

As Tiamat threw fireballs at me, several trees caught fire and dozens of craters formed on the ground.

But thanks to [Wrathful King- Satanael], my physical abilities are so high that none of her attacks can hit me.

"[Black Lightning]!"


The moment a giant black lightning bolt hit Tiamat's dragon body, a huge shock wave was created. But to no avail, Tiamat's scales where the lightning struck only darkened.

"Humph! Is that all you have? This thing could only tickle me." Tiamat mocked.

"Tch! [Black Flame]!" This time, a giant black flame began to form in my hands, and when it was big enough, I hurled it at full power at Tiamat.


The entire front of the cave was covered with dark flames, but then the giant dragon figure of Tiamat reappeared. And she was not injured.

'Tch! Dragon scales are really durable. Nothing less would be expected from scales, which are the excellent defensive traits of dragons.'

"What happened, young devil, were you trying to warm up?"

"You wanted this. Try not to die and if you die don't blame me. [Stardust Energy]!"

Blue balls of light began to form between the palms of my two hands, which filled my hand from the periphery.

The orbs of blue light began to gather and form a larger ball of light. The ball of light in the middle of my two palms began to emit a blinding light as it reached the size of a tennis ball.

"Wha-What is that energy?! I've never seen this kind of thing!!" Tiamat is really surprised.

"This is my first time using this so I can't fully control this. Try not to die. [Drago Buster]!" As soon as I released the energy in my hand, it broke into several small pieces, some hitting Tiamat and some hitting the upper reaches of the cave.


The surroundings had become completely invisible due to the dust.

"Cough! Cough! This dust!"

After a while, the dust began to dissipate, and Tiamat's body appeared in the cave's ruins.

"I hope she's not dead."

I immediately went to Tiamat and asked Tomoe to examine it.

[Master, Tiamat's condition is almost critical. The debris didn't do much damage, but [Drago Buster] came across very dangerous places. Also, as a devil, you have no healing skills. Your healing ability only works for your own body, and even if you try to pass it on, a dragon's vitality is far greater than that of a devil. My suggestion to you is to implement plan B.] Tomoe explained.

"Ugh! Fine. Swallow it all [Beelzebuth]!" Thus I absorbed Tiamat's body.

[Skill [Dragon scales] successfully acquired.]

[Skill [Dragon Transformation] successfully acquired.]

[Skill [Dragon Eyes] successfully acquired.]

[[Devil Slime's body] Adapts to dragon blood and evolves.]

[[Devil Slime Body] has successfully evolved into [Devil Dragon's Slime Body].]

[[Chaos Resistance] has been successfully acquired]

[[Karma Resistance] has been successfully acquired]

[[Chaos & Karma Resistance] has been successfully acquired]

[[Chaos & Karma's blessing] has been successfully acquired]

"Tomoe put the plan in motion. Create a copy of my body and create the copy entirely from Tiamat's body and blood. Also, don't forget to make the copy female. Also fully analyze Tiamat's soul and calibrate the body accordingly."

[Hai~ Master~]


[I finished master~]

"Alright then, use my [Body Double] skill and let's get started."


Thus, a dark energy began to form right in front of me again, and when the dark smoke lifted, there was a woman who looked like me but was beautiful.

"I would expect it myself. Even if I'm a girl, I'm beautiful. Whatever."

Tiamat's soul began to take shape and to lead towards the replica body.


[Soul corridor between Master and the individual named Tiamat confirmed]

Immediately after, the Copy body began to change. Black hair turned blue and grew longer. Her eyes turned dark blue and horns began to grow from her head. Afterwards, a blue aura enveloped his body, and the body's appearance completely changed. As the aura disappeared, Tiamat's eyes slowly began to open.

"Wha-What happened?" Tiamat asked.

"Oh hello lady great dragon. You lost."

Afterwards, Tiamat got a little angry and sent some fireballs around, but when she calmed down we talked and she finally accepted me as her master. Also, since his body has now been completely rebuilt and his true soul is inside my body, Timat's full loyalty is towards me. Not to Ajuka.

[Congratulations The ultimate skill [Chaos Karma Dragon-Tiamat] has been successfully acquired.]

Also, Tomoe said that she had spent a small piece of Tiamat's soul to strengthen my soul.

"Then master, what was that skill you used against me? I've never seen anything like it in my life, and something tells me you haven't used the full power of your skill." Tiamat asked.

"Hm? Its name is [Stardust Energy], a form of energy that does not require mana or demonic power, and is very destructive, cannot be used outside of attack, and is difficult to control."

'Tomoe, do you think Tiamat can use [Stardust energy]?'

[Master, the true soul of Tiamat is within you, so I think you can use it and share it via [Food Chain].]

'Okay Thanks.'

"Tiamat, I can give you this skill if you want."

"Really?!" Tiamat stared at me with stars in her eyes, as if a little girl was looking at a box of candy.

I put my hand on Tiamat's head.

Tiamat's cheeks immediately turned red.

"You are so cute my cute dragon lady." I said.

"I-I am not."

"[Food Chain]."

So I shared my [Stardust Energy] skill with Tiamat.

"This thing is so interesting. Where did you find this skill master?"

"I created it through a skill that I created from the blessing given by Ophis."

"Ehhhh? Did Ophis gave you her blessing?"



"Well, after all, I got the blessing of Chaos and Karma from you too."

"Eeeeehhhh? Really?!"

'This man is very interesting. He currently has a total of two dragons' blessings and is only 18 years old. I'm sure he will be the one who will shake the entire supernatural world in the future, until then I have to protect him. The only attack he was able to execute on me was this [Stardust Energy], I must protect this boy if he fights someone at the same level or higher as me. After all, he's my master now.' Tiamat thought.

"So master where are we going?" Tiamat asked.

"Where that hydra is."


"Because there's an important skill I need to get from that hydra."

'That hydra is really dangerous. The hardest part is that poison, and of course, his tremendous healing ability. A creature that would kill even its own master with ease. I guess I'll have to test what this body can do.' Tiamat thought.

After a short while, we arrived at the place where the Hydra was, but contrary to my expectation, this hydra looked much bigger and stronger. In fact, contrary to what is told, all 9 heads have different colors.

'Tomoe can you scan it?'

[I'm on it master~]

[Master, this hydra has evolved. Now it seems that each head has a different elemental attributes and its life force has increased even more. Red head- fire, Blue head- Water, Yellow head- lightning, White head- light, Black head- dark, Brown head- earth, Green head, wind, Purple head- poison, and Gray head- non-elemental magic!]

'It's so dangerous right?'


'No pain, no gain huh.'


Hello dear readers, it's been a long time. I couldn't write a chapter because I had exams, my exams will start again soon, but I will try to write a chapter. After 30 December, I have a vacation for 1 month, then I will write again a lot. Don't worry, I won't drop any novel without announce.

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