Chapter 2

Maria POV:

A sharp pain in my shoulder once again pulled me from my thoughts.

"Maria are you even listening to me?!" Rio yelled angrily at me. I just shrugged.

"I was saying you need to learn to be more responsible for yourself!" He dragged me roughly by the arm through the kitchen and into the backyard.

Wait the backyard... I know where this goes. He continued to drag me till we reached the underground cellar and my death.

This isn't the first time I've been here either, I've been here many many times. He hates me. You know- wants to get rid of me, and would probably do anything to do so. And I feel the same way about him.

It's a hatred so deep, nothing can escape it. All the things I've been through cause of him, the pain I've endured. Its enough to make a girl go mad!

Why not leave you, might ask...

Only god knows how much I wish I could. But like i've always told myself, revenge is sweeter with candy and pure unadulterated hatred.

When we finally reached the back of the cellar, I was shoved into a room I know all to well. It was cold and damp, yet more comforting then he was. There was no windows, no vents, no heaters, and no bed. Just concrete and darkness. But I mean- there was a thin blanket laid out on the ground.

Wouldn't want me to freeze to death now would we? Oh no, that would be to merciful. I was going to starve.

I heard him chuckle to himself as he walked to the cellar door. "I hope you die sister"

I couldn't help but laugh at this as I said back to him, "same to you brother" My voice came out sickly sweet, but there was enough venom in that one word to kill 10 men.

He didn't say anything, instead we just stared at each other, mirroring the image of disgust both of us had plastered to our face. He looked away first and slammed the door shut, leaving me alone in complete darkness. It didn't bother me, not even a little. Being alone was what I was used to. I preferred the comfort the darknedd provided, it was like the family I never had.

I knew it was going to be a long two weeks down here in my 'room', but what could I do except wait and plan. Plan for his death of course. He was doing the same thing for me, he always was. But only time could tell which of our plans would be successful.

Alone and in silence, i sat there. Waiting, staring at the walls, until minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days, and days turned Into weeks. Or- what I assumed was weeks. There wasn't anyway to tell time without a clock or a shred of sunlight. But by the second week, I was still alive.

It wasn't easy. Im surprised I made it. I knew humans could go at least 3 weeks without food, but water, that was the challenge. The only liquid that I could find was the dew dripping down the sides of the walls or forming in the corners. Im not sure what it was, but it got me through the days and that's all that matters.