Chapter 26

"You've been hexed, Psyche."

Hex. One of the nastiest, and offensive powers of a witch. Hexing was usually rarely used by witches, not because of benevolence or anything like that. It was because Hexing required an endless supply of magic.

Hexing…. It was pure evil, and wicked to use a hex on anyone, maybe it was just my mindset but I wouldn't wish a hex on my worst enemy.

And now I have been hexed? Thinking about it I already had hints of suspicions, perhaps my fear kneaded that suspicion, but hearing it turned those hints of suspicions into a full blown tumor in an instant. 

A hex was a construct of a spell ingrained with the hexer's magic, and sent to their target. It required the hexer to allow the he'd to continuously draw magic from them, which was the reason why most witches didn't hex randomly, matter of fact the average witch didn't have the capabilities of casting a hex on someone.