'Defeating this hydra was definitely a good idea. As long as I no longer take spiritual damage, all my wounds will be healed. Well, my resistance will prevent me from getting injured, so I'm officially invincible. The only way I will die is through spiritual injury or atomic destruction of my body, and both are very difficult to do. The biggest threat to my body may be Sirzechs Lucifer's destruction power but even then I can get away with my Ultimate skills. Also, getting [Death Storm] will help me a lot. I finally have an AOE skill. Now I will learn Dragon Slaying magic and Dragon Language from Tiamat.' Noir thought as he went with Tiamat to where Rias was.

"Master, you still hide your power, don't you? how strong are you Your magic power is an Ultimate class, but no Ultimate class can wield such power. How many trumps do you have that you haven't used yet?" Tiamat asked.

"Hahahahahaha... Who knows. I'm just strong."

"Mou~ Master, I'm not going to tell anyone, you can tell me."

"Actually I don't really know my power level. I'm just trying to get stronger. But if you want, give me a name and I'll tell you if I can beat it."

"If that's so then... Great Red."

"Cough! cough! You start directly with the boss. But with my current strength, I lose."

"Then Ophis."

"Probably I'd lose. The most challenging aspect of Ophis is the nothingness and infinity at in her core."

"If that's so how about Sirzechs Lucifer?"

"If we fought to the death, I would win, but if we were training, it would have been a draw."

"So you're stronger than Sirzechs Lucifer right?"

"Yeah but don't forget I'd win if we fight seriously."

"That's good. Good to hear that my master is stronger than the four great demon kings." Tiamat said.

"Hm? Why?"

"After all, as someone who beat me, it's an honor to be able to win against them."

"My current state is just a preview of my future self, my destination is nowhere near this state."

The conversation stopped after Noir's answer, but Tiamat was looking at Noir like a proud parent.

'If my master has such a goal, I cannot hold him back. I must get stronger.' Tiamat thought.

So Noir and Tiamat returned to Asia, where the portal of return was located and where the Peerage of Rias was located.


As Noir turned in the direction of the sound, Rias jumped on Noir. Then Rias grabbed Noir by the arms and started shaking him.

"Noir, did you see the thing just now? Are you safe? Did you get any injuries? Do you know where the giant water-made sea serpent just came from? Isn't that the skill of the Leviathan clan, then there may be a Leviathan clan member still hidden around here, we must inform my brother immediately." Rias suddenly started a bombardment of questions.

"R-Rias calm down and stop shaking me!"

"Oh sorry."

'I guess this otaku girl gets excited when she sees this kind of thing.' Noir thought.

"And as for the questions; yes I saw that thing, I'm fine I didn't get any injuries, yes I know where that thing came from and I don't think there is another Leviathan clan member here."

"Then how did that thing came here?"

"I did it."

"You did it?"

"Yep I did it."

"B-But that's..."

"My master is telling the truth." Tiamat said.

"By the way who are you?" Rias asked.

"Oh my name is Tiamat. I am Noir-sama's Familiar."

""T-Tiamat?!!"" Everyone who heard it, except Asia, was shocked. Asia did not understand because she did not know who Tiamat was.

Afterwards, Tiamat met everyone and they all returned to the Occult club room.

Just when Noir thought the matter was forgotten...

"Ahem! Noir, I just texted Sona, I hope you can tell us about the sea serpent thing." Rias said with a dangerous smile.

"Ugh! Fine."

'Despite acting so harshly, he acts very low profile towards his friends and girls.' Tiamat thought.

A moment later, a ring of teleportation formed and Sona and her queen Tsubaki Shinra appeared from within.

"Welcome Sis."

"Thanks. Ahem! now we all gathered I want to hear you explanation." Sona said.

"Um okay. This person is Tiamat, the Chaos & Karma Dragon, she is now my Familiar. I hope you get along well. So lets go home."

"Wait there. How could you make Tiamat your familiar in the first place? And secondly, how did you create that giant sea serpent?" Sona asked.

"So, I defeated Tiamat and now she has sworn allegiance to me. The sea serpent was also something I could do thanks to my skill. I think let's go home now, after all Tiamat will meet Ophis. We'll talk about such things later."

Soon after, Noir formed a magic circle and teleported near the house with Tiamat. It was better for him to teleport a little further from the house, as he had something to talk to with Tiamat.

"I know you have questions, don't be afraid to ask."

"Then that girl named Sona isn't Sona Sitri?"

"Yep she is."

"Then why did you call that girl "sister"? Your surname is Leviathan, but she is from the Sitri clan."

"Well this is going to be a bit of a long explanation but... Actually, my biological father is the head of the Bael clan and my mother is Lord Sitri's sister. But my biological parents said I was weak and gave me to the Sitri family after I was born. Lord Sitri and his wife did not want me, but my sister, Serafall Leviathan, took care of me and gave me the surname that came with her own title so that I could not be affiliated with any clan. If I had the Sitri surname, I would have to be associated with the Sitri clan, so my sister gave me the Leviathan surname and hid me. I am still unknown to society. Those who know me are probably only 4 great demon kings among the high society."

"Did they say you were weak and kicked you out?! If you're weak, it means I don't know what it means to be strong!!"

"When I was born, it was like I had no magic power. When I was born, the magic power in my body was constantly draining, so my magic power never showed up until I was 18 years old. At the age of 18, my magic power was awakened and I became a Ultimate Class Devil. During my time at the Sitri house, Sona and I grew up like siblings, so we refer to each other as sister/brother."

"I see. But as I thought, the Bael clan is a really rotten clan. And it's really frustrating that even a clan like Sitri worships power."

"I do not care. In the future, I will slap my strength in the face of anyone who despises me."

"I wouldn't expect any less from you anyway. By the way, how did you use the skill of the Leviathan clan back then?"

"For that matter, have you ever heard of bloodline evolution?"

"Bloodline evolution? Wait don't tell me!"

"That's right. When I was born, my lineage evolved, and instead of being a prince-type lineage like a Sitri, my blood evolved into a king-type lineage, Leviathan."

'Such a thing is impossible! The only way to achieve this - or does Noir have such a thing? I chose the right option. Soon the whole world will shake.' Tiamat thought.


Hello dear readers, it's been a long time. I couldn't write a chapter because I had exams, my exams will start again soon, but I will try to write a chapter. After 30 December, I have a vacation for 1 month, then I will write again a lot. Don't worry, I won't drop any novel without announce.

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