"Fiuv! That was really tiring." Noir said as he lay on the ground.

Venelana had been teaching Noir the power of destruction for hours.

'I didn't realize that gaining control of the power of destruction would take so long and hard.' Noir thought.

'It's only been a few hours, but he can easily use Sirzechs' techniques already. Is this what they call genius?' Venelana thought while looking Noir.

"Well, Noir-kun, it's time to rest, you've already achieved incredible success, so I have a reward for you." Venelana said.

"A reward?" Noir asked.

"Come lay down." Venelana sat on the grass and, pointing to her lap, said to Noir.

'Could it be a lap pillow?' Noir thought.

Noir did as Venelana said and laid his head on Venelana's lap, Noir soon fell asleep while Venelana was stroking her hair. Although from the outside Noir seemed to have mastered the power of Destruction without any difficulty, in fact, Noir's mind was working at full strength throughout the entire process. Noir demolition power output power, attack area, attack pattern, exit pattern, etc. He calculated and did so before using the spell. He was also challenging his mind to be able to do something Venelana showed for the first time, and with the [Magic Sense] skill that was always on, Noir was actually quite tired without realizing it.

"He is so cute when he is sleeping too." Venelana said.

"Kaa-sama!" Rias's voice came.

"Shh Rias." Venelana said when she saw Rias.

"Oh Kaa-sama eh?"

"I'm giving him a reward."

"Reward? But you've never given me an award for training before."

"Rias you've never trained in the power of destruction before and Noir started to do the Demolition techniques that Sirzechs was able to do in just a few hours and I decided to reward him because I felt tired. Remember, these kinds of things are rewards for men, so keep in mind, maybe you want to do it one day."

"I-I get it." Rias's face turned red.

'I'll do it to Noir later.' Rias thought.

'Ara ara~ Fufufufufufuf...' Listening to Venelana and Rias behind a wall, Akeno made a plan in her mind.

After seeing Rias coming, Akeno walked away.


"Grayfia!" Rias called Grayfia.

"What is it Rias-sama?"

"I need you for something. Are you free right now?"

"Yes, I'm listening."

(Few Hours Later- Back to Noir And Venelana)

"Mnnnn~ Venelana-san." Noir said while waking up.

"You can sleep some more if you want, Noir-kun."

"Thanks, but that's enough sleep. I feel quite refreshed."

"Um Noir-san." Suddenly Rias came up with a box in her hand.

"Hey Rias what's going on?"

"I just have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?"

Rias placed the box on the garden table and opened the lid of the box. There was a variety of food in the box.

"Wow Rias, who made these foods?" Venelana asked.

"I did but Grayfia helped me a lot."

"Wow! Rias you did it! Congrats my sweet Rias!" Venelana went and hugged Rias.

"Noir what do you think?" Rias asked.

"Fufufufufuf... Anyway, you two take some time off, I've got a few things to do." Venelana quickly made up an excuse and walked away to leave Noir and Rias alone, and on the other hand, go somewhere far away to watch them.

"So um Noir wanna eat?"

"Of course."

Noir sat on the chair and began to eat the food Rias had prepared. Noir had already eaten half of the box without realizing it.

"So Noir what do you think? Is it good?" Rias asked expectantly.

"It's really good Rias. I liked it. Thanks, I was very hungry." Noir praised Rias.

"Your welcome, I'm glad you liked it. I'll make it for you again."

"I am sure you will be a wonderful wife Rias."

"You think so, thank you."

'I will be the best wife for you.' Rias thought.

Later, Noir invited Rias to eat. At first Rias tried to refuse, but eventually agreed and the two of them began to eat together at the table. Of course, they were both watched from afar. Venelana was watching Noir and Rias from afar with a smile on her face. At the same time, not only Venelana but also Grayfia were watching Noir and Rias.

'So that's why Rias asked me to help her cook, to impress Noir. But I won't loose Rias.' Grayfia thought.

'I'm going to have to start wife education for Rias.' Venelana thought.

There was also another person watching from very high. Ophis was watching Noir and Rias from afar.

'I want to eat too, but I have to restrain myself. I have to keep my eyes peeled for those sticky goddesses.' Ophis thought.

Soon after, someone started to approach Noir and Rias. This person was Yuuto Kiba.

"Hm? Yuuto did something happen?" Rias asked.

"Buchou actually came here to talk to Noir-san." Yuuto said.

"Hm? Me? So what will you gonna say to me?"

"I would like you to continue to train me."

"Yuuto, Noir has just finished his new training so he must be tired." Rias said.

"Oh actually I can train you but I already gave you a training routine right?" Noir said.

"Yes you did but that training is so meaningless. So I want you to teach me."

'What is he talking about? That technique meaningless? Swordsmen would start a war for the training technique I gave him, but he calls it meaningless? I guess I was wrong about Yuuto. His Potential is lower than I thought.' Noir thought.

"Sigh... Well, Yuuto, I will give you another training technique." So Noir took out a technique that can be found in most places outside, written on a few pieces of paper, and gave it to Yuuto. This technique was a simple technique and had little potential for improvement. The only good thing was that it was compatible with multiple swordsmen, and it paired well with Yuuto's Sacred Gear.

"Oh I can understand this one thank you Noir-san." Yuuto said after looking at a few pages.

"No problem."

Later, Yuuto went and Rias and Noir sat together for a long time, chatting and having dinner.


Readers, inspiration is what I need to update my novels. I can write when inspiration strikes, and when it doesn't I don't want to write and make you read bad chapters. I hope you will understand.

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Emilio Gonzalez