Anything but confession:

"Let me make it easier for you," Liz offered triggering his interest, "what made you open the door."

Blake looked the little lady who was now acting like she was in power. She looked calm and collected. The way she was gently handling him made him fall more for her.

He realized that she was waiting for an answer. He tried thinking about the last question she had asked him.

"You wanted to leave."

"You locked the door because i wanted to leave too? Remember? So that could not be the reason. Tell me why?"

He pouted before replying with a meek voice, "You didn't like what we did?"

What the fuck!

She expected all possible answers except that. She sighed in frustration. This big baby was now getting into her nerves.

"Where did you get that from?"

"You wanted to leave immediately it ended. You didn't even talk to me after it ended."

He answered, for the first time that night, confidently as if he was justified to think that way.

"We were fucking the whole time Blake. How could i book a flight in the middle of sex?!"

She expressed her frustration.

"I came here to talk to you, remember?" She tried reminding him about some of the facts he seemed to have forgotten.

He nodded.

"Can you remember any of my texts?"

"Can we meet?" He replied hurriedly.He then looked at her expecting some praises only to meet a disappointed gaze from her.

"Can you remember me telling you that it might be the last time? I mean the flight was already booked before even i decided to meet you. Hooking up with you was not planned."

She tried explaining things more clearly to him. That guy was really dumb.

She noticed his expression worsen more. She exhaled in frustration. Blake was testing her big time.

"What now?"

"Was it just a hook up to you?"

Why did he sound dejected.

"Was it not?"

She asked him back.

Blake looked at Liz in desperation and wondered if that woman didn't understand anything at all or she was just playing dumb. How could she not see that Blake was head over heals with her. From the sex, how gently he made love to her and how dejected he was when he saw her leave. Couldn't she see all that?


He explained further when she looked confused, "I really like really like you. The feelings are strangely new to me. It just hit me hard when i saw you at the gate. At that time, i thought how you looked delicate in that breeze. I had the urge to make you feel warm. Then when i saw your wound, my heart bled...and when you looked at me with warmth when we were making love, i realized that i was never letting you go."

Her mouth was wide agape. She expected anything but confession that night. That night was full of unexpected surprises.

Blake however interpreted her shocked expression as pre-rejection reaction.

"Don't push me away please! I promise to not bother you. I'll give you time to accept my love for you and if you still cannot reciprocate my feelings, I'll free you. Just don't reject me even before i try."

Who the hell was rejecting him!

Blake's self esteem was very low. I mean who could even think of rejecting such a sweet person. How could Liz reject such a pure soul.

The only person who has ever showed her his vulnerable side.

The only person who confesses after having sex but does not include the sex details in his confession.

Her big dumb baby.

Like who rejects such a person.

"Why are you talking about rejection?"

He regained his enthusiasm as his eyes sparkled with joy.

"You like me too?"

Liz was now blushing. That guy had two extreme personalities. When he was confident, he was a beast.

"I didn't say that."

Liz denied shyly.

"But you said you weren't rejecting meaning you like me too."

The dazed woman did not find a chance of replying before she was pulled in a tight embrace.

"You won't regret this. I promise."

He whispered softly while gently stroking her hair. He was coaxing her to sleep.

She was very tired so it didn't take much time before her breathing became even.

He gently tucked her to sleep before going to the other side. He pecked her lips before cuddling her to sleep. The exhaustion took over and the two disappeared into the dreamland.