The whole time everyone was in class, I worked on my strategy in the Occult club room in the forest of familiars. I have two targets, one is Tiamat and the other is the hydra. I haven't decided on the Hydra yet, maybe I'll just kill it with [Beelzebuth] and get its skills.

'Oh Tomoe show me the market.'




"I can only get skills. No equipment or weapons."

[Don't worry master~ After all, you have really powerful equipment, so you don't need equipment. Also in the future you can already collect powerful equipment from this world~]

"I know. Then Tomoe, can you find a skill that will allow me to use skills perfectly in the future?"


[Slime's body (Passive)]

[Effect: It creates a body that can enable you to use the skills of any eaten person without any problems.]

[Cost: 4.000.000]


[Master this is a skill modeled after Rimuru Tempest's body. But don't worry, there will be no gender neutrality. Of course, you can change your gender if you want. In addition, your appearance will not change, you will still look the same. Also, this skill will make it easier to use [Mimicry]. And if you're lucky, there will also be a small change in race.] Tomoe explained.

"It's a bit pricey but the benefits outweigh so [Buy it]."


[[Slime's Body] successfully acquired.]

[Your body transforms from [Devil Body] to [Devil Slime's Body].]


[Your self-healing ability has increased.]

[Your Physical Attack resistance increased.]

[Your control over the skill [Beelzebuth] has increased.]

[Your affinity has increased with the skill [Belzebuth].]

[You can now use the abilities of the absorbed entities more easily.]

When I looked at my body after the system notifications, nothing had changed, but I can make my arm liquid like a slime if I want.

[You did it master~ Now there is no problem with eating Hydra. Also, I didn't say this before, but now you can change the size of the body parts if you want. Tee-hee!]

"Well, it doesn't do me any harm after all. Now let's get some rest until evening."

After a few hours of sleep, I awoke to the sound of the door opening.

"Eeehh Noir? Weren't you just in class with us, how did you get here?" Rias asked.

"I was here all day in the afternoon." I answered.


Then my copy came through the door. And as soon as he entered, he turned into pitch black shadows again and disappeared.


"Body double. A special skill that allows me to create a copy."

"Sigh... You manage to surprise me every time."

"Ara ara~ Can you use this skill on other things?" Akeno asked, licking her lips.

"I can use it but I don't prefer it. After all, I'm pretty good on my own."

"Ara ara~ Ufufufufuf..."

And after a while everyone started to enter the room in turn.

"Noir cheater." That was the first thing Ophis said to me the moment she entered the room.


"I attended the classes, but you did not attend and did not invite me." Ophis said.

"Ugh s-sorry."



Then Ophis came over to the sofa I was sitting on and, contrary to my expectations, sat on the sofa instead of on my lap.


I was taking damage one after another.

"Sorry Ophis-chan. What can I do for you to forgive me?"

"Hmm? Tonight you will do something I want."

"Hm? What is it?"

"I'll tell you when we get home."


Then we told Asia what familiars are and what they do.

"Noir-san why don't you have a familiar?"

"Remember, I didn't have magic power before, so I couldn't create the necessary magic to tame, and I wasn't interested in contracting, so I never needed it. I'm still not interested in contracts, but I learned that there are strong familiars out there."


"Well, now that the time has come, we can go to the forest of familiars." Rias said and created a teleportation circle. And as soon as we passed through the teleport circle, we found ourselves in a strange looking forest.

"Hahahaha... Welcome!" Suddenly, a strange middle-aged man came down from a tree.

"My name is Zatouji and I am the guide to help you find a familiar."

'Uwah! Middle-aged Ash Ketchum. Like a pokemon hunter.' I thought.

"So what kind of Familiar are you looking for? Cute, strong, fast or poisonous?" Zaotuji said.

"Which is the strongest Familiar in this forest?"

"If you ask, Tiamat is the strongest, followed by the nine-headed Hydra."

"I see. [Magic Sense]." As soon as I used the skill, I spotted two highly magical beings.

So together we began to go towards the place where Tiamat was. Of course, I had no intention of taking the others there. As soon as Asia found a Familiar, I was to leave for Tiamat and the nine-headed Hydra.

Until, of course, he suddenly encounters a green slime. I swallowed the slime with my [Beelzebuth] skill as the green slime was suddenly going to attack the girls.

[The skill [Tentacle] has been successfully acquired.]

[The skill [Clothes-dissolving acid] has been successfully acquired.]

Soon after, Asia was able to obtain a Familiar. And this Familiar is a baby spiritual dragon.

"Then I'm leaving for now. I'll come and find you when I tame my familiar."

"Okay take care."

"I will pray for your success, Noir-san."

"I'll see you later." I said and hurried towards where Tiamat was.

And soon I came across a sleeping dragon in front of a giant cave. And this dragon is Tiamat.

"Hey! Are you sleeping?!" I asked.

The dragon opened its eyes and looked at me.

"You dare disturb me in my sleep? These new generation devils are not aware of their position." Tiamat said.

"Hey, I've come all this way and you treat me like this?" I said.

"Tch! Young devil, I'm giving you a chance if you leave now you won't be hurt, but if you stay, I can't guarantee your li-." Suddenly, Tiamat interrupted her sentence and looked at me more carefully.

"Ddraig? Young devil, tell me quickly what your relationship is with that dragon who stole my treasure. Its scent is totally on you!" Tiamat said with a voice like a roar.

Then [Boosted Gear] appeared on my arm.

"I understand that you are the new carrier. Well, then it's up to you to hand over my treasure."


(Tee-hee. Well, I have no idea where the treasure is. Back then, I bought the treasure to use in my battle with Albion, but then it spread all over the world. Tee-hee)

"So it is, huh Ddraig. Then I will burn you both to death!"

Tiamat began to form a giant ball of fire. This is the legendary [Dragon Breath].

"[Dragon Breath] huh , but it doesn't work on me. Swallow it all [Beelzebuth]." [Dragon Breath] coming towards me was absorbed by [Beelzebuth].

[The skill [Dragon Breath] is successfully acquired.]

"Then Tiamat, how about a bet?" I said.

"A bet?"

"Yes, if I win, you will be my familiar, you win, I will find your treasure."

"Interesting. Okay I accept."

"Then lets begin Tiamat. [Wrathful King- Satanael]!"


Hello dear readers, it's been a long time. I couldn't write a chapter because I had exams, my exams will start again soon, but I will try to write a chapter. After 30 December, I have a vacation for 1 month, then I will write again a lot. Don't worry, I won't drop any novel without announce.

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