Chapter 9: Fables and Aspirations

Chapter 9: Fables and Aspirations


His thirteenth year passed by without any significant incidents that could be called noteworthy.

He would spend his time back and forth from his mansion to the Market, using the merchants as tools to read his books, and slowly before he even turned 14, the section of the Market, specific for the Herbalists, turned into a cenacle where Vlad debated the information he heard with the Herbalists.

Doing so made his life easier in learning specific information that was hard to digest by talking about that exact information, where different views were put together, forming a whole.

So much time he spent around the Market that people saw him as a symbol, while for the Herbalists he was the boy who acquired the books they would read.

In their interactions with Vlad, they found that he wasn't as bad as they thought. Although he was an asshole, he was a respectful young man, humble for the most part, that recognized his mistakes if they were pointed and explained.

One could even say he bonded with the merchant Elias, who suffered the most from Vlad's weird antics, but only the blind boy could be an authority to say if they were "friends".

They were cool, sharing all sorts of stories, arguing a bit, while Vlad was using stories from his first life centered on plants and medicine, while the merchant mentioned to him about a fabled place that would feel like Heaven for his curious mind.

"There is such a thing? A Heaven you say, aren't you mistaken, Elias?"

"Noo, not at all, my young friend, this place is called Isle of Gardens, a place where all sort of plants can be seen, think of it like a touchable 'All Blue', and you are quite lucky because this Garden is inside our region, the South Blue."

"Then you can't call it fabled. It wouldn't make sense since you know where it is. There's no basis for calling it a fable."

"Hehe, this is where you are wrong, young Vlad.

The Isle of Gardens is under the strict control of the Order of Flower Knights, the Grandmaster forbids any outsider to enter the island, and only those with High Status can visit. That visit is short, a couple of hours, right guys?"

"Yea, I heard the Grandmaster is some virgin who hates men, and this hatred is translated in the fact she kills any men who tried to step on her island without her approval."

"Sounds sketchy." mentioned Vlad, still not buying into this story of Isle of Gardens, but the merchants were adamant on how legit their story was and even told him another piece of information he didn't ask.

"There's another place similar to the Garden, called Amazon Lily, a place where only women live and any man stepping on that place will be killed."

"Mhm, but then if men are killed, how was the story shared?"

"Hehe, here comes something more interesting for you, young Vlad, since you are curious to find more about those amazons."

"No, in fact, I am not curious. I could care less." interjected Vlad, with a knife in hand and another one on his cane, adding some ornaments.

"Tsk, don't be so quick to decline. I promise it will be interesting." mentioned Elias, who was next to Vlad, and after he received his silent response, he started talking.

"You asked how the story about this place has been shared if no men can enter that island, and here comes the interesting part. Because that place contains only women who can't have kids by themselves and continue with their culture."

"Aha, I get, so they go from place to place to have sex with men, get inseminated, and once they are pregnant, they go about with their lives, returning to their place of origin? Am I wrong?"

"Exactly, the story goes that most of those girls keep their origin a secret, but there are also some who get attached to their sex partner, and share small details, in such way the news escaped and detail by detail the people formed the story about the Amazon Lily."

"Quite barbaric if you would ask me. Those women either are stupid or are all complete hypocrites."

"Why do you say that, Vlad?"

"They are fighting the nature of humans. A bunch of hypocritical women, they want to live by themselves in their own laws. Yet when it comes to continuing their society, they instantly forget about their "principles" and go hunting for men.

If this isn't hypocrisy, we might even have to reinvent the meaning of the word."

"Guys, here he is again with his asshole side. Give him a plant, so he gets silent."

"Fuck you guys. I wasn't the one who brought up this Lily place. It was you guys. I gave my opinion on the matter."

"Say that to the poor guys who were sucked dry by those hot girls and still dream of reuniting with their amazons, fucking them once again."

"So stupid."

Vlad continued ornating his cane with a floral design, and as his hands were busy, he inquired about the location of the Isle of Gardens, finding it an interesting location to reach if he would ever explore the sea rather than Amazon Lily.

The merchants laughed a bit, asking him some stupid things as if he was "interested" in the Grandmaster.

They quieted down when he treated them coldly in silence, making them continue their story, giving him the directions for reaching this place, which he noted in his mind.

It filled the Market section belonging to the Herbalist in a comedic spectacle, as all of them laughed at the thought Vlad was interested in seeing a woman, with him barely showing his emotions.

"Vlad, if you are into old ladies, we will not judge you. Maybe you can conquer her and start selling all her herbs and plants cheaply. What do you say?"

"I am not suicidal, so no thanks."

"Then why did you even bother to find out about this location."

"So I don't die a stupid peasant?"

"Yeah makes sense. However, if you ever have some crazy thoughts, don't do it.

You are blind. You can't reach such places. It will be doubtful that you'll make it, so you better tag along for more with us."

"Tsk, I am just 13 years old. Do you think I will go anywhere?"

"Who knows, kids nowadays are unpredictable. They all believe in that thing called One Piece and jump on to become pirates, making a hard life for the rest. Lucky for us, our City doesn't have such specimens of pirates, but you never know."

"You guys forget why I am blind."

"Hmm, I guess you should be the one hating them the most."

"You can't really call it hate, more like disgust for how some people behave and act, without reason."

"It is good that you'll not get on the seas to be some pirate, getting yourself drowned on the sea."

During their talk, a group of guys passed by close to the Herbalism Sector of the Market and heard the conversation Vlad and the merchants had about pirates, which triggered a scoff from them and a hateful glance toward the blind boy sensed something but couldn't be sure what.

However, that feeling he had was confirmed after he wrapped things and decided to depart home, not even for a second thinking that his discussion with the merchants would reach to some youngsters being hurt or triggered.

Here he was facing the passing group of adolescents, ranging from 14 to 17, who stopped him to have a "friendly" chat.

"Oyy, blind idiot, we heard that you had some nasty words for pirates and their aspirations for finding the Great Treasure. Can you say that again in front of us?"

"Haha, look at him, with people he knows he acts so mighty and smart, but when he is all by himself, he is just a blind fool. Repeat those words about pirates, I dare you."

The entire group had such remarks against Vlad, who tried to remember if he ever badmouthed the pirates and failed to remember, which led to the conclusion that those kids were eating shit and putting words in his mouth.

"I don't remember ever mentioning something about the Pirates, especially to your group. But to be sure you don't spin my words and force words in my mouth.

I'll say this, pirates or marines are of no concern to me. I am only a blind, right? Can I even set sail to become a pirate or become a marine to hunt pirates? No, I am just an blind.

So, In the end, how can I help you? Some herbs, perhaps?"

The way he mentioned his point made the group of young boys search for words, with their leader, the oldest.

It was a young man that had a normal appearance, but his face as he looked at Vlad was rather ugly, looking hatefully at Vlad, for a reason unknown to Vlad, however the boy made sure to tell Vlad.

"Blind boy, I will not pick on you right now, there are simply too many people in the Market, but I warn you, stop talking with Mary. She is my woman."

'I see. This was the reason you wanted to pick on me. It is that girl who helped me when I lost my balance on the way to the Market. Hah, kids nowadays, can't you give me a break. I am too old for this shit.'

"Got you, I will not talk to her, but what do I do when she tries to approach me? I can't simply tell her to stop disturbing me. It isn't gentlemanly."

"Bastard, you better stay away from her, or you will get hurt badly, far worse than what those pirates did to you. Don't look at me like that, I know everything about you."

Vlad gave a small smile to the boy who made it seem that he was mocking this lad, but when he smiled, it was a sign that his interest was picked, and waiting in front of the group, he waited for something to happen.


Vlad remarked in a detached way, passing past the group who didn't throw a fit or hit him, yet surely while Vlad was transiting past them, the group leader kicked Vlad's cane, throwing Vlad off-balance, landing on the ground.

"Hehe, this is just a sample of what you will get if you don't listen to me."

Hearing that, Vlad didn't even take to heart what a little shit had to tell him.

Without overreacting and with a calm mind, he started searching for his cane while on the ground, giving more satisfaction to the group who departed the Market.

After spending some minutes searching for the cane on the ground leading to his clothes getting dirty, he raised up and left the Market, and on his way back to the mansion, he thought about those kids that "bullied" him that instead of angering him, made him laugh, finding the entire situation amusing.

"Maybe I should also play with those kids. This body of mine isn't ugly, correct? If I keep to my nutritious diet, training and building my muscles, and also by swimming, my body will grow taller and taller than the average."

"Or so was the theory, and if it is wrong, I can only hope that the father or mother is tall enough that I don't remain small-statured."



Since that incident, the villagers stopped seeing Vlad walking around to the Market, which made the merchants worried that something bad might have happened to him.

He simply could care less about them, but they couldn't resist the worry, and Elias and another merchant visited Patrick's mansion, being welcomed inside by the old man who was skeptical at first for why those two guys visited his house.

"Lord Patrick, our apologies. We were worried about little blind, ahem, young Vlad's health. We haven't seen him around the Market for months, is everything alright with him?"

"You are the ones the brat has been forcing to read his books?"

"Well, Lord, now you can't really call it forcing because we also enjoy the content of the books."

"I see, that's good. Then follow me to the courtyard, but be quiet. You'll understand why once you get there."

Elias and his other friend respected what old Patrick said, and once they reached the courtyard, they saw Vlad doing exercises where he pushed his once fragile body to another stage.

They could see the muscles on his body, but still not fully developed.

"You'll see him when he wants. I lost a bet with the kid, since he proved to me he can make some friends, those being you guys, which lead to me giving him more freedom to train as he wishes without supervising him." mentioned Patrick after taking back the merchants to his living room, litting a cigarette, while seated on his couch.

"Lord Patrick, besides this, I don't know if I should tell you, but that little shit, Revil, wants to bully little Vlad."

"I know, but I really don't care. I already talked with that brat, and what he mentioned about this situation baffled me.

He said "Once a male gets in heat, regardless of species, it will do everything in its power to mate with the female. But that is if the leader of the pack allows him such benefits."

Take it with a grain of salt, because he likes to give all sorts of weird analogies, but if I would translate his words, it would be like this. "If that little shit wants to fuck with that girl, Mary, it will depend on me if I want.".

Childish arguments, which pleases me to see him showing that side about him.



Vlad heard the arrival of the Herbalists and even Patrick as he filled the merchants with some information about his situation, Yet he continued with his training, spending most of his time training his body and later on sleeping, making sure his body reached a balance.

And since the incident in the Market with those brats, Vlad only focused on himself, ignoring the outside world

Only when Patrick, Lagos, or Arik would return from their journeys to Valent city, bringing along another batch of interesting goods with them, especially Arik who kept to his words and brought another set of books for his tastes.

He compelled the young man to read out loud some books he picked up at random, giving him more assistance with building his book collection.

Vlad's excuse for doing this was all that maybe in the future, his vision would return, and right now he was preparing ahead of time, believing it would be a smart move. Nevertheless, he was defeated, his vision still didn't return after 4 years.

Another winter passed for Vlad, leading to a new change, with him becoming a young lad of only 14 years old.

His height was that of your average boy his age, nothing out of the ordinary. One could say he looked frailer than most and smaller in height.

Like the other four years, his fifteen-year anniversary passed by without anything noteworthy happening to him except him having a stable growth and building more body mass on his frail frame.

To Patricks and even Arik's surprise, Vlad started training his body using the sword, beginning a long and arduous process of enforcing the muscle memory on this young body of his.

With a stable schedule that he found worked the best for him, he would be training inside Patricks' courtyard while Arik simply watched him, unsure what to think about his old friend that he had known for 5 years.




Time was cruel and didn't forget or forgive anyone, but it was, in essence, a privilege given to men to grow and mature, and for Vlad, who turned 17 years old, with 7 years spent in this new world.

From among the people of Picodras, if one asked who was the tallest person, it was almost certain each city dweller would immediately respond with the Blind.

Ironic how his nickname stuck in the heads of the people, but only the sailors that worked for old Patrick, his close mentor, his son, and the small boy who was with him for 7 years called him Vlad.

Their behaviour was totally different with him, finding him just like a younger brother who was taken from their own parents or a close friend, who suffered a lot in life, suffering from incurable blindness.

A conclusion both Patrick and Vlad reached after all those years where they hoped, prayed his vision would return, but to no avail. However, Vlad didn't despair. While most ordinary people would be turned mad by the darkness, he viewed it differently.

First, it was an atonement for all the crimes he inflicted on the innocent people in his first life.

Secondly, he took it as a challenge thrown by God to see if he would turn mad or not, and thirdly he remembered most of his conversation with Wormblod and Quinn, the Emperors of the Sea, whose identity Patrick confirmed with a shocked face, hearing such old names that existed in his mid-age.

Vlad remembered when the Emperors explained to him how their powers worked, from the devil fruits who gave a mystical power for trading the ability of swimming in the ocean, to the ability of 'Mana' as they explained to him, initially being 'Haki'.

However, because he was skeptical about most of what they were saying, they had to find an easier word to digest, such as Mana.

And this term stuck with him, finding it displeasing to call the Mana, Haki, feeling the term lighter to his sensible and empowered hearing.

He started training this Mana or at least trying to learn more about it from Patrick, yet he couldn't get any information from him, as if he wasn't aware of this information. Even when Vlad explained, Patrick looked at him confused, and even he asked Vlad if there existed such a thing which turned into a funny back and forth.

"Does such a thing even exist? I lived for 62 years, and I didn't even know that there existed such a thing. Damn, someone must be plotting this, so we peasants don't have a single idea."

"Well, old man, take it with a grain of salt. You at least know about the Devil Fruits."

"Obviously, child, that's something we all know. I even saw with my own eyes some of those lucky ones who eat a devil fruit."

"And what happened to them?"

"They are long dead."

"... Then forget it."