Omniscient point of view


The girl's eyes slowly fluttered open at the deep voice calling out for a while.

"Psst! Girl!" The voice called out again, and the girl's eyes partially opened, the back of her hand rubbed against her eyes as she awakened.

She thrusted herself up, leaning on her hands on the cold ground. Her eyes fully opened, staring up at the older boy.

"Hmm?" She called, looking up at the swinging male.

"What happened? You suddenly fell on the ground, and cried yourself to sleep, you wouldn't answer me and you were talking to yourself." The older boy said, autumn eyes gleaming in the darkness of his cell.

She removed her hands from the ground and wrapped her hands around her stomach with a grimace on her face.

"I–I, the animal–" The girl was cut off by the sounds of metal rattling, and grinding on the ground.