"W-Well i-it's nothing. I didn't think anything." Noir stammered.

"Come on, tell me. You thought something about me but you don't dare to say it? Just tell me. Whatever you say, I won't be angry." Scathach said.


"Yep tell me. I'm wondering."

"Well I just think you're beautiful and cute."

"I don't understand why you tried so hard just to say that."

"Shishou really should socialize more. People have a harder time complimenting people who are special to them."

"Oh so I'm special to you?"

"Ugh... I mustn't miss the day, I'm leaving." Noir said, and in an instant he put on his clothes and ran out of the room.

"It's been years since we met and you still can't tell me you like me. Lucky I already know. Well, at least this time he took a step. Fufufufufufuf... His cuteness when he was a child left its place to this handsomeness." Scathach said, looking after Noir as he left the room.

After that, they continued their training throughout the day. Tiamat and Ophis were trying to create [Stardust] energy that they had already passed this level. For others, the training was the same, they were trained by Scathach and Noir, and then they get beaten up, gaining a sense of combat and developing a tolerance for pain.

In the evening, the others were glad to have survived the training of Noir and Scathach. And the results were really satisfying. Because both Sona's and Rias' peerage, Asia and also the fallen angel trio had moved up a rank. Also, because Asia is naturally gifted with magic and constantly practicing with twilight healing, she rank up faster than the others.

In the evening, as the training was over, they threw a party and retired to their after-party rooms. Of course, Noir was not alone in his room. Noir had a orgy in his room at night. Ophis had an orgy with Sona, Raynare, Mittelt, and Kalawarner, Scathach understood the situation and slept in his room from the start, and Noir also sensed the presence of several people behind the door. Of course, these beings were Akeno, Rias, Tsubaki, and Momo.

Between four in the morning the atmosphere was a little strange. And they kept telling each other not to tell anyone what happened last night.

Later, Grayfia arrived and took everyone to the place where the duel would take place. A giant arena and arena stunners resembled chess pieces. Then Riser and his Peerage teleported to the middle of the arena and Grayfia led everyone to the viewing area except Noir.

""The fight between Noir Leviathan against Riser Phenex and his Peerage begins in 5 minutes!""

""The duel will be held at the request of both sides. If Riser Phenex wins the duel, Noir Leviathan will leave Rias Gremory and Rias Gremory will marry Riser Phenex.""

""If Noir Leviathan wins the duel, Riser Phenex will give up all of his peerage and give them to Noir Leviathan.""

""In order to win the duel, the other side must either admit that they lost or become unable to fight. For Riser Phenex, Noir Leviathan will win if Riser Phenex admits to losing or is unable to fight. If Noir Leviathan admits that he has lost or is unable to fight, Riser Phenex will be deemed to have won.""

Announcements were made and dozens of magical cameras were created. These cameras were broadcasting to the entire supernatural world, the pantheon of Gods, Yokai, Vampires, heaven and hell. Since the subject of the duel was related to Rias Gremory, all factions paid special attention, after all, Rias Gremory is both the next head of the Gremory household and the sister of Sirzechs Lucifer.

""Riser Phenex, do you accept the conditions of the duel?""

"Yes! Riser accepts."

""Noir Leviathan, do you accept the conditions of the duel?""

"I accept." Noir answered directly.

""Then the duel begins!!""

"Take this!" Riser suddenly brought out a huge ball of fire from his hand and suddenly threw it at Noir.

"[Purple Lightning]" Noir disappeared and reappeared some distance away.

"Wow so you like quick start. [War instinct art- 13th sense]" Noir activated his own war aura, and a black-green aura formed around Noir.

Then Noir took out his sword and, after making a swinging motion, made a circular cut on the ground a few meters outside of himself, with himself in the center.

"Did you think something like that could scare us!?" Two of Riser's knights rushed towards Noir, but as soon as they crossed the line on the ground, they were suddenly pulled back from the line, horrified expressions on their faces and checking their own necks and arms.

The only thing seen from the outside was that the two of them tried to attack and suddenly ran out, but what they saw was something else.

They both saw themselves cut into a thousand pieces the moment they entered the circle. What they actually saw was the abyss between them and Noir. The art Noir used was a technique Noir used to prevent annoying weaklings from attacking him in battle. An art that shows enemies the difference in power between them and Noir. The greater the difference, the more fragments the person was divided into, and each cut corresponded to a 2x difference in power.

And the cut limit was to be divided into thousands of cuts, since no one can see the rest from there, everyone below a certain power level sees the same amount of cuts.

"All right, if everyone's ready, I'll start."

'Remember, there are no kills and you can't take Riser out. All you have to do is make the others unable to interfere.'

(Kekekekekekeke... Leave it to me. First time going out in a long time. So don't worry. Also, dealing with these weaklings does not excite me.)


"I hereby release your seals."

All of a sudden, many magic circles began to form around Noir, and the tattoos of the seal began to appear on Noir's body, and suddenly the chains coming out of the tattoos merged with the magic rings.

(Process 1 clear)

(Process 2 clear)

(Process 3 clear)

(The seal is opening.)

The magic circles were broken and changes began to appear in Noir's appearance. Noir's black hair changed to black hair with red and gold streaks, and his eyes changed from red to golden eyes with black sclera. There was also a red streak that seemed to slit his eyes horizontally down the middle.

Noir's appearance had taken on what could be called a demonic appearance.

(Author's Note: Yes, as you guessed, Diablo's appearance!)

"Kekekekekekek... Now who wants to go first?"


Hello dear readers, I have started a new novel. When I write novels, I write as long as I am inspired, and as soon as the idea for another novel comes up, I want to write, I don't know how long I can continue, but you can read it if you want. Name: The Gamer: Marvel Cross Dc.

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