Chapter 25 - Sword.

(Luke's point of view)

I opened my eyes, not knowing how much time had passed. Skrill began purifying the element within me, and I fell into a trance and lost track of time. In my opinion, not much time has passed.

"How long had I been in this state?"

"It had to have been two days."


My entire body went numb. I left in the middle of the night without telling anyone, and if it's been two days, I'm gone. Furthermore, leaving without informing the empress was a breach of responsibility on my part. After all, I came as her vassal.

On the other hand, I believe my magical power has significantly changed. My sword ki and mana both increased. This increase had little effect on my sword Ki, but it did raise my mana from Rank-E to Rank-C.

Aside from that, I sense a very pure power within myself. A power I'd never felt before, which altered my perception of magical power. I never imagined that a power like this could be derived from nature.

"How are you feeling?" Skrill inquired.

"I feel that my body is much lighter and that my magic power has also increased. How is that possible?"

"When I was purifying my element, I created a bond between you and me. That bond will hide my presence in the world, as well as grant you more magical power."


"By the way, what is a Dark Goddess ego doing to you? Besides, how is it possible that you have two cores?"

"Let's get out of here. On the way I'll tell you my story, since you know I'm a reincarnated one."

"Hehehe, intriguing."

Skrill jumped on my shoulder as I rose from the ground. Suddenly, a magical circle appeared on the floor beneath my feet. I was out of the cave and in the middle of the forest in the blink of an eye. The sun hit my skin, dispelling the chill I felt in the cave.


"When it comes to magic, we dragons are incredible beings. Will you now tell me your story?"

"I thought your eyes could see the whole truth."

"Only when it comes to earth's mortals. The story is a little different when it comes to the gods; they are complicated."

"First, I'd like to try something."

I took my sword from the storage ring. Skrill, who was on my shoulder, jumped to the ground and sat up, watching what I was doing. Now that it's just me and Skrill in the forest, I've decided not to hold back.


Continue to use my sword technique. Instead of the usual technique, the lightning this time came from the sword. With each movement, a bolt of lightning erupts from the sword, burning and frying everything in its path. I've spent the last six months honing my sword techniques' lightning speed.

My techniques became more powerful as I progressed. However, now that the element within me has been purified, my techniques have advanced to a completely new level. If I can regain the magic power I had in the other world and add the lightning element to the techniques, I believe even the gods will be afraid of being struck by them.

"These moves of yours are excellent. In fact, they are perfect; if they were stronger, this technique would threaten even a dragon in his prime. Besides, if you had a stronger sword..."

"Would you like to go down that dungeon again?"


"You said that if I had a stronger sword, it would strengthen my techniques. There is a sword at the end of the cave we were in and with its powers we quickly pass through the remaining floors."

"Boy, don't you think you're overreacting? We just met and you want me to fight for you?"



In the end, Skrill ended up going down the dungeon with me. Along the way I told him a little of my story, about my experiences and my goal of revenge in this current life. He listened to everything in silence and said at the end.

"You've suffered a lot, huh. I don't judge you for wanting revenge. But, one piece of advice I can give you: be careful with the goddess of destruction, you don't know what her objective is."

"You have a point. But regardless of her goals, this second chance of mine was only possible because of her. I don't know how she did it or why, but everything that's happening today was caused by her."

"Hehehe, I think I made the right choice in bonding with you. Your future looks very interesting."

"We've reached the ninth floor."

The door to this floor was closed, unlike the doors to the other floors. I looked at Skrill before pushing open the door. A different floor than usual appeared in front of us. At the end, a massive door could be seen. However, there was a throne in front of the door, and a knight in black armor sat on it.

Sensing our presence, the knight rose from his throne. Then, in his hand, a dark green aura appeared, indicating the start of a spell. Several undead soldiers began to rise from the ground.

Skril, who was standing next to me, took the lead. He attacked the knights without even breaking out of his cat form. An electric current so powerful ran through the floor that it turned all the undead in front of it to dust. With a single attack, the knight, who could do nothing, vanished from the map.

"That's a dragon's power."

"Impressive. You even smashed the door."

Skrill's attack, after killing the knight, struck the door, destroying a portion of it. We made our way to the front door. I thought we were going to another floor, but Skrill's broken door led to a room full of treasures. All kinds of gold and jewels were strewn about the room.

"Hahaha, I'm rich."

It's a pity that none of the adventurers were able to defeat the ninth floor knight. The life of each of the group members was going to change completely. Leaving aside the part of the riches, a little further ahead, stuck in a rock, was a sword.

"Well, first of all, I'm going to fill my storage ring with gold. You never know, maybe there's a trap."

"Smart ass. You're right, as soon as you pull the sword from the stone, several magic circles will be activated to destroy this place."

"Luckily I have someone who has teleportation magic."


I approached the sword with Skrill on my shoulder after completely filling my storage ring with gold. Unfortunately, I'm leaving a significant amount of gold behind. Profits would increase if I had a larger storage ring.

When I approached the sword, I noticed that its pommel was shaped like a lion's head and that the part between the blade and the hilt bore the symbol of the kingdom of demi humans' royal family. This sword most likely belonged to a royal family ancestor. When I held the handle, I felt as if my body had been relocated.

Everything around me was white and the only thing in that environment was a demi human with lion features. I had seen this demi-human before, he was at the entrance to the royal palace depicted on a statue. In my hands was the sword.

"A human? That's unusual."

"You were one of the kings of the demihumans, right?"

"You can say yes."

"Obviously that sword was yours. So why did you hide it? The aura emanating from it is amazing and I can say that it's one of the best swords I've ever seen."

"That sword is yours, not mine. It became yours the moment she recognized you, which surprised me because I never expected a human to devote himself to that sword."

"And why did you keep it hidden?"

"They forged this sword for me before the dwarven tribe was exterminated from the world. This was their final work, and I wanted to honor their tribe before I died."

"There's no need to continue because I already understand. You built this dungeon to house the sword; whoever completed it would be worthy of wielding the sword."

"Both yes and no. To wield this sword, you must pass two tests: mine and the sword's. My test, as you mentioned, was the dungeon test; the sword's test is to be recognized by it. If you have both, she is rightfully yours."

I didn't actually do anything. The adventurers were the ones who fought on the previous floors, and Skrill was the one who defeated the monsters on the nine floor. In a nutshell, I did nothing. The sword recognized me as its owner, and I passed the only test.

"Well, I left a piece of my soul in the sword so I could see who would wield it next."


"I'm not sure if you're going to use that sword for good or evil, but my instincts tell me you're going to do great things with it."


"So, best wishes on your journey. We say our final goodbyes here."

I was suddenly transported back to my previous location. The sword was lying on the rock in front of me. Skrill sat on my shoulders, waiting for me to draw my sword. Without further ado, I drew the sword from the rock, revealing its dark red blade. Several magical circles appeared on the ground at the same time. But I wasn't concerned.

I was already out of the cave and in the middle of the forest before the magical circles took any action. Skrill's teleportation magic is responsible for all of this. I examined the sword in my hand; it is quite lovely. Her blade is red, and the handle is white with gold details.

"All right, let's go back."

Due to the gold that occupied it, I was unable to store the sword in my storage ring. So I had to leap through the trees with Skrill on my shoulder and my sword in hand. I jumped high enough on the outskirts of the palace to enter through the bedroom window.

To my surprise, when I walked in through the window, I found Margaret sitting on the bed I was sleeping in and Elizabeth pacing back and forth. When both of them noticed me.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" they both screamed at the same time.