"Are you 100% sure you can win? This match will be 16 against 1." Rias asked.

"It's okay, I'll show everyone the real power. But we have to do something for you and your Peerage." Noir said.

"What do you mean?"

"You are weak. Look, I understand that you all have your own situations, so somehow you're not using your full strength. But if you keep doing this, you're only hurting yourself."

Rias and Peerage looked at each other and agreed with Noir.

"Noir, it's going to be a little selfish, but can I ask you something?"

"I'm listening."

"Can you train us?"

"Of course, why not."

"As I guessed no-? Did you accept it?"

"I did. But I will only guide you how far you can go is up to you."

"Don't worry, we will do our best. So how am I supposed to work for the power of destruction, can you tell me in advance?"

"I don't know."


"Better ask your brother or your mother for the power of destruction. After all, I've never used it." Noir answered.

"Well then there's a piece of land I own where we can work there and take a few days off from school." Rias said.

"Actually, I'd like to invite Sona and her Peerage too, is that okay?" Noir asked.

"Of course no problem."

So everyone went back to their normal lives until Grayfia informed Sirzechs Lucifer about the duel and arranged a day.


(Underworld- Sirzechs Lucifer, Grayfia Lucifuge, Serafall Leviathan)

"What?! Grayfia, you're saying that Noir and Rias became lovers and last night Noir slept with Rias?!" Sis-con Sirzechs Lucifer said.

"True, that was something they both agreed to." Grayfia answered.

"I didn't know No-chan was that brave." Serafall said.

"OK, I've made my decision. Serafall, I think it's time for me to meet your brother Noir." Sirzechs said.

"So when do you want to go Sirzechs-chan?"


So Noir unknowingly had guests for the evening.


(Phenex mansion)

"Riser can't believe that man is actually a Leviathan. From a clan that has a talent for water power, which is the opposite of Riser's firepower." Riser said uneasily.

"Don't worry, Riser-sama, we still have the lead. We will fight 16v1." Yubelluna said.

"You're right. After all, even though that boy has water power, Riser has immortality, there is no enemy that cannot be defeated with the right strategy." Riser said and began to prepare the strategy.


Meanwhile, Noir went to his boring classes unaware of everything and went to the Student Council room at the end of the day.

"Hey Sona, it's all done."

"Huh? Really? Did Riser give up on the marriage?" Sona asked.

"Not yet, a duel will take place in a few days. Against me, Riser and all his peerage." Noir said with a smile.


"Are you out of your mind!!" There was a brief silence, and soon afterward, Sona lost her composure.

"Also, this duel will be broadcast all over the supernatural world. I'm making a society entry."

"That's not what it's like to be in society! You can't enter by beating someone from another clan when entering high society and there will also be a 16v1 duel and how can you still be so relaxed!"

"There is nothing to exaggerate. I'm just gonna fight Riser and his peerage. I also have dozens of cards under my hand."

"Sigh... You've been chasing excitement all the time since you came, can't you just relax for a bit?"


"As I guessed."

Afterwards, Noir invited Sona to the training camp.

"I don't know, if things get busy, I might not be able to come."

"But the place where we will be working will most likely be an isolated area, meaning we will have time to do nice things at night and sometimes during the day. For example, we can go to the forest alone." The last part, Noir whispered in Sona's ear, and Sona's face turned red in an instant.

"I-I'll try to a-arrange s-something."


"Yes girls you need to train too so let's get up to speed to finish things early." Sona said, and then she started to do the paperwork on her desk at lightning speed.

"Fufufufufufuf... We get it, kaichou, we're dealing with it right away."

When everyone was suddenly focused on their work, Noir left the room and went home with Ophis, Asia and Raynare.

"Noir-san, I know I wanted to, but you're going to fight 16 people, will you be okay?" Asia asked with worry.

"Don't worry Asia-chan, I can beat them all even with one arm."

"Asia, Noir-sama is currently unnamed in the supernatural world power rankings, but he would be somewhere in the 2 to 3 digits if he did. Even I don't know the full power of Noir-sama, but I can feel it through spiritual connection. And that Riser guy is around 4 digits or even 5 digits."

"As expected of Noir-san. By the way, Ophis-san, what rank are you in?"

"Rank? I didn't care those things so I don't know but I know I'm in first 5." Ophis answered.

"Ophis-sama is in second place. Right after the Great Red."

"Eeeeehhhh?! Really? Ophis-san is so strong."



When they got home, everyone except Noir was rushing to work. Noir went to his room.


With the snap of Noir's fingers, he set up a barrier in his room.

"Tomoe, it's time to learn a few more arts. I want to learn Raguel's bound art [Cardinal Acceleration], but even before that, there is one art I want to learn."

[What is it master~]

"[Veldora style killing arts]!"

[I'm starting right away master~]

So Noir started working in his room to master two arts. Veldora-style killing arts were a relatively easy one. It's a good art with devastating power but easy to learn, but Cardinal acceleration is a more difficult art. Noir needed to actively use [Thought Acceleration] while using Cardinal acceleration. And he was also really glad that he had Noir [Pain resistance] because this art is badly damaging to the body. It allows the wearer to move at almost the speed of light, but in turn deals heavy damage to the body.

But Noir learned much more easily as he had both [Pain resistance] and [Ultra-speed regeneration] skills, and he continued to master the art after a short hiatus because his recovery speed was so fast.

After Noir thought he had reached a sufficient point, Noir left his room and went to the bathroom because it literally smelled like cooked meat, or it would be more accurate to say burnt meat.

*Ding dong!

"Eeeehhh?! Serafall-sama?!"

While Noir was in the bathroom, he heard Klawarner's voice.

"Heheheehehehehehe... Everything is going according to plan."


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