Chapter 11 - Battle against the beasts.

When I spread my magic power, I felt a horde of magical beasts coming towards the village.

"Jacob, can you build a barrier to stop the beasts from entering the village?"

"I can. However, my magic power is currently very low."

"I have three potions that restore magic power. Drink one now and build a barrier, when yours is low, drink another. Don't let the barrier come undone."

"Right... But what happens when the potions run out? Won't that be the end of us?"

"Don't worry. There won't be a monster alive to attack the village."


"If you want to survive, just do as I say. Raise the barrier at my signal."

I took the three potions that restore magic power from my storage ring and handed them to Jacob, who quickly drank them down. Angelica, who had just healed the wounded, came towards me.

"Finally it's over." she said, sighing.

"Not yet. There's still a lot to happen."


"There's a horde of magical beasts coming towards the village."

"My God. What are we going to do? We have to call adventurers to protect the village."


(Angelica POV.)

"Angelica, don't worry. I'm here."


Luke put his hand on my head, stroking my hair. I looked into his face and saw a calm look, full of confidence, and with a smile. For some reason, the desperation I felt upon receiving the information that a horde of beasts was approaching faded.

"Right. Let's go Jacob."

Luke turned his back and started walking west of the village. Behind him was Jacob. Seeing Luke's confident back pull away, I felt my heart rate increase and went after him.

"Put up the barrier, Jacob."

Under the orders of Luke, the village mage, Jacob erected a barrier. I didn't know what Luke was planning, but I despaired of seeing Luke outside the barrier.


I called out his name, but got no response or reaction. Seeing the situation, the villagers approached me and started to question what was going on. I didn't even need to answer, they understood the situation when they saw several magical beasts coming towards the village. Faced with such a situation, everyone was desperate. Only one person was calm, and she was outside the barrier.

Luke, seeing the beasts approaching, calmly unsheathed his sword. He had his back to me, but I got the feeling he was smiling. Fearless, Luke attacked the beasts, starting a massacre.

Luke easily slashed at the beasts, using brute force, swinging his sword. The sound of meat being cut could be heard clearly. All the villagers staring at the scene wide-eyed, silent.

About fifty magical beasts had already been killed, however, it was far from over. I don't know the exact number, but I believe there must be around three hundred and fifty beasts. Luke, faced with such a number, decided to use his sword technique [Leviathan]. Unleashing great power in his sword, Luke slew half of the magical beasts.

After such a massacre, Luke was covered in blood. His current appearance didn't look like that of a human, but that of a demon. Seeing Luke in this state, I didn't feel disgust or fear. I knew he was doing this for me.

The battle continued for another ten minutes. When the last beast was killed, everyone in the village shouted in celebration. Thanks to Luke, everyone was safe and sound. Men, women and children all hugged each other with tears in their eyes. I looked at Luke and noticed something odd.

Instead of going back to the village, he just stood there looking at the forest. It looked like Luke was expecting something. After a few seconds, something came crawling out of the forest. With red eyes and about nine meters long and five meters wide, a black basilisk appeared.

Unlike the other magical beasts Luke has killed, a basilisk is considered an A-rank monster. It has great stamina due to its thick skin and great strength due to its size. Some species can even release venom.

Faced with such a monster, the happiness and smile on the villagers' faces disappeared, creating a tense atmosphere. I should have been in the same situation as them, but I ended up remembering Luke's words (it's going to be okay).

Luke, who planned to face such a monster alone, was unfazed. Looking at his back, it seemed like more confidence surrounded him. Using [the hydra god's footsteps], Luke closed the distance with the monster and swung his sword, trying to cut it. However, the sword, upon striking the basilisk's thick skin, broke.

At the same time, the monster counterattacked, hitting Luke with its tail. Upon receiving the powerful blow, Luke flew a few meters and bounced to the ground.

"LUKE." I screamed his name in desperation.

Luke quickly stood up, looked at me and said a few words. Reading the lips, I ran to the village blacksmith.

"A sword. He asked for a sword. Do you have it?"

"Yes, at the forge. This way, come."

I ran after the blacksmith as fast as I could. Upon arriving at the forge, the blacksmith chose the best sword and handed it to me. I returned to Luke's battlefield, who was dodging the basilisk's attacks.

"Undo the barrier." I told Jacob.


"Do I have to deliver this sword to him, or do you want him to die?"

"Everything is fine."

Jacob undid the barrier protecting the village, allowing me to pass.


Hearing his name being called, Luke looked my way. So I threw the sword at him, and he jumped to catch it in midair. As soon as he took the sword, I felt a shiver run down my back. The reason was the amount of magic power concentrated at the tip of the sword.

[Breaking the sky]

The basilisk, which leapt open-mouthed at Luke, was ripped in half. Luke, killed an A-rank monster with a single sword move. He simply moved the sword vertically, cutting through everything in front of him. The blow was so powerful that it knocked the basilisk down and left a giant gash in the ground.

After the blow, Luke fell to the ground.

"Luke." I ran to him.

As I approached, Luke fell into my arms, covered in blood.

"I used the last of my magic power in this last blow. I'm tired."

"Thank you. Thank you for protecting everyone." I said, tears coming out of my eyes.

"I told you everything would be fine."


I used my powers to heal Luke's wounds. Unfortunately, I cannot regain magical powers.

"Angelica, gather all the food and then use your magic on the lands."


"Just do it. Trust me."

After his speech, Luke closed his eyes and slept. A normal reaction due to the use of all the body's magic power.

"He is fine?" Jacob asked.

"Yes, he just used up all his magic power."


The other villagers approached us. Some helped me get Luke into one of the houses, some of the village women were willing to clean Luke's body. I was a little upset, but I ended up accepting the idea.

I left Luke in charge of the women's care and told the farmers to gather food from the crops. Furthermore, I didn't understand why, but I just followed Luke's orders. Other men and women went to the battlefield to gather the materials of magical beasts, such as skin, fangs, flesh, and the magic cores.

All these items can be sold to the adventurers guild or to other villages. In addition to being used by the residents themselves. By this time, it was already getting dark. However, everyone kept working, until the sun came up.


(Luke's POV.)

When I open my eyes, I wake up and see an unfamiliar ceiling. On the edge of the bed I was lying on, I see Angelica sleeping in a chair.

[Angelica has strong feelings for you]

[The villagers of Pallet village are grateful to you.]

[hidden mission

Save the village: complete.

Reward: 50 stat points]

I received system notifications. I was surprised to receive the notification that I performed a hidden mission. In the end, I ended up being rewarded for something I was going to do for Angelica. I want to steal everything from Arthur, especially his women, and make them mine. But in the process, I don't want to see any of these women sad.

In the beginning, it was all about revenge. But this week, while talking to Angelica, I awoke a certain interest in her. While talking to her, I got to know some sides of her that I liked. Angelica is a kind woman, who cares a lot about other people, is cheerful, sensitive to certain things and hardworking. She has some flaws, like every normal being. For example, Angelica is easily scared and not good at analyzing situations.

In the basilisk fight, when my sword broke, she wouldn't have given me a sword if I hadn't told her. Also, in some practical classes we had this week at the academy, she took some wrong attitudes. She is very good, but needs to be educated.

I wonder what the other two heroines, Serina and Carina, must be like. I only know the two of them on the surface. Carina is a human demi who likes to fight and Serina is a proud elf typical of her people.

'Open system.'

Name: Luke Blady.

Age: 18 years.

Profession: Legendary swordsman.

Title: Reincarnated, Antagonist, Demon of Lust.

Attack: 120->150

Resistance: 134

Agility: 130 -> 150

Intelligence: 250

Vitality: 200 -> 250

Magic Power: Rank b+

I spent the reward I received, increasing my stats. As usual, a pain ran through my entire body. In the end, I got out of bed and noticed something. I was wearing different clothes than I arrived, probably someone cleaned and changed me. This is the most plausible explanation.


Angelica, who was sleeping, woke up. She got out of the chair and came towards me, so she buried her face in my chest and wrapped her arms around my body, hugging me tightly. I hugged Angelica back and stroked her head.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I thought you weren't going to wake up anymore."

"How long was I sleeping?"

"Two days."

I used up all my magic power on the last blow and was exhausted.

"How are the people of the Village?"

"Everyone is fine, thanks to you."


"Why did you ask me to use my magic in the lands?"

"It's complicated, I'll explain everything to you."

I told Angelica what I knew about the fertilizer. She was so mad at Arthur for bringing something related to dark magic to her village, she basically blamed him. I don't judge her, her village could have been annihilated.

Now that I think about it, in my first life I heard a rumor that a village near the capital was destroyed. Was it Angelica's village? I think in my first life, there wasn't a person to help her. In the end, she had to see her village destroyed. I think Arthur supported her at the time.

It's kind of crazy, come to think of it. It would be great if it was planned, but I believe it wasn't. There was no way Arthur could have known that this fertilizer had dark magic.

[Eyes of the Lord]

[Affection: 90]

I used my skill on Angelica, I knew she had developed feelings for me due to a system notification. I just didn't know it had increased so much.

"Angelica, we have a few more problems to solve."


When Angelica used her magic to purify the lands, she ended up eliminating the entire effect of dark magic. In short, the lands are infertile. Not only that, Angelica's village is open, it has no protection. These are the two main problems in the village. Faced with such a situation, I already have an idea that can solve these two problems.

"Angelica, gather all the people in the village. There's something I want to talk about."


"Wait.... Is there anything I can eat? I'm starving."
