Chapter 13 - Angelica's feeling (R-18)

(Luke's POV)

I finished taking a shower in the church bathroom. Today, despite not working much, it was a hot day, and I was sweating because of it. I believe that tomorrow we can start building the wall around the village. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, so I plan on going to bed soon.

After leaving the bathroom, I went to the dining room of the house. Once again, the table was surrounded by children, waiting for their food to eat. I sat in the same place where I had lunch and waited. Some children started playing with me while we were waiting.

After a few minutes, Abigail, who was preparing dinner, brought the food to the table. I got up and helped her bring in the pans, plates, and silverware. Angelica, who was in one of the rooms of the house, came to the Dining Room. Once again, she sat next to me, like at lunch.

"Are we going to have trouble at the gym?"

"No. Firstly, I warned the professor that we might miss a few days depending on the situation here. Secondly, the academy classes are not mandatory. I mean, no one forces you to enter the imperial academy, you enter at your own will."

That's how the gym works. Everyone can enter, at the same time everyone can leave. People, both nobles and commoners, go to the academy to strengthen themselves. If the person believes they are strong enough already, they are free to leave before graduation.


"Do you miss the academy?"

"A little. Like it or not, I've gotten used to my routine."

"At least you're home and not in an unfamiliar place."

"Truth." Angelica said smiling.

Suddenly, I feel the presence of a great magical power outside the house. It was a power I knew all too well.

"Arthur is in the village."


"To be more precise, he's outside the house."

Angelica got up, and went towards the exit of the house. I got up too and went after her, curious to know what Arthur was doing here. As we left the house, we came across Arthur looking at us angrily. Using [lord's eyes], I finally see how he feels about me.

[Affection: -100]

Wow, he really hates me. But what have I done? My revenge didn't even begin, nor did I steal anything from him for him to have this hatred for me.

"Hi, Arthur. What are you doing here?" Angelica asked.

"You disappeared without any news. I was worried. So, I decided to come to the only place you could be."

"I see. Sorry, to bother you."

"No problem, but what are you doing here, Luke?"

"Angelica received a signal that something was happening here in the village. I came with her to help solve the problem."

"And what problem was that?"

"Some idiot indicated a fertilizer that contained dark magic. This magic started to attract magical beasts, the village was almost decimated."

"What? Dark magic?" Arthur asked, surprised.

"Arthur, did you buy something dangerous like that without knowing it?" Angelica asked in a cold tone.

This is the first time I've seen her acting this way. I believe the people of this village are important to her, to the point of treating Arthur that way.

"Not me."

"You what?"

"Yes, I bought something not knowing it was dangerous. I'm sorry."

"Really? What if the people of my village had died? An apology wasn't going to bring them back."

Angelica said angrily, turned her back on Arthur and started walking back home. Arthur was shocked by Angelica's attitude, his body frozen.

"Arthur, I think you better give her a break. She must be very upset right now."


"I think everyone in the village is. Despite your attempt to help, they almost died because of it. If you want to fix this mistake, help with work tomorrow."

"It's a good idea. But where am I going to sleep?"

"I believe the stable is the only option."


"I doubt anyone will give you shelter. Well, good luck with that."

I turned my back and went back home. Arthur, he dug his own grave coming here, now he's going to have to work hard to win over the people of this village again. It will be fun to see you working tomorrow. I entered the house and went to the room where Angélica was.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm a little angry. We are heroes, how can he bring dark magic to the village?"

"He said he didn't know."

"And that makes the situation even worse. My village could have been destroyed and everyone could have been killed. Just thinking about it makes my body shake with rage."

That's how human beings are. Although Arthur has no knowledge of dark magic, he brought the fertilizer to save the village. However, given the situation a few days ago, this feat of Arthur was all but forgotten. Now everyone sees him as a villain who almost destroyed the village and not as a hero who saved it a few years ago.

"Angelica. You're nervous right now, lie down and rest."

"You're right. Can you sleep with me tonight? I don't want to sleep alone."

"Well, I don't think it will be a problem."

I lay down beside Angelica on the bed, who hugged me. I think in this current situation, she just wants some affection. Everyone in the village needs hope after recent events. The villagers had to absorb many things.

Angelica settled into my arms and slowly fell asleep. I did the same thing.

At dawn, I woke up alone in bed. Angelica, who slept with me, had already gotten up. After getting up, the story was the same as yesterday during breakfast. I left the house and went to the stable, where Arthur must be sleeping.

"Good Morning." I greeted Arthur, who was already awake.

"I slept badly." he replied sullenly.

"You saw where we're cutting the trees right? If you want to help go there."

I left the grumpy Arthur behind and went to the same place we were working yesterday. When I arrive, I find the villagers already working. I took my tool and cut down the rest of the trees. After a long time, Arthur arrived.

"What I have to do?" he asked.

"Help the villagers uproot the roots. I'll help the others cut the wood to make the walls."

"Okay. That's easy."

Pulling the roots out of the ground is a very difficult job, more so than cutting the trunk. I went to the place where the villagers were cutting the log. I started helping with the work, until I heard Arthur scream.


He began to encounter difficulties at work. Arthur stopped work before the lunch break. He wanted to regain his reputation with the villagers at work, but he's only getting worse. At one point, he started to be rude to the villagers and threw some tantrums.


(Angelica POV.)

I never imagined Arthur had that side. In the morning, when I saw him start helping out at work, I thought he was trying to redeem himself with everyone. However, every time he showed any difficulty, he would get angry and curse. He started to treat the villagers rudely, making me uncomfortable with his attitude.

The Arthur I knew was a different person, who did his best to help people. So must the hero be. Even more, knowing that Arthur also grew up in a village like this, I expected compassion from him. However, looking at him now, I only see a spoiled kid, unlike Luke.

Time passed and night came quickly. I went to the stable, where Arthur was. If he had acted better today, I bet the people of this village would have given him shelter. However, due to his way of acting, he dug his own grave.

"Arthur, can we talk?" I called him.

"Angelica, what do you want?"

"I want to talk about how you acted today."

"How did I act?"

"Yes, you were a little rude to the people you were working with. I wish you would act differently."

"Aaah, why should I do this?"


"First of all, I wouldn't act like this if I didn't have to work."

"Well, you were the one who brought dark magic to the village."

"And the problem still hasn't been solved?"

"Partly yes. But Luke said..."

"Luke, Luke, Luke. Always Luke?"


"You think I haven't noticed the way you look at him. You look like a bitch wagging her tail to..."


I slapped Arthur across the face, who was stunned. So, I turned and ran, tears in my eyes. I just wanted to help him improve his image with the people of the village, and he treated me like that. Arthur is a different person than I imagined, all this time he's pretended to be someone he's not.

My chest started to ache as I ran towards the house. Upon entering, I went straight to my room.

"Angelica." I hear Luke's voice, who has entered the room and closed the door.


"Are you okay?"

I jumped on his chest and wrapped my arms around his body, hugging him.

"It's okay. I'm here."

He stroked my hair as he comforted me. I felt the pain in my chest disappear, and a sense of security and comfort washed over me. I looked at Luke, who was looking at me kindly, and kissed him.

When I saw Luke's face, I let my emotions get the best of me. I remembered everything he did and is doing for me.

Luke, who was surprised by my action, ended up accepting my kiss. He opened his mouth, letting my tongue in, and wrapped his arms around my body. Now my emotions were taking over me, making me act without thinking.

Suddenly, Luke pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me. Then he started unbuttoning the buttons on my clothes, one by one. Seeing this, I let him have his way. After all, I want to have sex with him, is what my body is telling me.

After a few seconds, Luke and I were naked on the bed. Seeing Luke's muscular body, I ended up grabbing him and pressing him against the bed, making him get under me. Then, I grabbed his penis, which was already erect, and placed it in the line of my vagina entrance.


Luke tried to say something, but before he could, I moved my hips down so his cock penetrated. Luke's cock walked through my vagina until it reached my sweet spot, generating a pleasurable sensation.

"Aaahh... We're finally one." I moaned in pleasure.

"You're too tight, Angelica."

A smile formed on my face when I saw Luke's expression.


I started rocking my hips, going up and down. Each time, Luke's cock hit the most sensitive spot in my vagina, making me moan in pleasure. The feel of Luke's cock sliding into my pussy made my mind go blank. I had never felt anything like this, it felt like my pussy was melting.

Luke grabbed my nipples and started to stimulate them. He started sliding his fingers over both, then squeezed them, generating a sensation of pain and pleasure.



Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Hearing the voice, it was Arthur.

"I can enter?"

I looked at Luke, who moved his hips up, smiling. I felt my body lose strength at his sudden movement, and I let out a small moan.

"Aah... Arthur. Now is not a good time."

"I know you're upset with me. I thought about it and realized I was acting like an idiot...."

I couldn't hear any more of what Arthur was saying. Luke continued to move, hitting the sensitive spots in my pussy, and continued to stimulate my nipples. A wave of pleasure coursed through my body, making me lose consciousness.

I had just had an orgasm. I felt a shiver run through my body as my leg shook, my mind went blank with pleasure, making me pay no attention to Arthur.


"Angelica, are you okay? Something happened?"

"Ah!? Yes, I'm fine. Nothing happened."

"Right. In short, can you forgive me?"

forgive you? Arthur, I'm the one who should apologize. Now, I'm rocking my hips and moaning in pleasure into another's cock. I'm kissing someone else's mouth. I... am in love with someone else.

In the end, not just my body, but my heart belongs to another man. I belong to Luke.

I won't be able to keep my promise to marry you.


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