Noir took the letter from Ravel and opened it and began to read.

(To Noir

Noir, by the time you read this, my family will probably say I disappeared, and that's true. I need education and real life experience and I cannot do this in the safe environment in the Phenex family. So I'm going on a trip and I'm leaving my Peerage to you just as I promised, I hope you'll tell them I'm sorry. My goal is to burn this old Riser, as you told me, and make a new Riser rise from its ashes. And as soon as I've accomplished that, I'll be back and I hope you'll accept my duel then. I want to have a real and all-powerful duel with you. The new Riser will definitely beat you then I can really call myself your opponent.

Note: I would appreciate it if you could tell Rias and the others that I'm sorry too, I used to be a person who was always head to dick, I needed something like this to say thank you for bringing me to my senses.

Your future rival Riser)

'As you try to keep up with me, I'll go higher, but don't hesitate to challenge when you're ready.' Noir thought.

"So what does he saying?" Ravel asked.

"Riser embarked on a journey for real life experience and training." Noir said.

"Does it say where did he go?" Lord Phenex asked.

"No, but he says he doesn't want to be found. He says that instead of comfortable training at home, he will become stronger with training in the outside world. He also says that he will burn the old Riser and rise from his ashes completely different and powerful."

"My little Riser has finally grown to be leader." Lady Phenex said.

"So he needed such a beating and a goal to get his mind right." Lord Phenex said.

"From what I understand from his letter, he will be a different person when he returns." Noir said.

Soon the talk about the letter was over and it was time to pass on Peerage.

"Noir-san, I have to ask you something. When she signed with Riser, Ravel was also a member of the peerage, so the deal includes Ravel, but as a mother, I... I..." Lady Phenex said.

"You want Ravel out of the deal, right?"

"Y-Yes. She is my only daughter so I... I...-"

"Of course it's okay." Noir answered.

"As I guessed it's impossi- wait what?"

"Not a problem for me. If Ravel wants it, I'm not going to hold her by force. Besides, I'm not going to do anything like separating a girl from her mother." Noir said, looking at Ravel.

"Thank you Noir-san." Lady Phenex and Lord Phenex said while bowing their heads.

"No need, please raise your head."

'I know all too well what it's like to grow up without a parent. Ravel has parents who love her, and I'm not going to separate them.' Noir thought.

"Thanks anyway, Noir-san. Now let's get to the other issue..."

Yubelluna and the others stepped forward.

"Actually, I don't use Evil Pieces. I am using another method."


"I think it's easier to show."

So Noir put his hand on each of them in turn, starting with Yubelluna. Others could see no difference, but everyone in Riser's old Peerage felt something was up.

"Noir-san, I don't mean to be rude, but what are you doing?" Lord Phenex asked, and the others were looking at Noir with curious eyes.

"Our master is currently using Soul stamp on them all." Raynare said.

"Hm? Soul Stamp? What is that?"

"This means that I have created a spirit corridor between their souls and my soul. It has many benefits, but the benefit it provides right now is that it keeps them from straying. Because their souls are tied to mine."

"Wow that's really unique. Can you teach this to someone?" Lord Phenex asked.

"No. I created this but I can't teach anyone."

So in a short time this job was finished. Phenex family then said goodbye to Yubelluna and the others and went back to their home. But Ravel was constantly squinting at Noir.

"In fact, it was long past the breakfast time, but since no one could eat, the table was set and everyone ate together."

"Noir-kun, shall we start training today?" Venelana said.

"Of course I'd love to."

'Noir is very impatient when it comes to education. He did sword training that lasted so long in the morning, then spirit-marked 14 people, but he's already itching to go to training. The new generation is truly extraordinary.' Sirzechs thought.

After a while breakfast was over and Venelana took Noir to the garden to practice.

"Well, Noir-kun, can you show me what you can do with the Power of Destruction? I need to measure your level."


Noir opened his hand and used the Power of Destruction skill. A ball of the power of destruction appeared in his hand. Noir continued to condense the energy in the ball. The ball was condensing as if it were going to explode, but no matter how much Noir filled it, the energy in the ball would rise to horrific levels, but it still wouldn't explode.

'Fire in the hole!' Since Noir couldn't say it from the outside, he threw the ball into the sky by saying it inside.

The ball started to rise towards the sky and as soon as it came to a safe area, the ball grew as if it had formed a shield, but it was a shield that no one would want to enter because inside the huge orb that had formed, the power of Destruction suddenly went wild and the entire sphere turned red and black, and the pressure inside could be felt even from the outside.

'I created this inspired by what Benimaru did to the fake Charybdis, but I didn't expect it to be this impressive.' Noir thought pridefully.

'This thing is truly incredible! Not even a person skilled in the power of destruction like me would survive this thing. Even my father can't stand it, even from here I can feel the intensity and pressure inside that orb. Brother, you're lucky this boy doesn't hold a grudge enough to kill you if you really piss him off it'll be the mistake of your life.' Venelana thought while feeling pity for her brother.

"Venelana-san what do you think?"

"Incredible. Rias unleashes the destructive power directly, Sirzechs controls it and makes more prison-style attacks, Millicas is very good at shaping Destruction, and you are good at both shaping, releasing and imprisoning. You can change the techniques of each of them as if you were trained in all three of them. Well then, what do you say I'm going to teach you this power of destruction to the core?"

"Yes! I'll be in your care."

'He is so handsome and cute.' Venelana thought.


Hello dear readers, I have started a new novel. When I write novels, I write as long as I am inspired, and as soon as the idea for another novel comes up, I want to write, I don't know how long I can continue, but you can read it if you want. Name: The Gamer: Marvel Cross Dc.

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Emilio Gonzalez


Ibrahim El-Okla