Chapter 49

My earlier fire dissolved. This kind of thing was wrong…. I had long understood the concept revolving around this school. The murders, and other stomach-churning acts. Did I understand the reason for this school's creation? No, but I did understand that this place was to some extent morally lawless 

It was why Caspian had kidnapped me in broad daylight and not a word was spoken of it. It was why those murderous trio tried to kill me and I was left alone to face my death. This place was too exhausting, and too gruesome.

Rubbing my eyes I found my head tilting down subconsciously as I was beginning to feel like dozing off. Both the brothers had the gull to leave this room and locked the door while they were at it.

It was no matter. I had already waited until they completely disappeared from my sight before I got up. A little magic could be useful at times like this.