"Grayfia what does that mean?! Riser is waiting for an explanation!" Riser shouted.

"!" Grayfia couldn't find the words to say.

'Is this kid trying to start a war between clans or is he relying on Serafall?!' Grayfia thought.

"It's not Grayfia-san's fault. After all, only someone at Maou's level could break the barrier I set up last night, and in doing so they would either have to kill everyone inside or destroy the entire city." Noir said smiling.

"It's a family pact, and Riser has to marry someone from the Gremory household, so..."

"Wait a minute, Rias is already mine, well since there are no other Gremory girls left in the family and Sirzechs Lucifer has left the Gremory house with his title... Rias! Quickly call your father, he is in great danger! Riser will go for your father!"

"Eh?!" Rias surprised.


All of a sudden, chuckles started coming from those around us. They were trying not to laugh.

"What the hell are you trying to say?!"

"Okay, Riser, I understand, so you were after Rias' father from the very beginning, but with all these girls around, aren't you doing them an injustice?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Riser is surrounded by beautiful women, how can you insult Riser like that!"

"It was all for a distraction, wasn't it? You gathered all the girls around you and then went after Rias because your goal was to approach the guys by showing that you actually like girls, and then you would release your hidden feelings!"

"You! Don't fuck with Riser!!!!" Riser succumbed to his anger and suddenly attacked Noir, creating a fire in his hand and throwing it at Noir.

'Just as I planned.' Noir thought.

"[Beelzebuth] thanks for the meal." Riser's flames were devoured by Beelzebuth.

[Skill [Phoenix flames] successfully acquired.]


[Master, do you want to synthesize [Dragon Breath] and [Phoenix Flames] for the ultimate skill [Charity King- Raguel]?]

'Do I still have soul power for one ultimate skill?'

[The master is actually [Magicule Breeder Reactor], and the spirit corridors you make with other girls are constantly strengthening your spirit, albeit slowly, you are constantly infused with spirit energy, so don't worry, there's still plenty of it.]

'Then isn't it a better option to create [Void God- Azathoth]?'

[Master that skill is very strong so it almost exploits your soul power so you have to make your soul stronger for that skill.]

'I see okay fuse them.'



[[Dragon Breath] and [Phoenix Flames] skills have been synthesized.]

[Congratulations The ultimate skill [Charity King- Raguel] has been successfully acquired.]

[A new skill is created from the waste of two skills.]

[Congratulations Extra skill [Molecular Manipulation] has been successfully acquired.]

'Tomoe, how did this skill come about? Normally, the way this skill was formed was different.'

[Master Raguel actually required the energy related skills of [Dragon breath] and [Phoenix flames]. It's a bit complicated, anyway, I then combined the flame related leftovers with a few of the leftovers from other elemental skills and allowed this skill to form. Do you like it?]

'I love it.'

[Heheheh... praise me more master. But I want in bed.]

'Okay I'll.'

Of course, Noir's conversation with Tomoe lasted a few seconds in the real world, and during that time the others were actually surprised that Riser's flames were suddenly destroyed by Noir, so no one noticed Noir's pause to talk to Tomoe.

"What are you?! What the hell did you do just now?!" Riser schocked.

"Like I said, who I am is none of your business. Let go of Rias or I won't leave you alive."

"Who do you think you are and you can talk to Riser Pehenex like that?!"

"Don't talk about yourself as someone else! It's annoying."

Riser's face changed color as Noir spoke and became angry.

The third son of the noble Phenex family was being humiliated at this time. While this image was entertaining for Rias's and Noir's peerage, Riser's peerage was also pissed off with Riser. Grayfia was content with just watching.

"How dare you make fun of Riser-sama?!" A girl dressed in china with dark blue hair, wielding a double-handed sword, suddenly rushed forward.

"Don't you dare touch Noir-sama." Ophis had already entered the room with her mature appearance and maid outfits. The moment the girl from Riser's peerage rushed forward, Ophis got ahead of Noir.



"Siris!" Brown haired knight said.

The moment the girl swung her sword, the sword slammed into Ophis' body, but instead of hitting the body, it sounded like the sword had struck metal. Ophis didn't move an inch and her clothes didn't even tear. Then Ophis punched the girl in the stomach and girl flew out the wall of the room.

Then Ophis made a line with her foot in the middle of the room.

"From now on, I will mercilessly kill anyone who crosses this line to attack Noir-sama." Ophis said, and again stood behind the chair where Noir was sitting, eyes closed.

"What you're doing is unsportsmanlike and not knightly!" Brown haired girl said.

"Are sudden attacks suitable for knighthood?"


"We are from the noble Phenex family, which family do you come from?" Other blonde girl said.

'I think her name was Ravel.'

"I don't understand why you care so much about which family I come from. It's so annoying." Noir said with boredom.

[Master, I think they are planning to use the noble rank against you. They're asking about your family because they probably have plans to sanction your family~]

'It's nice not to have. I have only one family, they cannot impose sanctions on her.' Noir thought.

"Then Riser challenges you with a rating game. If Riser wins, you will give Rias, if Riser loses, you keep Rias."

"Are you stupid or something?"


"First, Rias is not a thing. Rias is not something that can be bought and sold. Secondly, why do I have to compete for my girlfriend anyway Rias is my girlfriend, I have no reason to compete with you."

"So what do you say, if I win, I get Rias, if I lose, you can choose one person from my Peerage and I will give that person to you."

"I see so you are a trash that must be murdered." Behind Noir's calm words was a terrific killing intent.

'Noir-san this guy treats girls like things can you help these girls?' Asia said via telepathy.

Afterwards, Noir asked Rias with the same telepathy seeking.

'Are you 100% sure you will win?' Rias asked.

'Of course after all I am Noir Leviathan.'

'Then okay.'

"Isn't this offer too low?" Noir said.


"Why would I use someone I know and love as a bet with someone I don't know?"

"Then what do you offer?" Riser asked.

"All peerage in exchange for Rias. If I win, I get all your peerage."

"Hm? Is that all? Well Riser accepts."

"Grayfia-san, the match will be Riser and all his peerage against me. And let's make it interesting and broadcast the match all over the supernatural world, how about?"

"It can be settled if both parties agree on this."

"So you want the entire supernatural world to hear about your defeat, so Riser accepts."

"Well then, I, as queen of Sirzechs Lucifer-sama, announce the ratification of this treaty. Riser Phenex and Peerage vs. Noir Leviathan. Bets and confirmations received. Rias Gremory will marry Riser Phenex if Riser wins Phenex and Peerage. If Noir Leviathan wins, Rias Gremory's prenuptial agreement will be annulled and the entire peerage of Riser Phenex will be given to Noir Leviathan." Grayfia said.

"Wait you are a Leviathan!?"

"It's none of your business, the contract is sealed."

So Grayfia formed the contract and they left with Riser and Peerage.

"Noir how could you to this?!" Akeno said.

"Do not exaggerate, I did not do it without asking Rias, and besides, I do not lose. Heheheheheh..." Noir's evil smile reappeared.


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