Classes continued normally throughout the day. Of course, Rias and her entire peerage were worried the whole time. In fact, Koneko didn't even eat a snack properly.

Noir, on the other hand, didn't care much, he was just planning what he was going to do. Tomoe was also helping Noir with his plans.

So Rias' Peerage was stressed all day, Sona and her Peerage were half-stressed, Sona trusted Noir but worried about Rias. Noir and his Peerage were completely calm and relaxed.

"Huh... I'm so tired." Noir said as he went to his room in the evening and jumped into his bed.

'Let's see today; I helped Asia with her magic and healing skills, I taught the fallen angel trio housework, Ophis helped me all day now she's clearing the dinner table, she's really gifted with this kind of work.'

"Tomoe, does Ophis have the [Magic Sense] skill?"

[No~ She doesn't have it. She's very good at perceiving the magic around her, but not enough to turn it into a skill~]

"Well, then I'll teach Ophis this. By the way, what's the cute red dragon doing~?"

(Don't call me cute!)

"This reaction makes you cuter."

(Don't tease me~)

[Meanwhile, master ~ The red dragon's soul scan is almost finished, soon you will be able to give her a body and she will become a part of your Dragon Maid Harem~]


"Fufufufufufu... There is a lot of good news huh."


All of a sudden, a glowing red teleport circle appeared in Noir's room, and then Rias stepped out of the circle.

"Rias, what brought you here at this hour?"

"Noir, I want something from you."

"Sure come sit."

"No, it's good that you're in bed." Rias said with red cheeks.

"Okay. So what brings you here?"

"I-I-I'm here b-becau-"

"Calm down Rias. Take a breath and relax, I'm not going anywhere after all."



"Yes thank you."

"Now tell me what do you want from me?" Noir said with a charming smile.

Rias hesitated for a second, then started walking towards Noir's bed and slowly began to take off her clothes.

"I-I want you to take my virginity." Rias was already in bed when she said it.

"I can't do that Rias."

"What? Why? Am I not charming enough?!" Rias was surprised.

"That's not it."

"Then why?"

"Rias, because you don't quite like me right now. The reason you do this is out of desperation. You're trying to give me your virginity and run away from marriage because you're helpless."

"So what, this isn't a win-win situation? You will have slept with me and I will have eloped from marriage." Tears flowed from Rias' eyes. She felt compelled to do this because she was desperate, of course Rias actually liked Noir but it wasn't all love, for now.

*Pat pat

Rias felt warmth in her head, and when she looked up, she realized that Noir was stroking her head. Yes, it was just a head caress, but it was a gentle and warm caress.

"Trust me Rias."


Noir snapped his finger and formed a barrier around the house. This barrier prevented anyone from outside from teleporting or physically entering.

"Rias, you can stay here tonight. Don't worry and trust me. I'm not going to let you go into a forced marriage."

Tears were flowing from Rias' eyes, but she decided to believe Noir.

So Rias decided to stay with Noir that night. Noir telepathically notified the others. Although Ophis felt uncomfortable that they couldn't have sex tonight, she still agreed, saying, "A maid's duty is to obey her master's orders."


(Grayfia Lucifuge)

"What's going on? Why can't I find Rias? It's like she just disappeared. The teleport circle to her last location doesn't work either. A strange barrier prevents me from entering."

Afterwards, Grayfia teleported just outside the barrier, but the barrier was blocking both magical and physical entrances, and Grayfia couldn't use her full strength as it was the middle of the town. Then Grayfia tried to use modern devices, namely the phone, but Rias's phone was switched off.

"As I recall, this house belongs to Serafall-sama's brother. Serafall-sama keeps everything secret about him. She always brags about her siblings, but when it comes to her brother, she manages to keep everything secret, no matter how much she boasts. Could he have built this barrier? But how did he build such a strong barrier? I must tell this to Sirzechs-sama." Grayfia said and teleported o underworld.


(Underworld- Sirzechs Lucifer, Grayfia Lucifuge, Serafall Leviathan)

"What happened at this hour, Grayfia-chan?" Serafall said.

"Actually the situation is..." So Grafia explained what had happened.

"So you're saying that my Ria-tan went to Serafall's brother Noir's house, but there is a barrier in the house so you can't get in at all and Rias' phone is off so you can't reach her." Sirzechs Lucifer said.

"I see, I guess No-chan must have set up this barrier. He surprises me every day hehehehe..."

"But I don't understand how he was able to set up such a strong barrier. I mean, I could even destroy the whole city while destroying that barrier, where did he learn to make a barrier that is so durable and strong? Also, the barrier was completely green and smooth, so it was clear that it was made by one person and only used 1 magic circle." Grayfia said.

"As expected of my brother."

"Serafall, can you contact your brother?" Sirzechs said.



(Noir's house)

*Ring ring

"Who could it be at this hour? Hm? Onee-chan?"


"Hello No-chan, is Rias-chan there?"

"Yep she's here. But she's sleeping should I wake her up?"

"Oh no, we were just worried when there was a barrier around the house, that's all. By the way, why is Rias sleeping there?"

"Oh don't worry I set up this barrier, after all safety first. Also, I think that piece of shit named Riser is coming tomorrow, so Rias was so worried so I gave her some comfort and then invited her to stay."

"Oh I understand thank you No-chan."

"No problem see ya."


(Underworld- Sirzechs Lucifer, Grayfia Lucifuge, Serafall Leviathan)

"As you can see everything is fine."



(Next morning)

'There really is nothing better than waking up with such beauty next to you.' Noir thought. He had woken up a few minutes ago, and the first thing he noticed when he woke up was Rias, the red-haired beauty hugging him naked. So he decided to enjoy the moment.


"Did you wake up, sleeping beauty."

"O-Oh Thank you for last night, Noir. But I've to go now."

"Don't thank me right away, you will soon when I save you."

"I'll be waiting Noir."

So Rias returned home through the teleportation spell.

"Alright Riser kids game time is over now let's start the real game I'm going to really enjoy."


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