Chapter 37

I followed them into the room, and heard the door shut behind me. The room was neatly designed, it looked more like an office more than anything.

I took several steps into the room, observing the environment quietly, before I stopped moving, my eyes shifting from Sinui to Victoria who seemed to be buddy up at the moment, the question in the air obvious.

Sinui spoke. "Take a seat, Persphone." He gestured at the chair by my side.

I glanced from the chair and back to him. Making my way to take the seat, I said, "It's Psyche."

Sinui smiled. His peach colored lips, tinted with a blueish paleness slid up, showing off his pearly white, gummy teeth, I noticed a slight dip on his cheek. My eyelashes trembled, was that what I thought it was? Why hadn't I seen it before all those other times he smiled?

"Of course, Psyche."