Afterwards, Noir and Scathach continued their teaching work. Noir trained Rias and her peerage, while Scathach trained Sona and her peerage, as well as the Fallen angel trio.

In the evening, both Rias and Peerage, Sona and Peerage, as well as the fallen angel trio, went to their rooms and fell asleep before they could even eat because of the whole day's training. Even the fallen angel trio with Sona and Peerage started to look dead after training with Scathach, as if their life lights had gone out.

"Shishou did you got too much on them?" Noir asked Scathach as he watched the stars in the sky in the garden.

"It's not even one-tenth of the way I treat you. If they can't stand this much, they are not worthy of my training."

"So at least you don't forget that they still have a virgin mind."

"Yeah I know. Don't worry. Now let's stop talking about others. Tell me, mister sword devil, you suddenly tried to set up a harem for yourself and there are still dozens of women after you. Top-ranking yandere like Hera and Freya are after you, while Aphrodite, Artemis, Persephone and Amaterasu are after you. And above all Eris and Khaos is still looking for you."

"I need to get stronger as soon as possible, especially for Eris and Khaos."

"I guess you are burning to meet your first loves."

"I really missed them though. I need to solve the balance problem inside me as soon as possible."

'It's worse that you were my real first love and I can't say it.' Noir thought.

(Kekekekekekeke... Why won't you just drop being a pussy and say your feelings?! That's why I don't approve of you. You're a genius when it comes to war and fights, but you're a coward when it comes to girls! Let go of these things and be a man. You've been waiting for years to tell that woman you love her, and you're going to have to wear a green hat one day if you keep it up. What, would you like that woman to call you as a wedding witness when she finds someone else?!)

'Shut up!! That's not gonna happen! I won't let that happen!'

(Kekekekekekekeke... Good luck you pussy.)

Noir stopped speaking with the demonic voice and returned to the conversation with Scathach.

"You have not changed at all. You, the Twilight, who intervened in the war between Khaos and Eris." Scathach said while laughing.

"Do you always have to use those weird nicknames I get? Even if I didn't choose those nicknames, people always call me weird nicknames after what I did." Noir cried.


So Noir and Scathach chatted for a long time and began to make up for their time apart.

They chatted until bedtime. Of course, sleep was not a necessity for both of them, but they slept for at least a few hours every day because it was useful. This sleep routine passed from Scathach to Noir over time, as a result, they could not get 8-9 hours of comfortable sleep during a war, so they trained themselves until a few hours of sleep was enough for them. After a while, both of them were able to set the time they would sleep. They could sleep for a few hours if they wanted, or even for days, completely shutting down their consciousness.


(After sleep in Noir's mind)

"We finally meet again, brat. Kekekekekeekekek..." Demonic voice said.

"Why did you summon my consciousness here?" Noir asked with boredom.

"I thought we could have a little chat, but I guess you don't want to. There's nothing can be done. Anyway, I called you to give you a task, or rather a suggestion."

"What suggestion?"

"There is a special pit on the lowest floor of the underworld. Everyone thinks bottomless, and those who went down never went up again. I want you to come down from there. The general name given there is the Abyss pit."

"You want me to enter a place of no return?! It's the same as telling me to commit suicide!"

"Do not exaggerate, anyway, if you die, I will die too, so I know something, I want you to come down from there. It's up to you whether you do this or not, I just said it. If you do, you gain a lot. If you don't, nothing changes. You neither gain nor lose."

"I'll think about it, after all, I can't just trust you."

"Yes yes I understand. And by the way, if you're going to do it, you should do it before your demon lord evolution. You gain a lot either way, but it's better to do it before evolution."


"Anyway, we're done talking, you can go now."


Thus, Noir opened his eyes to the real world.

'Well, I need to know more about that place. If necessary, I can go near that pit and ask Tomoe to scan it.' Noir thought.

Then, just as Noir looked beside him, he saw Scathach lying naked next to him. In fact, they were both naked, but this was a habit for both of them, so they both preferred to sleep naked, but the real problem for Noir here was what they were doing in the same room and on the same bed.

"Or are you having nasty thoughts looking at Shishou's body?"

"Of course not she is just- Eeeehhh!? Shishou?!"

"Fufufufufufufuffu... Tell me what am I?"


Hello dear readers, I have started a new novel. When I write novels, I write as long as I am inspired, and as soon as the idea for another novel comes up, I want to write, I don't know how long I can continue, but you can read it if you want. Name: The Gamer: Marvel Cross Dc.

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