Chapter 36

She pulled off her outfit splendidly. A swan-like dwarf in her white nylon-like transparent toe-length skirt, with mini fluff balls in the middle, and faded patterns on it. Her top was a simple one, white as well, only for some reason the V-neck top slid up a little at the side, allowing her corpse-like shade of skin for everyone with eyes to see.

There was a mild temptation that originated in my gut, causing me to forcibly retract my eyes from the innocent skin. I added more pressure into schooling a plain expression.

Her chocolate shades eyes resembling a cartoon character, big round, and teething with an all encompassing Innocence, looked up at me. They were filled with blames, indignation, and arrogance, tainting the previous innocence in them. Big bangs of a strange color which were purple covered her rounded face, curly, and unruly, much like the character herself.

"Sinui," She called, not even bothering to hide the anger and arrogance in them.