Chapter 98

Third person point of view

"I can not blame your disgusting kind," A tall slender girl said spitefully, her black eyes staring down at the girl whose head her leg was stepping down on.

Underneath her foot was a shorter girl. She had hair, being white at the left and then being black at the right. With skin so pale it could be compared to a chalk; the purple-red bruises plastered at obvious areas of her body made her look akin to a damaged porcelain doll.

She gasped for air, pain spreading around her body, but it could not be compared to a sharp one ramming down her head with measured precisions. 

"I blame your disgrace of a Father! That bastard had the audacity to mate with a filthy witch, and stain the bloodline of wolf kind!" The black eyed girl raised her leg and stumped her foot down on the girl's head or not.