Mother-Son Duo.


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Laura looked at her son almost amused. Just as he could tell what was in her mind, that was the same way she too could read through his little mind.


She said giving out a small least she thought it was a smile.

"But aunt Liz..."

Laura knew what the ten year old was going to say.

"I don't know son. I'll probably talk to her when I'm ready."

So this two..

How did they become this close?

Before Ray's death, Ray was always spoiling Leigh and everything so it became an unspoken rule that if it was going to be Ray and Leigh then it would also be Laura and Derrick, coz why not.

But that was just there. It was not in practice until after she was discharged from the hospital.

Remember Laura deciding that nobody except Liz, Thomas, Carol and Alex should know about the miscarriage. The children were not supposed to know.

That night, Derrick, just like the night Ray died, went in with the excuse "Can i stay with you tonight? i can't sleep."

But Laura could read his intentions clearly. With Derrick it was so easy like the two could feel each other emotions and read each other's minds.

"Spill it out."

Derrick let out what sounded like a childish chuckle.

"You didn't believe 'the i can't sleep excuse'?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

God, that night he looked so adorably mature. So pure. So cute. And Laura at some point thought he was forced to mature very first. Like a 10 year- old taking up the responsibility of an adult.

"How did you find out?"

"Eavesdrop." He said innocently earning him a glare from his mother. " But i didn't mean to mummy, it's just i saw that guy coming your way and wanted to make sure he didn't do anything."

And by that man Laura knew who he meant.

But that was not the issue; the issue was that a ten-year old was not supposed to hear that.

With that Laura cuddled her protectively, "Oh my baby, I'm sorry."

Derrick withdrew suddenly and brushed her off with "I'm a big guy."

When her mum raised her eyebrows at him, he scratched his neck adorably before saying, "i even know that he's interested in you and you like him back." With that adorable face Laura couldn't even think about being embarrassed or nervous.

"So that's why you're always harsh with him."

And he nodded meekly earning a grin from her mum. And that's how Laura knew that he had a big child with her. Like a best friend. The only person who understood her...the only person she was not nervous with.

Then that morning, Derrick woke up to the usual silent in the house. Silence in that house was something he was used to. However, he was not used to tensed silence. He could feel tension in the air. How? I don't know, ask the mother-son duo.

He finally understood why he was tensed when he saw three adults looking at her mum, one on the verge of snapping, one on the verge of crying and the other one with worry. Then there was this other frustrating clueless little child also looking at her mum. He got it immediately. He needed to save her mother from the three and half pairs of eyes. Leigh's eyes to Derrick were half.

And now here we are.

Laura said she'll talk to Liz when she's ready. Derrick nodded.

He looked at his mum seemingly with semething else to say but looked away as if brushing that thought. Laura caught on that.

"Don't worry about him, he'll be leaving the company and we'll probably not talk after."

Derrick looked at her faking innocence with 'i was not gonna ask about him' look.

"Try that with Leigh, she'll believe you." Laura rebuked.

"At least we all agree she's dumb."

Laura chuckled at that but that didn't last longer when they heard sniffling sounds and footsteps descending the stairs.

Laura was panicking while Derry was grinning.

"You know that to coax her you'll be dragged to the beauty parlour."

Of course Derrick knew and it was no secret that he hated that place.

But Leigh was her little sister. Handling a pouty Leigh was much hell compared to being dragged to the beauty parlour.

"Next time we'll be descret." Derrick commented cheekily which her mum brushed off by "There will be no next time young man."

And that's how their weekend ended with a planned two days visit to the beauty parlour to coax the NOT-dumb Leigh.



Liz was sad after seeing her best friend all emotionless. She was acting all strong until she got into Blake's car. Then she broke down.

Her man dragged her into his laps cuddling her like a baby.

He was wiping her tears while whispering "'s gonna be fine...don't cry." The more he coaxed the more she cried. Women do have alot of tears. That was the idea in his mind after several minutes of him trying to get her calm down.

"But she's not fine."

She said minutes later after calming down.

"She'll be fine don't worry."

She nodded.

She agreed with him.

She trusted Blake with everything.

They stayed like that for some time until at one point in time, she felt his hands on her hair. It felt nice, relaxing and just like that, she fell asleep on his chest.

The most unpopular opinion*** Couples on honeymoon phase are so annoying. So our guy instead of helping his baby into the backseat where she could sleep peacefully, he decided to drive with her cuddled on his chest turning a ten-minute journey into a thirty minutes drive.

At least you agree with me on that.

Blake looked at the sleeping woman and debated whether or not to let her sleep or carry her inside the house. He decided on the latter but stumbled on a rock and cursed when he realized he had woken her.

Liz opened her eyes but closed them in reflex because of the sun-rays.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I can walk." She grumbled.

"You were sleeping so peacefully i didn't wanna wake you up." If she thought this was embarrassing then she could have woken up when Blake was driving.

After she was softly dropped on the couch and after he had poured the two drinks, Blake sat beside her.

"Did you tell her about us?"

That was what was on his mind all along since he fast heard that she was meeting Laura. Liz could see he was worried.

"I told you I'm not gonna break up with you because my friend rejected you."

Blake heaved a sigh of relief. The insecure him was waiting for that reassurance. He seemed to really have trust issues and needed constant reminders about their relationship.

"So you didn't talk."

Liz pursed her lips before answering with, "But Alex knows."

That caught Blake by surprise and he was curious to know how he took it.Even the blind could tell that Alex hated his guts.

"He saw me come out of your car and guessed. I told him the truth because there was no need denying it."

Then she stopped. Blake thought it was just a pause only to realize that she had stopped.


He asked the now amused girl.

"He didn't say anything. Just 'make sure Laura isn't hurt'."

"The guys cares about nothing but Laura." It was an insinuating voice.

"I don't think he's interested."

She commented obviously finding Blake's nosey side interesting.

"But there is no harm using that against a clueless Dario."

Liz glared at him.

"Why are you giving me that look?" He asked feigning hurt.

"Your brother has alot to handle already."

"You're always defending him when he's away and acts like you hate him when you visit." Blake said mockingly earning another glare.

"You're pretty when your nice and even prettier when you glare."

And just like that Liz left while blushing. That guy was becoming too much. Just as she thought she had escaped him, she felt him grabbing her by the waist.

Yeah, that was her clingy man.


I had to make Derrick mature quicker...for the sequel to this book. Not giving more informations, just know they'll be a sequel.

For those voting, thank you🥺.

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