Chapter 1

Maria POV:

*Beep! Beep! Beep!*

"Shggvdd" I mumbled before rolling over onto my side and putting a pillow over my head.

*Beep! Beep! Beep!*

"Shggvdd!!!" I could feel tears forming at the edge of my eyes as I began to toss and turn for another five minutes, before reaching my hand out to turn off my alarm and making a horrible discovery...

I had left my alarm over by the door last night, just in case I wanted to sleep in; which is almost every day of course.

*Beep! Beep! Beep!*

"Oh my god can someone please shut that thing up!" I heard my brother yell from down stairs. Not even 30 seconds later, his foot steps were marching up to my bedroom and slamming my door open.

*Beep! Be!-Click*

I slowly took the pillow off my head and turned around to see him looking at me with eyes that could kill, and balled fists just in case the eyes didn't work. I was in big trouble now...

"Maira!!!" He yelled furiously even though I was only feet away from him.

"Yes..." I groaned still, not wanting to get up. He marched over grabbing my arm and pulling me out of bed, then proceeding to drag me down the hall and into the kitchen. Why the kitchen... if he wanted to kill me for ruining his sleep at 6:00 in the morning, why not the bathroom?

Oh, I should probably explain my situation and who I am and everything right? First off, I'm Maria Loveless, and the one about to kill me is my older brother, Rio. We... don't get along to well. We've been living together ever since our parents died, which was around 5 years ago, and we were left with a whole lot of money.

I go to a "Rich Kids" high school and I have basically 0 friends to speak of. Rio and I move frequently so there's no need for friends, plus if you looked like I did u wouldn't have many friends anyway.

I have dirty blonde hair with natural highlights in it, a round face, and a small button nose, I'm pretty skinny but not over the top and my curves aren't half bad either. But if you ask me- my eyes are the prettiest part of me. Their the most enchanting shade of forest green you could imagine, perfect right? Wrong. Everyone hates me for it. They all think I'm unapproachable or I'm that I'm all full of myself. They don't even know me!

So I decided a long time ago, if they don't want to get to know me, why should I care to know them? I've live by this for so long it's like my motto now. One that I think I may live by for the rest of my life.

Oh ya- I was so stuck in my head that I forgot that my life was about to end... my short life of 18 years. And to think, I'll be missing my own birthday. Not that anyone will ever know or even care to know. In one week I'll be turning 19.

If I live past today that is.