Chapter 48

Unable to restrain myself but lean from one feet to the other, feeling an itch in my fingertips, the urge that drove me was subtle but it was still enough to irk me.

In my left breast pocket was a single stick of cigar. Not a packet but just one stick of a Rothman Switch. It was the stick that I always kept in my pocket whenever I was beginning to feel unhinged…..

You see my brother liked to say I was pretentious…. I was fake. But I like to think of myself as a willing obliger. See in this world everybody wanted something, whether that thing corresponded with what another person didn't matter to the other party.

Each person with their own firm view on what was right and what was wrong. It was the reason we had so many divided stances in this world. Those who said they had no desires were filthy to the core for such a lie. They would always be something that someone wanted.