
- So, 40 minutes have already passed, and he is still not there ... - the girl expressed her thoughts aloud.

Standing in a mini-park near the entrance to one of the buildings, Ei is waiting for Orion.

At the same time, Orion exits the building.

Seeing Ei, he heads towards her.

- Passed?-she asked.

-Yeah, no big deal. Just like you said.

-Only someone who lived in the nineteenth century would fail this test.

Orion nods his head and asks.

-You were waiting for me, why?

- Mark the end of the sessions, what else?

-How thoughtful of you.

- Shall we go then?-she furtively asked.

-Come on, I still have some money.

-So you're eating?- The corners of her lips began to rise.

-If I don't have enough, and I certainly don't have enough, then prepare your money.-Orion snapped.

- What a terrible gentleman you are, making a lady pay ...

-*Haa* Let's go already.


Cars drive along the roads forming an endless stream, people sit near the cafes and chat about everyone. Life goes on as usual.

Only our couple walks through the crowds of people in complete silence.

— Ori. Ei calls out to his companion.

-Mmm?- The guy hums.

-You know we're going to start practice soon, don't you?

-Like the fourteenth.

- Yes.

Orion asks.

-Hey, do you have any idea what we're going to do there?

-Probably the correct use of our abilities. We should be sent into simulations of events that we have to go through.

- It's clear. After a pause, Orion continues. "Always wanted to ask, what is your specialty?"

- Creation of supernatural equipment for superhumans and ordinary people.

"I've been talking to you for two years already, and you ask such questions?"

The girl thought.

-Then why would you want to go to practice?- Orion asked.

- The curator said that attending the practice is mandatory, so that's it. Ei answers honestly.

-Ori you have a rescue team?"

- Yeah.

-Aren't you afraid to save people from everything?

- Yes, it will be very difficult to save people. - Orion takes a pause and continues. - I will save people from all sorts of accidents, such as fire, earthquake, flood and the like.

- Sounds awful.

- Can you imagine what law enforcement agencies are facing? Well, that is, heroes. Constantly some weirdos from above attack ordinary people and their property, and they need to act against them.

- It's even worse.

- Otherwise. I'm glad that I couldn't go there.

-A hero's dream? Ei asks looking at Orion.

Orion waves it off and silently walks on.

"Pfft, what a sissy Ori you are."


The cafe was located near the park.

People of different ethnic groups walked around it, creating an unusual atmosphere.

-It doesn't seem expensive here, what do you say Ori?

- If the prices do not bite, then go.

Entering the cafe, they looked for a better place with their eyes.

There was a free table for two in the corner of the establishment.

Without hesitation, the couple heads there.

A waiter comes up to them and offers a menu.

- Please, this dish for me ... Ori, what are you going to take?

Scrolling through the menu looking for something interesting, Orion chooses combo number 3.

The waiter takes the menu and leaves.

-Ei- Orion starts talking. - Do you have feelings for me?

"So, she won't be able to just send me off, and at the most, I'll be embarrassed..."

-Pfff, Ori, do you think the world revolves around you?-She looks provocatively into his eyes.

-Very funny.- Orion tried his best to save face.

-I was chatting with my girlfriends and at that time you were coming out of unique, and I decided to celebrate the closing of the sessions with the only person who can amuse me. - She lied blatantly.

"I'm not going to say directly that I was waiting for you, you never know what you think…"

She thought to herself.

-Anyway…-Ei smoothly changed the subject- What agency will you work for after graduation?

-Yeah, I didn't really think about it. The guy answers honestly. - Can I open my own? And the schedule will be flexible.

The guy and the girl just chatted about nothing while waiting for the order.