"After all, if there is no risk, there is no reward. And the higher the risk, the greater the reward."

"Noir-sama do you really want to continue? So I'm guessing this hydra passed your estimates." Tiamat asked.

"Of course I will continue. While I was fighting you, I was holding back because I was specifically trying not to kill you, but this time I'm literally going all out." Noir said with a dangerous smile.

"Were you holding back while you were fighting me?! So you're saying you still have cards you didn't use?" Tiamat was really surprised.


"Noir-sama how about a bet?"

"A bet? You lost the last time we took a bet, remember?"

"I know, but this time I'm going to win. The bet is that if you beat this hydra in 10 minutes without my help, you can do whatever you want with my body. But if you can't beat it within 10 minutes, you'll comply with one of my requests."

"Am I not already your master, how will you stop me if I want to?"

"Kyaaa! Will you really do it?"


"Are you mocking me?!"

"I can't help you are so cute."

"Don't call me cute! Tell me are you in or not."

"Although your offer sounds very tempting, I want something else."

"Hm? What is it?"

"I want you to teach me Dragon Slaying Magic and Dragon language magic."

"! Are you sure? Both magics you want are not something that everyone can use or learn. Even if you learn, you may not be able to use them." Tiamat said.

"Yep I'm sure."

"Then it's a deal. If you defeat that hydra within 10 minutes, you win."

"Well get ready to be surprised. And study those spells so you can teach me."

"We'll see."

Afterwards, Noir unfurled its wings and flew into the sky.

"I was already wanting to try some of my ultimate skills, the opportunity came to me."

[Master, speaking of ultimate skill, a new one has been created.]

[Congratulations on acquiring the ultimate skill [Chaos & Karma Dragon-Tiamat].]

'Thanks Tomoe you're the best.'

[I would like to hear these compliments in bed, master~]

'Well, I promise we will when we create a body for you.'

[Hehehehehe~ Thank you master.]

"[Boosted Gear - Balance Breaker]!"

(Balance Breaker- Scale Mail)!

The green orbs of Boosted Gear began to glow and then began to appear as a red armor covering Noir's body. A pair of wings appeared on his back after his entire body was covered by the Balance Breaker's red armor.


The hydra made a hissing sound and started looking at me with its nine heads.

"Even if you have nine heads, you're only a snake. Let me show you what the real serpent is [Sea Serpent of the End]!"

With Noir's use of the skill, all of a sudden, all the water around began to be drawn towards Noir. Even the head controlling the water from the Nine-headed Hydra was involuntarily starting to produce water.


Meanwhile, Rias and Peerage were also near the portal with Asia, but suddenly the water in the flask in Zatouji's hand started to move wildly. Everyone was surprised at what happened, and as soon as Zatouji opened the lid of the flask, the water came out and quickly moved in one direction.

"Isn't that direction the direction of Hydra?" Zatouji said, and took off his wings to fly so he could see better. Rias and Peerage were also curious and started flying with Asia, revealing their wings, and… shocked by what they saw.

From everywhere, the waters were moving towards one spot as if it were a sea, and there turned into a giant serpent next to Noir, who was in Boosted Gear's Balance Breaker form.


"I should have known that because his last name was Leviathan." Tiamat sighed.

'But this thing still has a build time, so as long as it takes more than 10 minutes, I win.'


'Tomoe, can you handle the skill formation process? I need to use another skill.'

[Leave it to me Master~]

"[Envious King - Leviathan]!"

With Noir's next move, waves similar to Divine Dividing started to form and Hydra's magic power began to be drawn into Noir. Also during this time, all of Hydra's stats started to drop continuously.

'What! This is similar to Albion's Divine Dividing. But I didn't feel the presence of Albion from Noir, how could that be!?' Tiamat thought.

[Master, the skill is completely ready, you can use it at any time~]


The giant sea serpent made of water began to attack the Hydra. Hydra used it's abilities with every single head, but in vain, all it's features were too low. It could barely stand upright using the body buff, and this weakness helped the sea serpent and continued to attack Hydra. Hydra's heads began to break off.

In a short time, the Hydra had already fallen to the ground.

Afterwards, Noir turned off the skill and all the water fell to the ground.

"Swallow it all [Beelzebuth]!"

Thus the Hydra was absorbed by Beelzebuth.

"So Tiamat do you have anything to say?"

"Humph! I lost. I'll teach you Dragon slaying magic and Dragon Language magic."

[The [Regeneration] skill has evolved into the [Ultra speed Regeneration] skill.]

[[Fire magic] fused with [Black Flame] skill. You have acquired the skill [Hell Flame].]

[[Lightning magic] fused with [Black lightning]. You have acquired the skill [Black Thunder].]

[[Wind magic] fused with [Black Thunder]. You have acquired the skill [Death Storm].]

[[Water magic] fused with [Water Manipulation]. You have acquired the skill [Superior water manipulation].]

[The skill [Poison Magic] acquired.]

[[Light magic] fused with [Light Magic]. You have acquired the skill [Holy Magic].]

[The skill [Dark Magic] acquired.]

[The skill [Earth Magic] acquired.]

[The skill [Non-elemental Magic] acquired.]

[Your Demonic power increases.]

[Your Demonic power increased from [60,200] to [80,200].]

"I got much closer to the Satan class devil."

Afterwards, Noir and Tiamat went to the others, and the interrogation began. Everyone started asking what was going on and getting more and more surprised with each answer.


Hello dear readers, it's been a long time. I couldn't write a chapter because I had exams, my exams will start again soon, but I will try to write a chapter. After 30 December, I have a vacation for 1 month, then I will write again a lot. Don't worry, I won't drop any novel without announce.

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