In the morning Noir gathered everyone and they took leave from school. Afterwards, just behind the Occult clubhouse, Noir's crew, Rias and her Peerage, and Sona and her Peerage gathered.

"-Okay is everyone ready?- I would like to say but what the hell is that mountains?"

"What mountains?" Sona asked.

"I'm talking about your luggage. So, there are exactly 6 of these, and each one is huge. You know we only go there until the weekend, right? It's not fundamental."

"These are all necessary things." Rias said.

At that moment, Shishou's words came to Noir's mind.

'Noir, if you ever go somewhere with the girls, never question their luggage, it's for your own good.'

"All right, but how do you intend to take them?"

"Actually, we were hoping you could help us." Sona said.

"Sigh... It can't be helped. [Beelzebuth]." In an instant, all the luggage was sucked into Noir's Beelzebuth.

""Eeeehhh?! What happened?!"" Sona's Peerage was instantly stunned.

"Do not exaggerate. I didn't destroy your things, they just stay in my dimensional storage."

Afterwards, Rias cast a teleport spell and teleported everyone to the foot of a mountain.

"All right, now after this climb we'll arrive at my home." Rias said.

"Let's race?" Noir said.

"Race?" Sona asked.

"Yes, let's race, but teleportation magic is prohibited, other than that, you can use any magic you want. Even flying is free."

"So what will the winner get?" Rias asked.

"The winner will have the right to demand something from the losers, and the losers will have to do it."

"Isn't everything free except teleportation? So that means we can attack each other, right?" Tsubaki asked.

"Yep. Dirty tricks or attack spells, barriers, swords, fists etc. whatever you want, it's forbidden to just teleport."

Then everyone agreed, and after creating a starting line, everyone aligned.





'[Thought Accelaration]'

As soon as the start signal was given, everyone suddenly cast their spells against Noir, but Noir immediately used [Thought Acceleration].

'Wow, so everybody's first goal was to get me out? But that won't work on me. [Cardinal Accelaration]'

In an instant, Noir's body disappeared and reappeared further down the road.

"Hahahahahah... You have a long way to go to catch me. See you at the finish line."

Afterwards, Noir disappeared again, but this time he began to wander around in many parts of the mountain, obliterating his presence and watching what the others were doing. And after collecting enough data, he went to the finish line and of course won.

"All right, everyone, pack your stuff and get ready, then gather here in a few hours and I'll explain your training routine. And remember, I will not be easy on you."

So Noir took out the luggage and everyone went to unpack while Noir sat in the lotus position in the garden and meditated on Senjutsu and Mana.

'This area is really rich in magic power. My magic power is increasing already."

[Your Demonic Power increased]

[Your Demonic Power increased]

[Your Demonic Power increased]

[Your Demonic Power increased]




Noir's magic power continued to increase as system messages came out one after another, and those around him could also notice it.

'Is this both magic power and Senjutsu? I can't believe he's training both of them at the same time.' Koneko thought.

"What is this aura around him? It's so ominous and fierce." Rias said.

Soon after, Noir came out of meditation.

'That was close. The seal was about to break, if it was broken I would have had a lot of trouble. After all, I can't let my demonic personality show up outside of fights.' Noir thought.

[Your Demonic power increased from [80,200] to [85,500]]

'Good, this environment is really too good for magic power cultivation, being away from people and not being used for a long time must have caused the magic power to accumulate.' Noir thought.

"Well if everyone is ready now I will explain your training routine." Noir said.

"Um Noir?" Tsubaki raised her hand.

"What is it Tsubaki-san?"

"What did you just do? Your magic power seemed to increase."

"Have you ever read a wuxia novel?" Noir asked.

"Isn't it the novels that do this cultivation thing?" Sona answered.

"Yes, the only difference is based on cultivation, I use magic power to apply it. I increase my magic power by passing the outside magic power through the magic veins in my body."

"I-I see."

"Well then, I'll explain the training routine. The first thing you need is resistance to pain. You're really going to go through hell of training to do this, and now for the last time, do you want it or not? Because once you accept, there is no going back and even if you ask me to stop, I will not stop until the training is over."

"How do we achieve pain resistance?" Kiba asked.

"I will break your bones."


"I will break your bones, then Asia will heal you and I will break you again. Until you no longer feel the pain. That's why I'm telling you, this is your last chance."

"I already have pain resistance." Tiamat said.

"Me too." Ophis said.

"All right, I'll find you two another training."

""Traitors!"" Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner translated what was on everyone's mind.

"Well do you accept?"

"Ugh! I guess we have to." Rias said

"Yeah we too." Sona said.

So everyone agreed, albeit half-heartedly.

"Hell training begins."


Dear readers, I live in Turkey and I did not suffer any damage in the last earthquake and I am fine, but I am really depressed, so I did not feel like writing, but do not worry, I will continue to write.

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