Chapter 12 - Village problems.

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I slept for two whole days, obviously I would be hungry when I woke up. When I leave the room with Angélica, I come across a simple but well-appointed house. In the village of Angélica, everyone is very humble and simple.

"Good Morning. You finally woke up."

"Good Morning. Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Abigail."

Abigail is a woman in her mid-fifties. She has gray hair that extends down to her back, wears bottle glasses, and has a charming body. She should have been an incredible beauty when she was younger.

"I'm Luke. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Hoho... don't need that courtesy."

"Abigail is my creator. She is responsible for raising the orphaned children of the church." Said Angelica.

"I can't take credit for everything. All the people in the village help to take care of the children, here we are a family."

"I understand."

"You must be with you. Lucky for you, I just made lunch, come on."

When I woke up, I didn't know what time it was. Now that it's lunchtime, it must be close to noon. That means I'll have the whole afternoon to work together with the villagers.

I followed Abigail to a huge table, which had a few kids sitting on it. These children are the orphans of the village. I sat at the table next to Angelica and waited for Abigail to bring lunch. After a delicious meal, I went to the center of the village while Angélica gathered the villagers. After everyone was gathered, I started talking.

"I'm not going to introduce myself, you all must already know who I am. Right?"


"All right. Unfortunately, the lands have become infertile again. But I have a solution, which will require everyone's collaboration."

"Wait. Why did the lands become infertile again and why did we have these monster attacks?" a man asked, he seemed to be the leader of the villagers.

"I won't hide anything. The reason the monsters were attacking is because of the fertilizer, it has dark magic that attracts magical beasts. To be more precise, there was an accumulation of dark magic in the land and this attracted the beasts."

"..." everyone was silent, surprised.

"To prevent these attacks from happening again, I asked Angelica to use her magic to purify the lands. Black magic was eliminated, eliminating the effects on earth. In short, the land has become infertile again."

"What are we going to do now?"

"Unfortunately, we will have to cut some trees to plant. It will be a long process, but thanks to the attack, the village has obtained supplies for half a year. Let's stock up on magic beast meat instead of selling it. Apart from the cores, which I want for myself, feel free to sell the rest."

"It's all right. But what are we going to do with the trees we cut down?"

"We are going to build a wall around the village and a gate. Let's use the wood for this. Another thing, the basilisks' scales will be used to reinforce the wall, giving it greater protection. Did everyone understand?"


"Right. Now, who buys the fertilizer?"

"I." A bearded man emerged from the crowd.

"Come with me for a moment. The rest, get tools and go to the northern part of the village."

The bearded man followed me to a corner of the village.

"Tell me about the person who sells you the fertilizer."

According to the man, the seller always wears a black cloak, and he gives off a frightening aura. He is not sure what a man's face looks like, he always wears something on his head that covers his face. Seriously, what goes through this guy's head not to suspect something like this? On second thought, it was the hero Arthur who referred him to this seller, he should have trusted Arthur a lot not to question.

"When are you going to meet him again?"

"In two days. We always meet on the same day of the month, and he always sells me an amount that lasts exactly one month."

"I understand. You'll be taking me to the meeting place in two days."


"I won't even answer you."


"No buts, you'll just take me."


After getting the information, I went to the place I had informed the villagers. Upon arriving, I took an ax and applied magic power to it, then cut down a tree easily. Seeing this, the villagers looked at me with wide eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that and divide into three groups. The first will move the logs I cut, the second will pull the roots out of the earth, and the third will cut the logs to make the walls. Then, get to work."


(POV Angelica)

Watching Luke work, I felt my heart flutter.

"He is incredible. He has a strong presence and is a good leader." Abigail spoke to me.


"What do you think about him?"

That's a great question. What do I think of Luke? I remember the day of the opening ceremony, I thought it was amazing that anyone could surpass Arthur. I came to admire him, but it lasted a few minutes. After I saw Luke kill that boy in cold blood, my admiration was replaced by fear. I didn't want to get involved with him, but as fate would have it, I was put in the same group as him the day after the opening ceremony.

But thanks to that, I got to know Luke better, and it changes my view of him. On the first day we were placed in the group, we had a mock battle against my fellow heroes. Faced with such a situation, Luke proved to be a great strategist. His strategy managed to overwhelm the group considered the strongest in the academy.

During the battle, we were close to victory, but Serina cast a powerful spell. I believe she had her pride hurt by being easily hit by Luke, in response, when she regained consciousness, she cast that spell. Luke dodged, but the spell came my way.

Seeing the spell approaching, I felt a pang of desperation in my heart. I closed my eyes and waited for the spell to hit me, but it never did. Luke sacrificed himself and protected me, taking the spell in my place. In the end, the professor interrupted the combat, giving my fellow heroes a sense of defeat.

Something I've noticed about Luke is that he can make people change the way they see him very quickly. Within a day, my fear for him was gone. Well, because I would be afraid of a person who would sacrifice themselves to save me. He may be cruel to his enemies, as he was in ceremonial combat, but he is a good person to his companions.

My interaction with Luke increased as he approached me.

Unlike other professions, I am a saint. I'm someone who won't fight on the front lines, I'm a support. Because of this, I only increased my magic power, the rest of the day I spent in the imperial academy library reading.

Luke, who wanted to get to know me because we were in the same group, started going to the library with me. I never told my mates, but I kind of felt alone. That loneliness was filled when Luke started spending late afternoons with me. I got to know him a little more.

He is different than he appears, on the outside he appears to be someone cold. But inside, he's a sensitive person when it comes to his family. As a heroine, I'm already under pressure from society, I don't even want to imagine what he went through being a duke's son.

A week passed, and I became even more involved with Luke in classes and at night. I noticed that Luke noticed some small details of mine, and he used that to cheer me up. I was happy, but I still had Arthur. One day, I don't know what happened, but a huge lust took over my body and all I wanted was to have sex with Luke. I don't know why, but it had to be Luke.

In the end, I couldn't resist and went to bed with him. I had anal sex, I know anal is sex, but in the situation I got carried away. At that moment, my lust was speaking louder than my reason. To be honest, I really enjoyed it, it was very pleasurable, and I managed to have some orgasms.

The same day, I received a signal from the village that something urgent was happening. And again, it was Luke who helped me. After resolving the situation with the beasts, Luke was still willing to help solve the plantation problem and the village's security. He won't gain anything by doing this, but he's still doing it.

Now, I feel confused. I started to have feelings for Luke, but I still can't forget the time I spent with Arthur. Even knowing that Arthur was responsible for almost destroying my entire village. What I'll do? I feel a great doubt in my heart.


(Luke's POV)

Night came, I could have finished cutting down all the trees today. However, the villagers slowed me down. It took a long time to pull the roots out of the ground, delaying everyone's work. At least I have a bag full of magical beast cores, the only core worth separating is the basilisk. However, as it has numerous cores at once, it is possible to finally reach the A rank of magic power.

Who would have thought that Luke Blady, the trash of the Blady family, would reach A rank of magic power in a month and a half? Everything is going beyond what was planned. Another thing I have in mind is letting Angelica come to me. I'm not going to use my skills on her, I want her to come naturally. She already has a great affection for me, all I have to do is let her choose me.

If she chooses me, I will make her my second wife. Luckily, polygamy is allowed in this world, whether male or female owns the harem. There are several women with more than one husband. As for me, the first wife is obviously going to be the woman who took my virginity, my first ally, Marceline. She doesn't know that I intend to make her my wife, I really want to see her reaction.

"Are you tired?" Angelica asked me.

"Not much, I'm just sweaty. Is there somewhere I can shower?"

"Yes, there is a toilet in the village and there is a toilet in the church. I think you'd better use the one from the church, there are some women here who might attack you."


"Use the church one, trust me."


(Arthur's point of view)

I haven't heard from Angelica for two days, she just disappeared. What's worse, Luke isn't at the imperial academy either. Did he do something to her? Once again, my head filled with doubts. Faced with this situation, I decided to go to the village of Angélica.

After renting a horse, I left the imperial capital and went to her village. After a few hours, it was already dark, and I finally arrived at Angélica's village. I looked around and noticed that some trees were being cut down, I decided to ignore it as I thought the villagers were cutting down to get raw material to build something.

I approached the village expecting a warm welcome, but when people saw me, it created a hostile atmosphere. Likewise, I found it strange, after all I am a hero who has saved this village from hunger before.

"Hi. Is Angelica here?"

"Is she in the house next to the church?" the woman said without looking at me.


I sighed in relief. As I thought, Angelica was here. I decided to ignore the people who looked at me in a hostile way and went to the house next to the church, as I approach I see a light coming out of the house. As I looked out the window, my eyes widened. Inside the house, there were several children gathered around the table. But what caught my attention was the smile on Angelica's face, she only smiled that way for me. However, she was smiling at another man.

"What is this motherfucker doing here?"

It was Luke who was inside the house.
