Chapter 26 - Scar.

I returned to the demihuman palace after two days of disappearance. Elizabeth and Margaret greeted me angrily.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was? You went missing for two days with no explanation." Margaret stated.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep at night, so I went for a walk around town. I happened to pass by the adventurers' guild and heard about a dungeon."

In this situation, I chose to lie. Sorry, Elizabeth and Margaret, but I don't think now is the time to discuss the elementals. That would raise even more doubts, and neither of them would believe there's a dragon on my shoulder.

"And you decided to go to the dungeon? In the middle of the night? And you stayed there for two days?" Elizabeth was perplexed.

"Yes, I lost track of time inside the dungeon. But at the very least, I was able to close the dungeon and obtain this sword. As well as getting a new pet."

'Mascot? Your son of...'

Skrill's voice popped into my head. It was telepathy. I believe the bond we've formed allows us to communicate telepathically. Margaret, who was standing beside Elizabeth, approached me. Then she pinched my cheek and pulled.

Skrill, who was on my shoulder, jumped onto the bed and lay down. He gave me a sly smile while looking at me as if he was enjoying the view.

"You idiot. I was thinking about asking Mufasa for assistance and starting a search for you."

"Oh my. I'm truly sorry. I know it was my fault."

"Sigh... At least you're safe."

Margaret let go of my aching cheek. She sat back down on the bed, next to Skrill, and began stroking his head. Skrill, contrary to my expectations, accepted Margaret's affection. The empress has no idea that the cat she is petting is a dragon, a very powerful one.

"Luke, where did you find that cat?"

"I discovered it at the end of the dungeon, along with this sword."


(From Elizabeth's perspective)

Luke returned after two days. When I awoke the morning after he vanished, I assumed he had awoken before me and was with the empress. When I met Margaret, she said she hadn't seen Luke since last night. We decided to look for him around the palace, but we couldn't find him anywhere.

We had no choice but to go to the city in search of him. I had planned to take Margaret to the beach that day, but I had to cancel due to an unforeseen event. Margaret spread all of her magical power throughout the city in an attempt to find Luke. However, she was unable to detect it.

Finally, Margaret stated that our only option was to wait for Luke. Luke was not kidnapped; after all, he was in the same room as me. He is also strong enough to defend himself. Margaret decided to wait a while before approaching Mufasa, the king of demihumans, for assistance.

So another day passed, and just as Margaret was about to ask Mufasa for help in finding Luke, he reappeared. Luke returned two days later, looking a little different than usual. I didn't notice at first because I was annoyed by his reckless behavior. However, after calming down, I noticed a slightly different aura emanating from Luke.

Furthermore, he wielded a lethal sword. After seeing the sword, I, an experienced knight, could say it was the most powerful sword I had ever seen in my life. Also, the cat he brought with him was odd. He gives off an intimidating vibe, unlike most cats.

I don't know what happened to Luke the two days he was gone, but I feel relieved that he came back all right.


(Luke's POV)

It was still morning when I got back. I decided to take a shower, after all, I hadn't cleaned myself in two days. After removing all the dirt from my body, I asked to keep an amount of gold that I collected in the dungeon in a bag, enough to be able to store my new sword in the storage ring.

I left the bag with the gold on the corner of the bed.

So I exited the room, where Elizabeth and Margaret awaited me. Margaret is having lunch with the royal family today, and as her vassal, I am required to accompany you. Mufasa sat at the far end of the table, with the queen on the right and Carina and her brother on the left.

Margaret sat at the opposite end of the table. As vassals to the Empress, Elizabeth and I stood behind Margaret. The table was quickly taken over by a pleasant atmosphere in which Margaret and members of the royal family conversed. Several plates of food were brought by employees during the conversation.

Suddenly, the prince mentioned the dungeon I had completed this morning. He said in a joking tone, daring the empress to complete the dungeon. Most likely, he tried to complete the last floor and failed. Margaret, in innocence, replied that my had managed to complete the dungeon.

She withheld some details, like me missing for two days, and said that I had received information about this dungeon on the streets and went to her. In the end, I managed to complete. Everyone at the table, upon hearing Margaret's speech, looked at me with startled eyes. Seeing everyone's reaction, I narrowed my eyes a bit.

"Boy, is what she said true?" Mufasa asked me.


"What did you find at the end of the dungeon?"

From Mufasa's reaction, he probably knew what he had after completing the ninth floor.

"A room full of gold and a sword."

"What was the sword like?"


I took my sword out of the storage ring. The sword, composed of a red, white and gold blade at the base and with the shield of the royal family of demihumans was exposed.


(From Mufasa's perspective.)

Before the realm of demihumans existed, many years ago. He was a demi-human with lion-like features who liberated people from demon servitude and led them to the promised land. He and his faithful companion, a knight who was able to control the dead through magic, fought dozens of battles to free the demihumans.

This demi-human slaughtered his opponents with a red-bladed sword forged by an ancient dwarven tribe. This demihuman desired to create a place where his people could be happy and free after freeing them. In this manner, he established the first demihuman city, which is now the kingdom's capital.

This demihuman, along with his knight, was responsible for establishing the demihuman kingdom. On the battlefield, he bled, sweated, and cried. According to legend, only a red beam could be seen in wars on the night of the full moon. That beam was the swing of the demihuman's sword.

The demons began to be afraid of this sword. They annihilated her creator, the dwarven tribe, as a result of their rage. After the kingdom of demihumans had stabilized for many years, the liberator of the people was appointed king.

After many years, the king became old, and a struggle for the throne began among his descendants. According to legend, the king vanished one night and left a letter stating that the true heir would be the one worthy of passing his test. The letter included the location of a dungeon, implying that whoever completed it would be the true king.

Word spread, and various demihumans tried and failed for several years. In the end, only one floor remained, and thousands of demihumans have died trying to get through it over the last fifty years. The floor was guarded by a knight in black armor who, according to legend, could summon skeleton soldiers.

I mufasa, I tried going through the floor a few times, but each time I nearly died. I don't believe anyone could pass the ancient king's test. However, when I saw the red-bladed sword, all of my beliefs vanished. Furthermore, the dungeon had been completed by a human rather than a demihuman.

In such a situation, my son Scar, who was present, stood up and knocked on the table. He then yelled at the empress's vassal.


Scar, like me, understands the legend and significance of wielding that sword. In fact, everyone in the king of demihumans is aware of it. As a result, my wife Sarafina and daughter Carina had surprised expressions on their faces. The human sighed and said calmly in response to Scar's reaction.

"I present you with the sword. Please accept it. A human being like me is not worth it."

Scar smiled and approached after hearing these words. Luke flipped the sword over in his hand, holding it by the blade, and handed the sword to Scar. Scar's body fell forward, pulled by the sword, as Scar grabbed the sword and Luke let go of the blade.

The sword clattered to the ground when Luke let go of it, as if no one had held it. Scar, on the other hand, was straining to lift her. Scar, who has been unsuccessful, seeks my assistance. I couldn't do anything in this situation. After all, I already knew.

Only Luke can wield the sword that chose him. I'd only embarrass myself if I got up and tried. Scar, seeing himself cornered, said in an emotional moment.


My son's speech was like a joke to me. Who does he think he is to judge whether Luke is worthy or not? That question crossed my mind, but this fight would be a good opportunity to see the strength of the person who managed to complete the dungeon.

"Empress Margaret, do you allow this fight?"

"It's Luke who decides."

"What is it? Are you scared?" Scar teases.

"Fine. Let's fight."

A quiet lunch became a duel in this manner. We all went to the imperial palace's training facility. It's lunchtime, so the soldiers have gathered. The news of the fight quickly spread, enthralling the soldiers who are Scar fans.

Despite the circumstances, Margaret appeared at ease, as did the vassal beside her. Both are aware of my son Scar's strength, which is currently greater than that of my daughter Carina.

However, Carina is destined to overcome Scar, after all, she has the blessing of the God of light and will become one of the heroes who will defeat the demon king. However, my daughter still has a long way to go to catch up with Scar. After all, Scar has a head start of five more years of training.

"Go Scar!"

"Finish this human."

"Scar! Scar! Scar!"

The soldiers started cheering for Scar. Listening to his fans, Scar unleashed his power and began transforming into his bestial form. After all, the opponent in front of him managed to complete the dungeon that no one else had managed, that is, his opponent was strong.

During the transformation, Scar grew, his body covered with fur, claws appeared on his hands. He literally became a lion that could stand on its feet. Seeing this scene, Luke raised his sword and positioned himself. Seeing that the two were prepared, I started the fight.

"Boy, don't worry. We have excellent healers, so don't worry. Every part I rip off your body will heal later… Hmm?"

During his speech, Scar raised his hand slightly in front of his face, a habit he has when speaking. Before Scar finished his speech, Scar's hand fell to the ground and blood spurted everywhere.

"Sigh... What an idiot. Drop your guard right against Luke, lucky this is a friendly."

My daughter Carina beside me said words that shocked me. If I understood correctly, Scar would already be dead if it weren't for a friendly match and in view of the scene I just witnessed, I cannot disagree. Scar decided to provoke Luke before the fight started and let his guard down, at that moment, Luke moved with absurd speed and cut Scar's hand.

If it was a life and death fight, Scar would be dead. I bet instead of slicing his hand, he'd slash Scar's neck. I couldn't help but smile when I saw my son's eyes of despair. As a parent, I should be pissed at the human who dared to hurt my son, but this situation can make Scar grow up.

Scar, managed to grow strong to the point of being second only to me in the royal capital. After acquiring this power, he became arrogant and immature. I believe that a defeat today could do him good and help him to mature and become a little more humble.

Scar's body froze with the situation. The fight was set in one move, unbelievable. Seeing this scene, Luke put the sword back in the storage ring and turned his back.


"You talk a lot."

Scar hadn't even finished speaking when Luke appeared in front of him. Suddenly, lightning began to shoot from Luke's hand. He balled his fists and punched Scar in the side of the face. The arena is once again drenched in blood. Scar, who took the punch, went unconscious. I motioned for the healers to enter and transport Scar to the hospital.

Luke was victorious in the fight. In fact, he approached the empress and knelt in front of her, who praised his performance. Margaret turned to me and said she was leaving. Then she stood up and walked out of the arena, followed by Luke and Elizabeth.



"Have you considered having a boyfriend?"


(From Luke's perspective.)

What a squandering of time. The only thing that made the fight interesting was the lightning punch I threw. I had no idea it would work, but it did in the end. Another critical factor, thankfully, we are in the realm of demihumans. I believe that in any other kingdom, I would face repercussions if I severed the prince's hand, but here, only strength is valued.


Margaret suddenly leaned against the wall and broke out in a cold sweat. Her body deteriorates with each passing day as a result of the disease.

"Take me to my room, I need to get some rest."

"Excuse me your majesty."

I don't want anyone from the demihuman realm to see Margaret in this state, so I took her in my arms like a princess. Elizabeth, didn't stop me, she must have understood what I wanted to do. Margaret, blushed a little at being carried like that.

Using [Footsteps of the Hydra God] I quickly arrived at the room where the empress was staying. Then I laid her down on the bed.

"Luke." she called me.

Elizabeth, who had stayed behind, reached the room after a few minutes. Empress Margaret slept most of the day. I agreed with Elizabeth that I would take care of the empress during the night, so I wouldn't run the risk of her finding my disappearance strange if she wake up at night.

So, night finally came.

Right now, there's only me and the empress in the room. Margaret, as in tent, was wearing a dressing gown.

"Luke." she talks to me.


"I can't take it anymore. Recently my body hurts, every time I cough it feels like my lungs are going to tear, I feel physically and mentally exhausted. I can't take this anymore."


"I know it's embarrassing, but help me. Please help me."


N/A: Belated Merry Christmas. I was going to post the chapter yesterday but something unexpected happened.

Anyone who wants to give the author a Christmas present pays for a Ko-Fi.