For a while Noir and Rias ate and chatted until Sirzechs called.

"Noir, Rias, take a seat." Sirzechs said.

"Well, I just spoke to the council. Noir you can take the Leviathan clan right now, but there is one condition. You need at least 3 Leviathans with yourself. So you have to find 2 more Leviathans. I've made arrangements for one so you can go and see it soon, but that person suffers from sleeping disease so if you can't wake her up, you still need to find two more." Sirzechs said.

"I see. Okay let's do it."

""Ugh..." Sirzechs and Rias looked at Noir in disbelief.

So Sirzechs and Noir disappeared with a teleportation spell.

A magic circle appeared in front of a large door, and after the circle glowed with a blinding light, Sirzechs and Noir came out.

"Wow really big gates like the gates of Asgard." Noir said.

"Did you go to Asgard?"

"Hahahahahahah... Of course not. They are too closed and do not welcome outsiders. Actually, I always wanted to enter, but they wouldn't let me, and there was no need to make Asgard hostile to me just to get there." Noir said with a laugh.

"All right, now I'm opening the door." Sirzechs said, and then put his hand in the middle of the large embroidered door. Each motif of the door began to shine from the center outward, as if continuing a path. When all the embroideries shone, many magic circles began to form on the door, and then the circles began to merge and form a very complex magic circle.

'Wow... I don't know who did this, but it sure was a competent person.' Noir thought.

Afterwards, the merging magic circle began to spin, and after a great flash, it disappeared and the door began to open.

"Wow impressive."

"From here on, you're in charge, I'm leaving." Sirzechs said and then left.

Noir came in. The interior was quite girlishly arranged and there was a large bed in the middle and the bed was covered with curtains.

"She is really beautiful." When Noir lifted the curtain and looked inside, he saw the girl lying inside and said.

The girl lying on the bed had long purple hair and a pretty body. This girl, of course, was none other than Ingvild Leviathan.

"Well, now that no one's here anymore. Tomoe, scan Ingvild's condition and tell me what to do to wake her up."

[Okay master~]

[Scan Complete~]

[Master, all Ingvild needs right now is enough demonic power to awaken her longinus. Currently, Ingvild's Longinus Nereid Kyrie's awakening state is almost 90%, so if you transfer the demonic power you have in reserve, it will wake up in 1 day, but if you don't, it will take at least 1 year~]

"Okay so how do I do that?"

[Just hold her master~ Any place you want. Hand, breasts etc. it's entirely up to you~] Tomoe said.

(You sound so wise and experienced but you don't even know how to transfer magic power yet?) Ddraig said making fun of Noir.

"Tomoe, what's up with Ddraig's soul scan?"

[Just in time master~ I just finished so she is ready to have a physical body for you to play~]

"Good to hear. Ddraig you heard too right?"

(Gulp!) Ddraig made a gulp sound and said nothing else.

"Hahahahhahahah... Whatever let's start." Noir said and then he grasped Ingvild's hand and Tomoe started the progress.








So the numbers were slowly increasing, and it really took hours to increase by 1%.














"Finally! It took 16 hours!"


All of a sudden, magic power spread like a giant explosion.

[Nereid Kyrie has Awoken!]

A ray of light began to appear inside Ingvild's body, and then completely engulfed Ingvild. Water began to form in the air and the sounds of music began to spread around.

"I've never witnessed a full awakening of a Longinus before, it's amazing!" Noir said with a huge smile.

Lying still, Ingvild soared into the air and was enveloped by flakes of water and Nereid Kyrie's embodied musical notes.

The water particles and musical notes started to glow, and then Ingvild fell back on the bed and the water particles and musical notes had already disappeared.

"I've seen al to of thing but this is amazing!"

[Nereid Kyrie has fully and seamlessly awakened and fully bonded with Ingvild Leviathan. Ingvild will wake up in a few hours.]

(Hey! What the hell was that?!) Ddraig said.

"What do you mean? It's just Ingvild's Longinus Nereid Kyrie awoke." Noir said.

(It was as if something was controlling me, I couldn't do anything.)

"I guess Nereid Kyrie used some kind of defensive ability because you were nearby during his awakening. As far as I know, Nereid Kyrie can control dragons."

(WHAT?! I'm a Heavenly Dragon! I'm The Red Dragon Emperor! How can that control me?!!)

"Well a dragon is a dragon after all. It doesn't matter if you're heavenly or not you are a dragon in the end." Noir said.

(How could you wake up such a dangerous person?!)

"So, the dangerous thing is Longinus isn't Ingvild after all."

[Master, I think this is a great opportunity~! If we can get Ingvild on our side, you can do whatever you want when this dragon takes human form with the power of Longinus. If you want, you can make her do some pretty erotic things, like a lap dance for you or taking off his clothes in front of you in a sexy way, or greet you like a newlywed. The possibilities are endless.]

(Nooooo!!! That's ra*e!!) Ddraig said with tearful eyes. And then close the telepathy.

[I think I took the joke too far, master.]

"I guess so. All right, I'll think of something to please Ddraig." Noir said.

Later, when Noir saw Ingvild, he had an idea.

(A few hours later)

"Mmmhhh... What happened?" Ingvild said while waking up.

"Oh finally you woke up my love."

"Hm? Who are you? Where am I?" Ingvild said with panic.

"Eh? Don't you remember my love? This is our wedding bed."

"W-Wedding bed?"

"True my love. Sorry, I think I made you tired last night. You were so cute, I couldn't hold back."

"W-Wedding bed? You couldn't hold back?..."

Later, Ingvild's eye caught something in the bed, it was the blood, and the spot where the blood is matched Ingvild's height.

In fact, Ingvild was starting to blush and was trying to refresh her memory, not knowing that this was all part of some big prank orchestrated by Noir.


I've noticed for a while that the novel is getting too serious, I guess it has to do with the depressive state I've been going through for the past few months, but I think it's time to put a stop to it. That's why I will try to write more fun like in the old chapters.

Readers, inspiration is what I need to update my novels. I can write when inspiration strikes, and when it doesn't I don't want to write and make you read bad chapters. I hope you will understand.

Dear readers, I know that I have been neglecting this place for a while, my reason is that I am looking for a job. That's why I'm actually posting a patreon link. I publish the novel for free, whether donations are made or not, but it takes a really long time and effort to write, and in return for this time and effort, I expect donations from those who can at least, after all, I have to survive.

Here is a Discord server link for you.

I would also appreciate if you support me on Pat*eon. Writing takes quite a bit of time and that's all I do outside of school, so if you support me on pat*eon it will help me a lot.

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Thank you to my Patreons

Emilio Gonzalez