Chapter 10: Growing up

Chapter 10: Growing up


The conversation between the old man and young man after the small derail that went into a darker room returned, turning their conversation into an easy-going way.

Vlad tried to find more information from the books he acquired from Arik, Lagos, and the other sailors that either had debts to him or gave money for gambling and other foolish things youngsters would do.

Aside from this, even though he had the materials containing the information, he was still blind, and found the idea of relying on the merchants to get across this problem a pain.

Bothering the merchants wasn't really so enjoyable to him nowadays that he turned into a young adult that looked even larger than your average adult, standing tall at 1.88 meters with a chiseled body that made you think he was a God's Avatar on Earth.

Since he turned 17 one year ago, his old partner, Arik, became more unreliable, making it annoying for Vlad to wave around the unpredictable events that would happen to him.

When Arik turned 18 with his own 17th birthday, the young lad didn't even have time to read his books, offering his assistance. Being preoccupied with his girlfriend, almost forgetting about his blind friend he promised to be his eyes.

It looked rather hilarious and bitter to see this blind young man mention how Arik forgot about his duties, turning Patrick, Lagos and the other two captains of the merchant fleet to make fun of him and his situation.

"Vlad, leave Arik alone. He finally reached the next stage of life, becoming a man. It is obvious he will focus more on his girl instead of you.

Besides, don't you already know the entire Picodras by heart? You probably even have the whole map of the City in that smartass brain of yours." remarked the fiery sailor, Jervis, having black hair and green eyes, with a solid build, slightly taller than Vlad.

"Indeed, Vlad, you have to let him spread his wings, or you'll have him on your head all your life. I bet you don't wish that to happen." remarked the blonde young man, Nelson, that was of similar size with Vlad, watching the entire group of 4 around him at this discussion brought up by the latter.

"Keahaha, to think I will live you to see the day, you'll be in this state. Little Vlad, are you going to admit you got attached to little Arik?"

"Heh, that's quite the question, father."

"Indeed, old man, with this one, we cornered this cheap smartass." remarked Jervis, after listening to Nelson, Patrick and Lagos's comments for Vlad, who had a facial expression as if he ate something rotten, making the entire interaction a satirical comedy,

Vlad was the one suffering the brunt of the jabs from all sides.

"Okay, stop it, you fools. It is not as you think, and it is not like I don't have people to read my books. How about it, Jervis? All the money you have loaned from me totals 100.000 𝔅. Do you want to be my partner? One book for 10.000 𝔅."

"Fuck! Well ... Vlad ... you know how things are for us sailors ... We don't know how to read that well. Blame it on the old man for not teaching us more."

"Jervis, don't blame this on the teacher. He taught us to read. It is just that you are stupid and ignored his lectures."

"What about you, Nelson, your loans amount to 65.000 𝔅. Are you up to reading my books?"

*Whistle* *Whistle* "I forgot to tell you, Vlad ... but I also passed on teachers' lectures about reading. I am sorry to say this, but I can't help you."

"Can you see it, old man? You taught a bunch of gambling addicts and idiots who can't read." mentioned Vlad staring at where Jervis and Nelson stood on their couches, making it seem as if he could see them.

Clearly, he was doing this to make them feel uncomfortable, rubbing more salt on them for their degenerate antics.

Meanwhile, old Patrick simply smiled at the boys, and while glancing at Jervis and Nelson who looked awkwardly at Vlad, they saw him nod in their direction and later remark with a clueless tone.

"I have too many people to teach, so if those two guys skipped my classes, it is not of my concern. You should be more careful with whom you give your monthly salary."

"I know, but in the end, we are just jesting. I don't care about the money, so you guys can either gather the money to pay me or not, it's up to you, but know that if you don't pay your debts, I will view you differently."

"The next trade we will do in Valent, I will make sure to repay my debts. Capiche?"

"Sure, but know that I am not hurrying you."

The group talk went about from subject to subject, with the first one being the situation with Arik that troubled Vlad, no longer having his little assistant that would help him with his alchemical concoctions, and now had to do everything on his own, slowing him down a lot, messing his orders finish date.

It interested Patrick because he was like a father figure for Arik and was glad to see him spread his wings and leave the nest, but in doing so, leaving a blind owl on the prowl.

"Little Vlad, I can't do much about it. Is not like I will force Arik to do anything."

"Old man, I am not saying this, so you take mercy on me. I'll deal with the alchemical potions and ointments for when you guys depart for Valent.

Why did I told you this piece of information? I don't want to hear you complaining about my work ethic."

"Either way, we would know you wouldn't be backing off from this task."

Each group member said their piece, and how they viewed Vlad's potions and the large variety of concoctions he knew for a strange reason.

From healing potions to poisonous ones, in those 7 years, they felt that he had already reached a master level, yet only Patrick knew how extensive Vlad's knowledge was, from medical concoctions to surgical knowledge.

Even his assimilation rate was no joke, always bringing out new subjects of interest even to him, and getting along with this subject, the guys who had no clue what it took to produce the alchemical products suggested ignorantly.

"Why don't you get yourself a girlfriend and have her help you around. Wouldn't it be easier?"

Hearing this question addressed by Jervis, Vlad went silent as if he was pondering on this question, and it took him quite some minutes to return from his inner conversation, responding to the boys, something unexpected.

"Maybe you are right."

"Oho, you finally show interest in girls. I thought you were limp down there."

"... Really? That's how much you can think? It is not as if I can't have it go erect, but I wasn't pressed by my instincts to chase them in the past."

"As if you would have to chase any of the girls. You don't know, but all the girls in the City who don't have a partner want you.

Ahem, this is why most guys, even our boys on the ship, look at you with mixed emotions. Some want to approach you to introduce them to girls, while others don't even want to see you stepping outside of the house, remaining with your own potions."

"Should I feel honoured by this remark?" inquired Vlad feeling small fragments of awkwardness when Jervis mentioned the split perception of him.

"You take it as you wish, but the boys will get frustrated whenever they see the girls tailing you like horny sluts."

"And? Do I even have a fault with this?"

"No, not at all, but you know how the boys in the City are. They think with their dicks instead of their brains as if they got sponges instead of brains. This is why I say you should simply get one girl and make it known that you are a taken man, so no more girls make scenes in the City."

"Mhm, old Patrick, what do you think of this? Should I care?"

"Slightly, but I doubt those kids will be able to do anything to you, and I fear you'll do something stupid. Our fears are more transferred to the boys in Picodras who might not know how much you progressed in those past 7 years since you settled here."

"Haha, I am not fighting little brats." remarked Vlad, chuckling a bit when thinking about how he would feel if some youngster would challenge him in a real battle.

Regardless of whether he was blind, his body and strength far exceeded the abilities he had in his first life, feeling these mystic changes to his body, and once again, what the two Emperors told him in his prison cell, were correct statements.

While he was resting on the couch with the group of guys talking, he went back into his memories, where the image of the two late-mid 30's men were chained talking to him about some weird concepts he didn't understand at that time.


[The bodies of the people of our world, if appropriately trained, can reach states where destroying a mountain with the bare hands would be a simple task.]

[Crazy bastard, if we were in our world, we could kill you in a split second. My spit would be enough to kill you.]


[Come, release me and see what will happen, I can kill you without having to rely on my devil powers or my haki.]


[If you were so strong as you say, you wouldn't be in this situation. In the end, your ramblings are the stuff of crazy people. Magic powers? Devil Powers? Hah, this sounds like a child's story, but if you are so knowledgeable, go on and tell me more.]

[You, the one called Quinn, you seem to know what's good for you, so tell me more about all you have talked about]

[Certainly, Lord. But you have to promise us that you'll release us.]

[If I am satisfied with your stories and information, I might think of it.]



'Surprisingly, their information was truthful. The more I contemplate those events now that I have a certain knowledge about this world, the more I am shocked about all the possibilities one body could achieve.'

'I reached my pinnacle of power when I was 26 back home while here at only age 17. My swordsmanship has been sharpened, with many other techniques I couldn't execute at my old age being available. All the German Grandmaster and Italian Grandmaster manuals that I've read in Matei's Library are now useful.'

'It feels like this world is an evil twin of my natal world.'

'Besides this, I should also ponder what I want to do in life except becoming a doctor and healing people.'

'Being bound to this Island for the only reasons that I am blind doesn't work. I want to experience more now that I no longer have to worry about the responsibility of the Throne pressing down on my shoulders, binding me to take the mantle of leading foolish people.'

'Also, that child, Arik, told me a lot of stories about the outside, new people, cultures, monsters. While Elias and the boys also have their own stories, unfortunately for them, they only heard those stories, not reaching the places in question personally.'

'Maybe I should do it. A blind on a sea fare journey?

'… Hahaha, what could go wrong?'

'I can listen to the waves and guide myself along with them, a technique that Patrick taught me that could work on the sea while we talked about the possible advantages of being blind.'

'That was two years ago.'

'Seven years, who would believe that I survived for 7 years without light. At times, I would want to smash my head again so it would crack, maybe, just maybe, I get my sight back. But, that would be a suicidal act, and I only have one life this time.'

'... I think.'


"Hey, Vlad, are you listening?"

"Mhm? What's wrong?" asked Vlad, who suddenly heard Lagos's voice directed at him, breaking his contemplation.

"We asked you something, but you remained non-responding for one minute. Anyway, what do you think about the marines? I heard from Valent that those guys are interested in building a base in our City but require the Guilds Masters, Lord Dugar and old Patrick's Approval."

"Marines? They must have some underhanded reasons for this for sure. The coin has two sides, pirated and marines. Regardless of who it is, it will not change anything for the people. Besides, tell me why would you guys be worried about the safety of the Island? South Blue is famous for how weak it is economically and military wise."

"Makes sense, continue, little Vlad."

"Strictly speaking from what I understand, and if you think I am wrong, stop me. Pirates are those people with no future, or those fools who chase that dream and treasure, Pirate King and One Piece, fables sent by a criminal to stir more chaos in this world.

However, if you assure that those possible future pirates receive fair treatment, can feed their families, and continue living without worrying about their lives, you'll be worry-free, at least so I believe." explained Vlad his views on the subject after old Patrick stirred him to talk.

"You aren't wrong, Vlad, but in most cases, the ones who take to the sea in our island are because of the dream of becoming some "Pirate King". We can't do anything to stop them if this is what they want to be."

"Indeed, let's say you introduce the marines on our Island. You'll simply give an extra reason for those who want to be pirates to be so."

"Okay, sure, I think we get this point, but what about the marines? They don't seem like the bad guys."

"I don't know about them since I never thought about them that much in the first place. I could tell you so much about the pirates because of the kids that kept on boosting they will become pirates in the future.

Nevertheless, if I am to say something about the marines, if you would let them here, they will be able to get people from the village and take them to other places, which could lead to depopulation and other effects I don't want to think about, for example have a strong guy attack the island for revenge?"

Patrick, who listened to Vlad calmly dissect the entire bodies of the coin in his mind, what he said made sense, and he understood all of the points brought, the risks each side would have, and he would bring this to the table at the meeting in some weeks time, that would put in the discussion this subject.

Bringing some light to the Guild's views who only worshiped money.

A couple of hours later, the meeting between the group ended with each taking off. Even Vlad went outside to cool his mind while pondering about what was brought to his attention, such as finding himself a girl, breaking this grip he had on the girl's love.

'Being handsome can bring benefits and disadvantages to a young peasant boy or commoner, while it can only bring advantages for a monarch. It is a weird feeling since from what Arik, Lagos and an old man told me about my appearance, they made it sound like I was really good-looking as if I got better than in my first life.'

'This is what happens when I don't focus on a certain thing that I can't control.'

The people immediately noticed his appearance when he stepped inside the City Square, wishing to reach a small library of the City. The blind was famous in the City with his cane checking around calmly.

Around him, some girls could be seen watching him timidly, all quite beautiful, which obviously entered his attention since he could hear their whispers easily because of how his senses balanced out from his blindness, and he smiled a bit, finding it annoying and cute at the same time.

'Why don't you approach me? Come on, I'll be sure to entertain you and be gentle. I can smell your fragrance from afar.'

'This is the advantage of a blind. I can hear and smell far better than a simple person.'

With himself expecting something to happen anytime soon, he sensed the footsteps of someone approaching closer, and with a bold gesture grabbing him by his large hand, soon the sweet voice of a girl got into his ears.

"Where are you going, Vlad? Let me help you around."

Feeling this girl's soft touch and hearing her sweet voice made him get a spark in his malfunctioned brain that was contemplating the discussion about him requiring a "girlfriend" so he wouldn't be bothered by the other girls. He tightened his handhold on her hand and inquired calmly.

"Mary, we meet again. Aren't you troubling yourself by taking care of me?"

"There's no trouble with you, sweety."

"Thank you, Mary. But wouldn't it trouble you, I heard from the boys on the docks that you are seeing someone. I don't want word to go out that I am troubling you.

People would frown when hearing that you are together with a blind man." mentioned Vlad, who walked hand in hand with this woman with shoulder-length black hair and beautiful tanned skin.

Compared to her, Vlad's skin tone was milky white.

Behind his tails, the girls, once seeing Mary approach Vlad so lovingly, instantly thought about the worst-case scenario and stomped their feet in frustration, thinking that Vlad was taken away by Mary.

On the other hand, Mary looked at Vlad's handsome face, who had his ink-black eyes staring at her, even though she knew he couldn't see her, and with his remark bringing out the fact she was seeing someone, it made her bite her own lip.

"Not at all. I am not seeing anyone. Those guys at the docks are simply jealous and want to place all kinds of words on me. I hope you understand me, Vlad. Besides, I only love you, how can I see someone else?"

'Hoh, this little slut, nice act. However, you are mistaken dearly if you see me as some "revenge" tool for your relation with that bug. What was his name? Regel, Ravel … Revil.'

"Mary, I don't know. Are you sure you are willing to be with a blind like me?"

"There's nothing wrong with you. If you go outside and don't say that you are blind man, no one will know."

'Hah, this guy sure is annoying to talk with, but take the good part.'

'He is the hottest man on the Island by far. It will be far easier to manipulate him than that pig, Revil. For now, let's make him feel safe with me. I'll sure find ways to have Revil get to the news.'

This woman had her own thoughts about the entire situation, but also Vlad had his own plans for the young girl, and as he talked with her, acting innocently, like a fool who didn't know much about the opposite sex.

Once they stepped inside the library, Mary found the chance to kiss Vlad on his lips.

'Tender lips, it has been ages since I've tasted tender flesh.' thought Vlad, who took the girl by surprise when he forced his tongue in her mouth, giving her a kiss she had never experienced in her life, no matter how much of an experience she might have with others.

'For the following months, you'll be my little maid. Until night, let's make good use of you and read some books from the selective group.'

They weren't seen by anyone with that kiss, and once he got to the librarian counter, an old man with foggy eyes, he heard him crack a joke.

"You've got a new reader, a girl at that. I thought you were interested in the same gender since you brought only guys."

"Yeah, sure, I'll be on the back. Don't disturb me." replied Vlad detachedly to this old man, who liked to make fun of him for bringing people he scammed to read his own books.

'Wait, what did the old man say? He takes people here to read him books? Don't tell me? I am not here read some stupid books.'

Vlad still held Mary's hand and walked as if he was a normal person without using the cane, which gave the girl a weird feeling.

That feeling intensified when Vlad entered another section of the library, where it was utterly dark, triggering her reaction, a scream.

*KYAAA* "It is completely dark here."

"Stupid me, let me light the lamps. It is fine, it is only the two of us here. Nothing will happen to you. If you want, we can stay like this."

'Is this Blind inviting me to do it here in this library? I want a soft bed with a romantic setting, not some boring library.'

"No, I'll get scared if I stay in the dark for too long. I fear the dark."

Hearing her say that, Vlad smiled creepily, and he touched her lips with his finger as if he could see her even in the dark, triggering the young girl a chill that was accompanied by Vlad remarking in his sombre voice.

"A shame. The dark can be sometimes calming, but also chaotic."

Next, as if he knew the places of the lamps beforehand, he went to each, and with a match, he brought light to the entire room, making Mary calm down and once again see Vlad in normal light.

"Now, could you please help me out again? I got some books that I am interested in, it talks about various folklore of the region and the South Sea. It will not be boring at all, and I will do you a favor."

"Will you do me a favor?"

"Of course, but you have to help me. It is tough for a blind to learn more knowledge, and it is troublesome to get people to help me because they either get tired, which would lead to them avoiding me, not knowing how to read, or they outright refuse my cry for help."

"Such bad people. Of course, I will help you." said Mary with a smile on her face, as she walked toward a comfortable couch, sitting next to Vlad,

Before she even knew, Vlad touched her waist and grabbed her, gently closing the distance.

'He might be blind, but he is terrific. For a wish, I'll read this book of yours.'