
"Noir-sama I wonder if there are requirements for these 10,000 souls or just 10,000 souls." Grayfia asked.

"There is only 1 requirement, Grayfia-san. There must be 10,000 human souls. Souls of races other than the human race are useless."

"I understand. So instead of taking souls from hell and dealing with permits, why didn't you take the shortcut?"


"So you're asking why I didn't destroy a town and take 10,000 souls without dealing with anyone, Grayfia-san?"


"First of all, I don't want to hurt innocent people. Secondly, if I did something like this, there would be another war between the three factions. Third, if I did something like that, I would have to deal with the church, and I don't want a bounty on my head." Noir explained.

"I understand. Thank you for your answer Noir-sama."

"No problem."

"All right, but then I'll stand by you while you use those souls. After all, I need to see what you're doing." Sirzechs said.

"Okay I don't have a problem with that."

"Well then I'm done for this day's work." Sirzechs said, and then he left with Serafall and Grayfia.


'Well, I guess it's time to teach Ophis and the others a few skills.' Noir thought and then immediately gathered everyone in the house into the living room.

"Noir-sama is there a problem?" Kalawarner asked.

"Noir-san, why did we gather?" Asia asked.

Others agreed with what Kalawarner and Asia asked.

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. You know, I have some skills that seem strange to you. I have decided to teach you some of these." Noir said.

"Eeehh?! Really is it okay?" Tiamat said.

"Of course it's okay. Don't expect me to teach extreme skills, but I can teach useful and interesting skills."

"Can you teach that skill that swallows our attacks Noir-sama?" Kalawarner asked.

"That skill is not something that can be taught."

"I-I see."

"Don't get discouraged, the skill I'm about to teach will come in handy."

"I'm okay I want to learn it Noir-sama." Ophis agreed.

""Me too."" Seeing that Ophis had agreed, they all agreed.

"Ahem! Well the skill I will teach you is called [Magic Sense]."

"Doesn't the name sound like a simple skill?" Tiamat said.

"You might think so, but the abilities of the skill are really useful."

"Can you explain the skill Noir-sama?" Ophis asked.

"It allows the user to see a full 360 degrees around them, without leaving a single blind-spot. By observing the fluctuation of light and sound waves, they can be processed and converted into perceptible data, allowing the user to see and hear their surroundings and can continue fighting even if their eyes and ears were to be crushed. Ambushes become virtually impossible as the user is fully aware of their environment." Noir explained.

'It's easier to read the direct skill's description. Thanks Tomoe.' Noir thought.

[It's a pleasure master~]

"This is a very functional and important skill, are you sure we can learn it, Noir-san?" Asia asked.

"I agree with Asia-chan. This skill must be something hard to learn, actually I don't have much confidence that I can learn it." Mittelt said.

Kalawarner and Raynare also joined Mittelt's words. In fact, all but Tiamat and Ophis did not have much confidence in themselves.

"Don't worry, this skill is the easiest to learn among those I currently use. Also, don't get discouraged, but this skill is a bit dangerous."

"Hm? What do you mean Noir-san?"

"For example, this skill cannot be used by humans. Because when you use the skill, it will send everything in the 360 ​​degree area around you directly to your brain, so weak races etc. Using this skill for a long time can burn their brains."



Kalawarner and Raynare trembled.

"How long do you use Noir-san?" Asia asked.

"I've never turned it off since I first acquired the skill."

"When did you acquire the skill Noir-sama?" Tiamat asked.

"Just before I came into the human world. 1-2 weeks ago."

"Don't you ever feel uncomfortable?" Ophis asked.

"Nope, not at all."

'Thanks to Tomoe.'


Soon after, Noir started teaching everyone the skill. Ophis learned the skill instantly thanks to her eagerness to learn, and soon after Ophis, Tiamat learned it. After Kalawarner and Mittelt, Raynare and finally Asia learned. Since Asia was at the lowest level as a devil, her learning time was longer than the others, but in terms of using the skill, she was much better than the Fallen angel trio.

While Ophis and Tiamat could use the skill comfortably, Asia was able to heal herself automatically thanks to [Twilight Healing], so she could use it for much longer than the Fallen angel trio. Kalawarner, Mittelt, and Raynare, on the other hand, had the skill's using times very close to each other.

'I got scared for a moment when Ophis used the skill. He was able to activate the skill to such a high degree the first time that I thought for a moment the skill would evolve.'

[Master actually Ophis' skill right now is borderline for evolution, with a little push the skill will evolve, I can if you want. All it takes is some Magicule. Tiamat's skill is close to the limit for evolution.]

'Well, let's evolve Ophis' skill then.'


"Hm? What happened Noir-sama?"

"Ophis actually when you acquired the skill somehow the skill was under your power I guess and it's borderline for evolution right now and I can evolve the skill, you want?"

"Evolve? So what is going to happen when it's evolve?"

"Your skill will rise to a much higher level and become a much stronger skill."

"If it's a good thing, well let's do it."

With Ophis' acceptance, enough Magicule was used by Tomoe, and Ophis' skill evolved and a system message appeared to Noir right after.

[Congratulations Ouroboros Dragon (Ophis)'s skill [Magic Sense] has evolved into [Universal Sense].]

"Eeeehhh?? It's a very different feeling. As if the details have increased, I can even easily perceive the body temperatures of everyone around me."

"Congratulations Ophis. The new skill is called [Universal Sense]."

"Thank you Noir-sama." Ophis suddenly hugged Noir. After all, she had acquired many skills and abilities throughout her life, but she had never seen it.

"Don't worry, we're going to have a training camp soon, and then maybe I'll teach you a few more skills."

So Noir started helping the others get used to his skills, and soon they had dinner. The next day they were going to take a day off from school for training camp.


Dear readers, I live in Turkey and I did not suffer any damage in the last earthquake and I am fine, but I am really depressed, so I did not feel like writing, but do not worry, I will continue to write.

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