely calm.

A super divine artefact was a super divine artefact, with almost no flaws.

Immersing his thoughts and controlling the Soul Eye to enter the Spiritual Soul Core, and when it was done fusing, Lin Manshan raised his head to look at the vortex in the empty space.

With a thought, the centre of his brow flashed with light.

In the empty space, the huge vortex remained unchanged, but in Lin Manshan's eyes, the scene of other worlds had already appeared.


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