In the morning, after Rias left, Noir prepared breakfast as usual and had breakfast with everyone. Then Noir, Raynare, Asia and Ophis got ready for school and left a shopping list for Kalawarner and Mittelt before they left for school. Meanwhile, Tiamat, in her own words, was collecting information about the modern world, so she was actually watching TV. Of course, Noir had given Kalawarner, Mittelt, and Tiamat special instructions today, that he was going to call them sometime at school, and they had to be ready for that. Also, while Ophis remained in her usual Loli form at school, she started to stay in her mature form at home.

"Um Noir-san, I wonder if something will happen today. Rias senpai and the other senpais looked worried." Asia asked.

"Oh yeah didn't they tell you? Rias' fiancee comes and Rias tries to escape from the marriage." Noir answered.

"Eeeehhh really?! Is he a bad person?"

"From what I've heard, Riser only loves Rias's body and also he has other girlfriends already. In other words, the only thing he wants from Rias is to have children, so he doesn't care about Rias."

"He is a bad guy totally! Noir-san, are you going to help Rias senpai then?"

"Yep. I learned the situation from Sona and decided to help. Anyway, Riser is just a bug for me, so there's no need to exaggerate it."

"Noir-san you are so kind."

"Me? Hahahahaha... thanks."

"Was that funny?"

"I didn't think anyone would say "kind" to the things I've done and will do."

"That's not true Noir-san! You are always so kind. You helped me and even spared Raynare-san, Kalawarner-san and Mittelt-san's life's."

"Yeah yeah thank you."

"By the way, Noir-san, how can you laugh at every serious event? I mean, although we are in an event where Rias senpai is in a really difficult situation right now, you are not worried at all, on the contrary, you are having a lot of fun." Asia asked.

"Hmm? How can I say? Life is too short to worry and be sad. If I have time to worry or not, I'd rather spend that time making a plan and having fun." Noir answered.

"Also I'm here so no one can hurt Noir." Ophis said.

"Hahahahahahha... Thanks Ophis and Asia."

"Noir-sama, is there really no race you don't like?" Raynare asked.

"There are a few gods I don't like, but there isn't a race I don't directly dislike. Why you ask?"

"I just wondered. So why isn't there a race you don't like? So right now there is tension between the three factions so most races are taking sides. But as if none of it matters to you." Raynare asked.

"I don't care about such things. Why bother when I can spend my life having fun? After all, having fun with the people I love is better than collecting enemies. Besides, Angel, Fallen Angel or Devil are all just a wheel for me."


"Let me put it this way, when an angel sins, it falls, right? Then when an angel falls it turns into a fallen angel then, the devil Lucifer was an angel at first then he rebelled and fell but he became a Devil so Azazel also rebelled and fell but he himself became a Fallen Angel. I want to know why. I also believe that this fall is not the one direction, I think that if there is a fall, there should be an ascend either. So, thanks to what I believe, I cannot see other races as separate or different."

"Noir-sama, do you really think there is a way to rise?"

"I don't know, but I will find out."

"Noir-san, do you want to be an angel?" Asia asked.

"Hm? Of course not. I've no intention of becoming an angel. I am happy the way I am."

"Me too Noir-san."

While the conversation was going on, they had arrived at the school and began to attend classes. As lunch approached, Noir spotted several unfamiliar entities at school. One of them was the powerful entity that tried to break through the barrier yesterday night.

'Rias hasn't been coming for a few lessons, I guess it's time.' Noir thought.

"Noir, Riser has arrived. You need to go to the Occult club room now." Sona came up and said.

"Leave it to me Sona, It'll be so much fun. Hehehehehehe..."

Soon after, Noir went to the Occult club room and telepathically notified Asia, Ophis, Raynare, Kalawarner, Mittelt, and Tiamat.

Afterwards, Noir went to the Occult club room with a devilish smile on his face. He smirked from the doorway and opened the door.

"Hey, is something fun going on?" Noir said while opening the door.

Inside, a blond-haired devil was standing next to Rias, stroking Rias' leg. Also, Rias' peerage stood behind the chair. It was clear that they wanted to intervene, but due to their position they could not.

"Who are you?" Riser asked.

But Noir didn't answer, and Noir suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of Riser right after.

"Get your hands off my woman!" Noir took the hand that Riser had touched Rias and pulled.


The crackling sounds of bones began to be heard in Riser's hand, which Noir was holding.

"Aaaarrrgggghhhh!! Who the hell are you?!!"

Again, however, Noir didn't answer and let Riser's hand go, but Noir immediately afterward kicked Riser against the wall across the room with a side kick.

"You don't need to know who I am, if you stay away from my woman, I'll let you live." Noir said with a cold voice.

"Who do you think you are?! Don't you know you're against Riser?!"


Riser snapped his finger, and soon after, a magic circle appeared, and 15 people, all girls, emerged from it.

"Riser-sama are you okay? Who did this?" A purple-haired woman stepped forward and walked over to Riser.

"I did, do you have a problem with that? I don't forgive those who mess with my woman."

"Riser is Rias' fiancee, so Rias, Riser's woman who do you think you are?!"

"Do you think I'm going to give my woman to you because of a silly old promise, keep dreaming. Besides, Rias is already mine. After all, I slept with Rias last night, didn't I, Rias?" Noir said with a devilish smile on his face and pulled Rias by the waist.

Everyone in the room could not believe what they heard and saw. Especially Grayfia.


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