Chapter 10 - Hero Arthur.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, I begin to meditate and draw energy from the air to increase my magical power. It's been forty minutes since Angelica and I had sex. Speaking of which, she's lying in front of me, completely naked, sleeping silently.

Due to the sex, the room smelled like a mixture of sweat and other bodily fluids. Because of the heat, the sperm stuck to Angelica's ass dried up, forming a dry trail. Amid such an environment, I continued to meditate quietly, increasing my magical power. My current goal is to reach S-level sword ki, so I can buy a new core in the shop.

Suddenly, a noise echoes through the room, cutting into my meditation. Slowly, I get out of bed, preventing Angelica from waking up and look for the source of the noise. The origin came from Angelica's clothes, which were on the floor, when moving them, I find a communication device.

These devices work as a beacon, normally, when an emergency occurs, someone sends a signal to this device. Knowing this, I had no choice but to wake up Angelica.

"Angelica." I rocked your body.

"ANGELICA." I raised the tone of my voice.

Startled, she finally wakes up. It took a while for her to regain all her senses.

"Luke, what happened?" she asked, rubbing her eye.

"This device rang. I believe it is urgent."

Seeing the device glowing red, Angelica's eyes widened, and she quickly stood up.

"Something happened in my village. The last time I went there, I left a similar device with the woman who raised me at the church, so she would let me know when something was happening."

"Then you must go there now."

"I would, but I don't have the money to hire a carriage and even if I go on foot, I won't be there in time if it's something urgent. What am I going to do? The people of that village are practically my family."

"How long is the carriage ride from here to your village?"

"From the imperial academy, it should last about three and a half hours without any problems."

We don't know what the situation is in the village. If it's something that's about to happen, or it's happening now, by the time she gets there, it might be too late.

"I can do this in forty-five minutes."

"What ?"

"I can use my magical powers to increase my speed. If I took you there, I believe it would take about forty to forty-five minutes."

"Really? Can you do this for me?"


"So let's go."

Angelica got up from the bed and went to the edge of the room, she was about to open the door, until I stopped her.

"Angelica, put some clothes on before you leave.

"Oh. I'm so anxious, I forgot I'm naked."

"Take a shower to get that smell out of you, in the meantime, I'll inform the teacher of the situation."


"I'll meet you in fifteen minutes at the academy gate."

"Fine. Let's do it your way."

Before leaving the room, I put on my clothes and some perfume to mask the smell of sweat.

Unfortunately, we don't know the gravity of the situation in Angelica's village and as Angelica herself was in a worse state than I was, I preferred to let her shower. As I leave the room, I come across Marceline. I quickly inform her of the situation and ask her to inform Elizabeth that I'm going on a last-minute trip and don't know when I'll be back.

Then I went to the room where the teacher responsible for the S class was. I give him a summary of the situation, letting him know that Angelica and I may not be able to attend tomorrow's class. I made it very clear that we don't know what the situation is in Angelica's village, the only thing we do know is possibly an emergency. The teacher was very understanding and said he would not punish us for missing class.

After leaving the professor's office, I go to the skirt of the imperial academy, the place I've arranged to meet with Angelica. Arriving at the gate, I see a blonde girl leaning against the wall, stroking a cross-shaped necklace. It was Angelica.

"Do you want to call Carina or Serina?" I asked, approaching her.


"Alright, get on my back," I said, bending down.

"Your back?"

"Yes, or do you prefer that I carry you in my arms, like a princess?"


Angelica straddled me, wrapping her arms around my neck and resting her massive breasts on my back. As I stood up, I grabbed her thighs and then spread my magic power through my body. Like lightning, I crossed the imperial capital with Angelica on my back and as I left the city walls, I continued to run towards Angelica's village.


(Hero Arthur's POV.)

I am what they call reincarnated. Before reincarnating in this world, I lived on a planet called Earth. I was in my third year of high school and instead of studying I spent my days playing all kinds of games, I was addicted. Like every otaku teenager, I was a pervert who liked to play eroge.

One day when I was at the game store, I went to the new games section. In that session, I found "Adventures of a Hero: Saving the world while building a harem". As the name implies, the story consists of a hero who builds a harem while saving the world. The game was very simple and cliché, it was only necessary to carry out the main events of the story. Each event revolved around the heroines, it was enough to successfully perform the event that already conquered the heroines.

I was finding the game ordinary until Sophia came along. Sophia was a sub heroine, who like many other academy students, showed an interest in the hero, this interest turned to love when the hero saved her in one of the main events of the story. Sophia began to spend more time with the hero and naturally joins the harem.

However, a monster was created behind the hero's back. Luke Blady, a character no one cared about, was Sophia's fiancé. Luke's story is also a cliché, his mother died, and he had no talent, so he was treated like trash. Faced with such a situation, anyone would suffer. However, he always kept smiling due to his promise to his mother.

His story was shown after I defeated the Demon King and became Emperor due to Empress Margaret's death. The game showed that Luke always suffered in silence, however, Sophia made him forget that pain. Losing his fiancée triggered a meltdown. The game shows the day Luke saw Sophia entering the hero's room. Hearing his fiancée's groans, what was left of Luke was shattered.

Luke, in desperation, went to the most dangerous forest to die. He ran with tears in his eyes, until, by an irony of fate, he ended up falling into a hole that was in the middle of the forest. This hole was a prison, and the prisoner made the Goddess of Darkness and the God of Light fight together to imprison him. Unlike the Goddess of Darkness, who wants to see despair and chaos in the world, the prisoner wanted to destroy the entire world. This has caused light and dark to fight together in the past.

The opponent was so strong, that nothing could kill him, so they had to arrest him. After that, thousands of years passed, and the prisoner's muscles atrophied, he was undead, the only thing left was his speech. To preserve its power, the prisoner turned it into a small sphere. He had hope that one day, someone would find him and do his bidding. He waited thousands of years until Luke appeared.

Upon seeing Luke, the prisoner gave him hope, handing him the pill that contained his power. History shows that this happened two years before the Demon King was defeated, it was a flashback. Luke disappeared for two years, during which time he grew stronger and became a monster.

At the end of the flashback, the game shows the empire being attacked. Chaos, destruction, and death on all sides. The responsible was none other than Luke seeking revenge. After two years, he came back. After two years, Luke, a minor character that no one cared about, became the game's biggest villain and the final boss.

When I saw this, I was excited, I just didn't know that Luke would cause my death in my world. The last event in the game, I couldn't complete it, I couldn't defeat Luke. Frustrated, I stayed up several nights, I started to hate Luke, he became the character I hate the most. As a result of staying up too many nights in a row, I damaged my brain and felt the darkness embracing me. However, I managed to open my eyes again and when I realized, I was reincarnated as the main character of the game, the hero Arthur.

When I understood my situation, I decided to enjoy life in this world, I knew when and how to solve all the problems in this world, and to improve the situation, I received a system from the God of light. The first thing I did in this world was looking for the prison Luke fell into and destroy the pill. After accomplishing such a feat, I began to enjoy my reincarnated life.

I met the group of heroes and quickly added Angelica to my harem. In the game, her village went through a food crisis, I quickly resolved it by buying a fertilizer that contained magic, it was cheap but efficient. At first, I was hesitant to buy it for the price it was very cheap and promised something amazing. In the end, due to the lack of money that I was at the time, I ended up buying it and the problem ended up being solved.

When I entered the imperial academy, I became friends with Luke. I brought my hatred for him into this world, so I decided to make him my friend and make him suffer in the future. Nothing hurts more than the betrayal of a person you trust. Everything was going well until Luke became someone else. He changed completely. Faced with such a situation, I wonder if my past actions cause these changes in the present.

I have many questions and few answers. But, not my concern. Luke only has eyes for Sophia. He won't cause me any problems in the future when it comes to the heroines. Besides, I'm his only friend. He won't cause me any problems. Of that, I'm sure.

(Luke's POV.)


After being guided by Angelica for about forty minutes, we arrived at the outskirts of the village. I quickened my steps, even more, when I heard a woman's cry of despair. When we arrived, we came across a group of fire wolves (magical beasts) attacking the village. Some villagers were trying to fight the wolves, beside them was a mage casting low-level spells that did little damage to the wolves.

"Angelica, help the wounded."

Angelica got off my back and ran to heal the wounded, who lit up their faces at the sight of her. Wasting no time, I took my sword out of the storage ring and walked over to where the wolves were attacking. As I approached, one of the wolves came toward me and jumped with its mouth open, aiming for my throat. I could only laugh at the sight of the poor animal walking to its death. Using brute force, I cut the wolf in half.

[Hydra God Footsteps]

In a flash, I was on top of the other wolves, who quickly joined the wolf that attacked me. Killing these wolves was an easy task for me. They are low-level magical beasts. However, for villagers, it is an almost impossible task. After eliminating all the wolves, all the villagers approached me and started to thank me.

"Does this attack often happen?" I asked.

"No. There are no magical beasts around the village. However, a few days ago, beasts started to appear in the village. It started with two wolves, then more were appearing. It seems that they are being called." the mage replied.

"They are being called. Why?"

"I don't know."

This situation is strange. I can't feel anything coming from the village.

[It's black magic.] Suddenly, the system spoke.

'Black magic?'

[Yes, go to the plantations.]

"Can you take me to the village's farming area?"

"In the plantations? It's this way."

I wad guided to the region where villagers grow their food. As I approached, I didn't feel anything, it was just a normal plantation.

'I don't feel any dark magic.'

[It is colorless and odorless magic and has no taste for humans. However, it is a pheromone for magical beasts.]

'How did this magic end up on the plantation?'

[I don't know.]

"What is your name?" I asked the sorcerer.

"My name is Jacob."

"Jacob, do villagers use magic on plantations?"

"Yes, we use a fertilizer that contains magic. I don't know how it's done, but it was this fertilizer that got our land back. I think two or three years ago, before Angelica went to the imperial academy, we went through a food crisis. Lands became infertile. We were in serious trouble until the hero Arthur appeared."

"He brought the fertilizer."

"Yes. After the fertilizer worked, he forwarded us to the seller, and we've been buying from him ever since."


[That's exactly what you're thinking. This fertilizer, despite using dark magic, is not harmful to human health and when used in small amounts does not attract beasts. However, they are using this fertilizer for too long, generating a buildup in the soil. This land has so much accumulated dark magic that it has begun to attract magical beasts.]

'Is there any way to solve this problem?'

[Yea. Angelica can use holy magic in the lands to solve the problem. Unfortunately, the land will lose fertility.]

'How can black magic restore the fertility of a land?'

[There are many types of black magic. The creator of the fertilizer must use the vital energy of living beings, this is the only way to 'revive' the earth.]

Arthur bought something that had consequences for Angelica's village. From what I understand from the system's explanation, the life energy used to create dark magic is attracting magical beasts to the village.


"What is this tremor?"

Suddenly, the ground began to shake. I expanded my magic power to see the situation around the village.

"An order of magical beasts."


A/N: I've ser a new goal on Ko-fi, which is completed will help post chapters more often. Anyone who can help me by donating a Ko-fi will be of great help.