
Sunny morning of the city N1


The alarm clock vibrates loudly on the bedside table, forcing its owner to wake up.


A young man of about eighteen, lying in his bed, slowly opens his eyes.

Sitting on the bed, he takes the phone, looks at it and turns off the alarm.

"It's 7 am on June 8. History session at 2 pm."

With these thoughts, the guy gets up, makes the bed and goes to wash.

After getting out of the shower, he notices the same guys like him, snoozing on the bed.

"Hmm guys, don't oversleep..."


One o'clock in the afternoon.

Approaching his university, Orion looks around, looking for people from his stream.

"Well, of course, who will come an hour before the session except me?"

Unlocking his phone, he searches for a history lecture file.

Having found the file, the guy starts reading.

"In 1943, during the Second World War, the first super unit of soldiers appeared. Having entered the battlefield, they coped with any task given to them. After a series of victories about them, rumors began to spread among the army about people with unprecedented strength, speed and abilities."

"From that moment on, the world learned about superhumans, people whose abilities go beyond the limits of ordinary people."

"... After the end of the war, more superpowers began to appear, over time, about 20% of all people in the world possessed a supernatural gift.

In order to teach people the correct use of their newfound abilities, special educational institutions began to open. One of them is ... "

-What are you reading, Ori?

Looking into the phone asks a girl with blond hair.

Orion turns off the phone and puts it in his pocket and answers.

-Getting ready, what else Ei?

- Well, I don't know, maybe you correspond with someone?

She says with a slight smirk.

- If.

Orion shakes his head.

- Have you already passed?

- Pfft, of course.

Her grin grew even wider.

- It's clear.

The guy with a stone face answers.

- Can you tell me what questions you had?

-Heh, for the most part there were years, USP decryptions, and the first documented appearance of abilities. Nothing too complicated.

- Okay thanks.

- You're welcome!

Orion picks up the phone again and starts reading.

Unable to bear this silence, Ei asks.

Haven't yours arrived yet?

- My?

His whole appearance spoke of the stupidity of what he said.

-Some have a shortage of points, others are either sleeping, recovering from yesterday's booze, or at work.

- Mmm. She replied emphatically.

- Okay, it's time soon. I'll go.

- Good luck!

Orion nods his head and goes to the corps.


Entering the university building, he sees an entrance hall with watchmen.

"Audio 311, so it's 3 floors and to the right of the stairs."

Climbing the stairs, Orion sees many students walking back and forth, looking for their audiences, classmates, or just an exit.

"There she is."

Orion sees in front of him a wooden lacquered door 2 meters high with a sign 311.

- Hello.

Opening the door, a middle-aged woman greets him.

- What a group?

- SP23-5.

- First Name Last Name?

— Orion Hadzis.

- Orion Hadzis... - Looking through the list of students in her tablet, a woman finds him.

-Sit down at that computer over there. The woman points her finger at the nearest computer, which is on the left near the wall.

- Ok.

Orion quietly sits down and waits for the exam to begin.

In addition to him, five students entered the auditorium.

After checking the list, the woman approaches each student and gives them a login with a password from the test site.

- You will have one hour for fifty questions. Begin.

Students quietly began to take the session.

"The first question is when the USP was founded.


"Question 23, USP transcript.

University of Supernatural Powers…"

"The thirty-fifth question, why was the USP created?

In order to use the newfound abilities for good."

"Forty-eighth question Was the first recorded case of the use of people from superhumans?

In World War II."

"The fiftieth question When was the reform of...

I don't know."

By clicking on a random answer, the result of the test comes out.

Raising his hand Orion says.

- I finished.

- How much did you get?

- Forty-two points.

- Okay, you can go.

Rising, Orion sees the students still taking the test.

"Good luck, poor fellows."

With that thought, he leaves the audience.