Chapter 342 Opportunity to Escape

Afterwards, his right hand raised, handing the Shura Divine Sword over to Tang San, and transmitted a message, 'Xiao San, take it, I'll create an opportunity for you to escape later.'

'With your qualifications, plus the divine artefact Shura Blood Sword, you should be able to cope with the next divine exam.'

'Remember, before you become a god, you must not show yourself.'

'Also, if you really manage to escape and eventually become a god. When you revitalize the Clear Sky Clan, Great Ancestor hopes that you'll make a trip to Sea God Island, and help me bring a message to Sea God Island's High Priestess, Bo Saixi, just tell her that I've wronged her and that I can't fulfil my promise any longer.'

At these words, Tang San's eyes suddenly reddened, just wanting to speak.

"Don't make a squirming gesture, hurry up and take it." Tang Chen's voice filled with majesty was heard.

Only then did Tang San take the Shura Blood Sword, nodding slightly with a firm gaze.

Seeing this, Tang Chen turned back, his body's aura suddenly erupting, "Killing Domain." In just an instant, the entire sky was haloed blood-red, and in the next moment, "Ring Explosion!" The nine spirit rings underneath his feet, which had already changed to seven black and two red due to passing the eighth exam, all shattered and dissipated in an instant.

What followed was a rising aura around his body, coming to a certain unfathomable point in the blink of an eye.

"What a terrifying aura!"

The surrounding onlookers all stared in awe, including Ning Fengzhi, the Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo at the front were also staring in disbelief.

Facing the Tang Chen at this moment, they all felt their own insignificance, as if they were facing death directly.

"Forcibly stepping into the God Realm, Your Excellency, really has great courage." However, Dugu Bo's expression remained the same, his tone was bland.

Unfortunately, he only has the lowest class God power, even with the enchantment of a divine weapon, he would only barely be able to reach the level of a third-class God. Inwardly, he thought on a dark note.

"As expected, Your Excellency has already taken that step." Tang Chen's expression was also unchanged, only his tone carried a hint of lamentation.

"???!" That step, is it possible that he...Ning Fengzhi's gaze instantly moved to Dugu Bo.

The face of Tang San on Tang Chen's side also changed drastically, looking at Dugu Bo in disbelief.

Then he saw Tang Chen slowly raise the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, pointing at Dugu Bo from afar, "To be able to fight with a god, it's not a pointless life. Today, it's up to me, Tang Chen, to personally test the power of God." As the words fell, his figure directly disappeared in place.

In just the blink of an eye, he had already arrived above Dugu Bo's head.

"Great Sumeru Hammer!" A huge crimson hammer that was tens of meters wide covered the sky.

Dugu Bo's face remained unchanged as he raised his right hand, grey breath flowing along his arm as he slapped out his palm.

"Boom!" A huge air wave suddenly exploded, sweeping in all directions.

"Spirit Sword Guardian." Sword Douluo's expression changed, immediately casting a ranged defensive skill, as the sword light glowed, it transformed into a glistening white light cover which shrouded himself with Ning Fengzhi and the others at the back, the Bone Douluo not too far away also rushed to the scene, releasing a defensive spirit skill to block in the forefront.

The next moment, the terrifying air wave arrived, "Boom!" The line-up was instantly crushed with a sound.

"Fengzhi!" During the process of falling back, the early-prepared Sword Douluo was quick on his feet and grabbed Ning Fengzhi.

"Uncle Bone, quickly go and stop Tang San. Tang Chen's strike was intentional, aiming to knock us, who are in the sky backwards, and at the same time repel Tang San out of the battle range, making it easier for him to escape." Ning Fengzhi's eyes glanced at the direction Tang San had retreated backwards in, and he hurriedly said.

As long as Bone Douluo held Tang San back by relying on his own defence, Skywalker Academy's Shui Bing'er, Yang Wudi, and Niu Gao would surely be able to take over the fight. The three were shocked flying in the opposite direction, only their side was closest, so the role of holding back must be taken by them.

Dugu Bo had already become a god, so he had to be taken seriously and cautiously.

"Alright, Old Chen, you guard Fengzhi here to avoid being affected by Tang Chen's attack again." Bone Douluo quickly responded.

From Dugu Bo's previous words, it could be deduced that the current state of Tang Chen's strength had already reached the God level, and his power was difficult to speculate. With their participation in the siege today, it was inevitable that Tang Chen would harbour a grudge, and if he seized an opening to make a move, it would be dangerous.

"Good." Sword Douluo nodded, pulling Ning Fengzhi along as he turned his body and quickly flew towards the ground.

Seeing this, Bone Douluo immediately utilized his own supernatural spatial ability and directly disappeared in place. In the sky, black mist exploded continuously, rapidly approaching Tang San's direction. At the same time, he used his spare glance to observe the battlefield where Dugu Bo was, preventing Tang Chen from seizing the gap to attack over.

However, such worry was clearly redundant.

When he looked around, Dugu Bo's palm was taped on the surface of the Clear Sky Hammer's head, but his figure didn't budge even a bit.

"Is this the strength of a god? Even the spirit rings haven't been revealed..." Bone Douluo was shocked inwardly, 'I'm afraid that Tang Chen was also anticipating this kind of situation, that's why he blew up all of his spirit rings at the first opportunity, and unleashed the strongest strike, fighting for the only chance for Tang San to escape.'

Amid his thoughts, on the other side, Shui Bing'er, Yang Wudi, and Niu Gao, who had stabilized their stances, quickly flew towards Tang San's direction.   

Regarding Tang Chen's previous strike, Dugu Bo's response was extremely skilful, causing all the shock waves generated by Tang Chen's attack to scatter in the air and not reach the Academy on the ground.

With Dugu Bo around, they didn't need to worry about Tang Chen having the chance to harm the Academy.

Tang Chen was creating an opportunity for Tang San to escape, but how was this not leaving Tang San alone?

Tang San's martial soul itself didn't provide the host with the ability to fly, and being able to sprint through the air relied on his strong cultivation to float through the air. On their side, Shui Bing'er has a proper top-flying beast martial soul, so catching up is just a matter of time.

What's more, looking at the situation, Bone Douluo is also prepared to participate in the interception, and they know about his unique spatial ability.

Today, Tang San absolutely had no possibility of escaping.

As they flew, a bland reminder suddenly came from Dugu Bo behind them, "Tang Chen, being distracted in front of me, I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

Hearing this, Tang Chen retracted his gaze from Tang San, twisted around and lifted the Clear Sky Hammer, the red aura in his eyes flickered, the skin all over his body began to bubble up with blood mist, and in just the blink of an eye it had turned a shade of red, and at the next moment, the blood-red mark in the centre of his eyebrow brightened up suddenly.

"Eh? Shura Divine Power." Dugu Bo's complexion couldn't help but slightly condense.

Although he had become a god, after all, it was only a very short period of time, and the spirit power in his body had yet to be completely transformed into divine power, so his strength did not reach the level of a first-class god as personified by the divine position. On the other hand, Shura God is a God King level powerhouse, and his divine power level is naturally not low. If Tang Hao were to execute an attack that contained Shura divine power, even he would have to deal with it seriously, just in case, he didn't want to overturn the chariot.

Most importantly, the Academy was below him, and he didn't want the Academy to suffer a single loss.

Tang Chen's majestic energy that erupted at this moment was also mixed with Shura Divine Power, almost wrapping his entire body and forming a natural barrier. Even if it was him, it was impossible to break through and disrupt the process in an instant in one fell swoop. If he wanted to ensure that the academy wasn't damaged, he could only resist it.

Tang Chen was fighting for his life!

He truly is a man, but it's a pity that his descendants are incompetent.

With this thought, he immediately mobilized the divine power in his body, and between the grey breath that filled his body, his body was instantly clad in divine armour.

Precisely at this time.

"Nine to one, Great Sumeru Hammer!" Tang Chen lifted the Clear Sky Hammer again, and as the Clear Sky Hammer swung, the blood-coloured breath all over his body condensed at an extremely fast speed, and soon condensed into tens of meters tall, unreadable peculiar silhouette.

"Take my blow!" The waist twisted, and the hammer front struck Dugu Bo directly.

"Good, come on." Dugu Bo's gaze condensed, the grey breath in his palm quickly condensed, and he slapped out another palm.

At this exact moment, "Pfft!" Tang Chen suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his wrist twisted, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand was slightly deflected.

"Not good!" Dugu Bo's face immediately changed, at the same time, a fluctuation flashed through his mind, his face instantly regained its calmness as he sighed, "Tang Chen, if the Clear Sky Clan had had you around over the years, perhaps it wouldn't have come to this point of destruction. Your descendants have inherited the great fame and power you've created, but they have not inherited your will and heart, it was arrogance and prejudice that ruined them."

Tang Chen didn't say a word, his teeth clenched tightly, a strike that surpassed his own limits, reversing and striking in Tang San's direction by forcibly reversing his spirit power, it distorted his meridians.

"Rumble!" Terrifying shock waves instantly exploded, shaking the air in front as well.

Dugu Bo, who had already stopped moving, silently watched as the wave that could almost be called an air cannon distorted the air and spread in the direction of Shui Bing'er and the others.

"Pffffffff" The mountains and forests on the ground were also affected by the wave, blowing up a hurricane and sending broken branches and debris flying.

Of course, it wasn't in the direction of Skywalker Academy.

"Ah!" In the rear, Tang Chen's body suddenly exploded into a cloud of blood mist amidst a stern cry. Pieces of spirit bones flew out, and Dugu Bo's quick eyes and hands caught them one by one.

"Great Ancestor!" Tang San, who looked back, was instantly enraged, his eyes turning crimson.

The next moment, "Ring Explosion!" Without hesitation, he blew up all the spirit rings of the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul and accelerated to speed up.

On his way to Skywalker Academy, Tang Chen had already taught him the Ring Explosion and Great Sumerian Hammer techniques.

On the other hand, feeling the terrifying energy fluctuations coming from behind, Yang Wudi and Niu Gao, who were running at the back, felt their scalps explode, and turned their heads to look at the hundreds of meters of range in front of them, and as far as they could see, everything had become distorted and indiscernible.

However, the next second.

"Boom!" A huge rumbling sound was heard, and what seemed to be an invisible wall of air appeared, the incoming terrifying air-waves suddenly burst into air, all swept up towards the sky above and poured out, piercing a wide hole in the higher level clouds.

At the bottom of the hole, a black figure appeared.


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