Chapter 343 Tang San crashes

"Lin Manshan?!" Ning Fengzhi was instantly dumbstruck.

Even though they were more than a thousand metres apart, and he could only catch a glimpse of the silhouette, he still recognised the person who had come was none other than Lin Manshan at first glance, 'To think that he could so easily stop an attack of such intensity, and appeared out of thin air without his movements even being seen. Could it be that Lin Manshan has also been promoted to God?' Inwardly, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

"Ah Man."

Seeing the person who came, Shui Bing'er, Yang Wudi, and Niu Gao, who had halted mid-air, were also stunned, and then their faces revealed joy.

To be able to stop Tang Chen's desperate strike so easily, Lin Manshan had undoubtedly succeeded in advancing to godhood.

"Bing'er, Uncle Yang, Uncle Niu, you guys go back first, just leave Tang San to me." As the words fell, there was a fluctuation in the air, and Lin Manshan's figure disappeared in place.

'Could it be that Lin Manshan has become a god?' In the distance, Tang San, who was looking back but not stopping his pace, had a look of disbelief on his face.

In the next second, "Tang San, stay." A black mist suddenly blossomed in the sky before him, "Ninth Spirit Skill, Divine Bone Dragon!" Bone Douluo finally caught up with Tang San by virtue of his spatial teleportation ability, and the giant bone dragon he had transformed into directly slapped up a claw.

"Just based on you!?" Tang San coldly snorted, "Clear Sky Nine Absolute, Shock!" He slammed a hammer by twisting his body.

"Bam!" A huge bang rang out, "Pfff!" Bone Douluo spat blood from his mouth on the spot, and dragged backwards along with the giant bone dragon.

In order to escape, Tang San had previously blown up all nine spirit rings of the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul at the first opportunity, including two 100,000-year-old spirit rings. A massive amount of energy infused his body, so the amplification he received was naturally terrifying, plus, he had a peak level 96 cultivation.

Without a doubt, Tang San in this state was by no means something he could resist.

Although he was seriously injured as a result, in his opinion, this particular block was absolutely worth it, and this injury had to be suffered as well.

Because Lin Manshan had blocked that strike from Tang Chen, which he had also seen.

Given the situation right now, with Dugu Bo's god-level strength firmly established, and Tang Chen being dead, Tang San's first thought would definitely be to run away.

Thus, in the face of his block, he definitely wouldn't expend too much spirit power to launch an attack.

In addition, as he approached abruptly with his spatial shuttling ability, Tang San was unlikely to launch an overly powerful technique in his haste. Plus, he himself was a defence system spirit master, possessing a top-level defence system martial soul, and his cultivation had reached the peak of level 95.

When exerting himself at his full capacity, Tang San's hasty strike shouldn't be enough to directly take his life.

This was also the reason why he dared to launch a direct attack after getting close.

"Cough." Between the figures falling back, within sight, behind Tang San, a black shadow appeared out of nowhere.

At the same time, he only felt a breeze brushing against his back, a soft support came, and the speed of his body's descent slowed down.

I've made a right bet. Bone Douluo covered his chest with his hand, forcibly endured the pain and mobilised his spirit power to stabilise his body.

"Tang San, long time no see." Lin Manshan's flat voice also came from behind Tang San at this time.

"!!!?" When? I didn't even notice. Tang San instantly felt a chill run down his spine, his hair stood upright. Immediately, almost out of reflex, his arms instantly tensed, and between twists of his waist, the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand dragged and swept horizontally to the back.

"Plop!" There was no violent collision sound, just a fragile thud, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand did not advance an inch further.

"How is this possible?" His pupils shrunk, and an incredulous expression appeared on his face.

Looking around, Lin Manshan's body stood majestically motionless, only the five fingers of his right hand lightly resting on the edge of the Clear Sky Hammer's hammer head.

"Tang San, next, you only have one chance." Lin Manshan's tone remained unchanged, his right hand gently pushed, "Pfft!" Tang San instantly felt a strong yet non-offensive wind pressure spreading all over his body, and his body fell backwards uncontrollably.

"Lin! Man! Shan!"   

Tang San's teeth clenched as he spat out word after word, anger, humiliation, unwillingness, and countless emotions surged through his heart. He didn't want to believe, nor did he want to think that Lin Manshan, whose talent was once far below his, had now left him far behind.

He had clearly worked so hard and cultivated at an extremely fast speed, raising his cultivation to the peak of level 96 in just a few years.

Why, why was he still unable to surpass Lin Manshan!

How could it come to this! It shouldn't end up like this. Halting his figure, Tang San slowly lifted his head, crimson eyes staring directly at Lin Manshan, his forehead veins bulging out, his skin continuously dispersed scarlet blood mist, and the Eight Spider Spears behind his back spreading out wide at the roots.

"Ring Explosion!" As soon as the words fell, the seven spirit rings belonging to the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul also instantly exploded.

"Pffffff" The clothes on his body crumbled inch by inch, revealing blood veins protruding like muscles with blood-coloured lines spread all over the body.

"Great Sumeru Hammer!" During the low shout, his right hand violently propped up, the Clear Sky Hammer in his palm rose against the wind, accompanied by gusts of sonic booms, and the air appeared to be distorted and illusory due to the violent energy discharge. After a blink of an eye, a huge blood-coloured hammer tens of metres long appeared in the sky.

Carrying the momentum of wind and thunder, it struck Lin Manshan directly in the face.

Lin Manshan's face remained unchanged, as he allowed the wind to roar, and his hair danced. Only when the surface of the huge hammer came in front of his eyes to shroud his body, did he raise his right hand and lightly tap on it, "Boom!" The air was instantly detonated, and powerful wind waves swept out in all directions.

"This is too terrifying." Even the crowd of Skywalker Academy teachers and students, who were already far away by a few miles, could hear the explosions radiating through the air, and the ground trembled.

The feelings of Ning Fengzhi and the others, who were chasing after them close to the battlefield, were even more drastic.

"Looks like Lin Manshan has become a god as well." Sword Douluo helped the Bone Douluo who had landed on the ground to steady himself and spoke in an emotional tone.

On the side, Ning Fengzhi's gaze flickered, it was unknown what he was thinking.

"Before I realised he had already come this far." In the distance, Qian Renxue, who had approached from the other side, looked at the sky, watching the figure whose clothes had settled and loomed, her expression was complex. Lin Manshan was much younger than her, yet he had become a god early on.

Without any reason, a look of decadence rose up on her face at once.

"This is impossible!?" On the other side, Tang San's eyes were glazed over in a frenzy, as if he was having trouble accepting everything in front of him.

Precisely at this moment, Lin Manshan's originally flat palm suddenly grabbed weakly.

"Ka-ching. Click, click," A crisp sound immediately came, on the surface of the hammer, cracks began to appear.

Tang San's countenance instantly changed drastically, if the martial soul was damaged, the spirit master's body would also suffer a backlash.

Without the slightest hesitation, he tried to recall his martial soul by withdrawing his spirit power. However, it was already too late. Within his line of sight, Lin Manshan's five fingers grasped weakly and exerted a fierce force.

"Ka-ching." The surface of the hammer cracked like a huge stone hitting thin ice, and the cracks spread out at an extremely fast speed.

"Ah!" Tang San instantly screamed miserably, just feeling the pain as if his soul was being torn apart at once.

The next moment, "Boom!" The Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul in his hand suddenly exploded, turning into countless fragments that shot out in all directions.

"Poof!" As the host, Tang San immediately felt a heavy blow, violently spitting out a mouthful of blood, his body uncontrollably flew backwards and fell down.

"Boom!" It hit the ground straight away, smashing out a large pit.


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