Chapter 3

Maria POV:

I heard loud footsteps approaching and the soft clicking of the cellar locks being unlatched, but as the door opened, I was to week to look at who it was. I shut my eyes and waited for who I assumed was my brother, but that's when I heard yelling. The voice was to deep to be my brother and sounded far to concerned to be one of his goons. The door to the cellar made a loud creak as whoever has entered, has opened the old door as far as it could go, and it was accompanied by more footsteps and yelling.

As the person came closer I saw it was someone in a police uniform, and when the saw me they whispered something into a radio. What were they saying? I probably looked awful. My hair was greasy and unbrushed, I was still in my pjs from 2 weeks ago, and I was dirty... so very dirty.

They came over to me and asked me my name but I couldn't answer. I needed water. My throat was sore and my head was throbbing as little black dots speckled my vision. I heard voices in the back of my head until it was silent and my eyes closed, and then the familiar darkness consumed me once again.

When I woke up again an unfamiliar sight greeted me. I wasn't in the cellar, I wasn't at home, and I wasn't anywhere I wanted to be. I looked around the plain white room with nothing on the walls but a Tv, there was a a window to my left and a vase with flowers in the corner. I was laying on an elevated bed and there was an annoying buzzing circulating the room. I instantly knew where I was. The fact that IVs where in my arms was a dead give away as well.

I was in a hospital.

My breathing became heavy and my heart raced in my chest. I hated hospitals. The monitor on the machine started making a weird noise and a nurse quickly appeared in the room out of no where.

"Miss, stay calm. It's ok, your safe" She said in a soothing voice. Stay calm, how was I supposed to stay calm?! I was in a place that made people into monsters! Or- well- that's what it did on Tv..

"Can u tell me your name?" She tried again when I my breathing didn't slow. "Do you remember how you got here?" She gave me a reassuring look that said 'it's ok' but I knew it wasn't, I knew something was up. So instead I just shook my head.

She just nodded and smiled. "The doctor will be here shortly." And with that she left. I waited a few minutes, looking around the room for any possible way to get out. But all there was was that window, which I assume is pretty high, and the door in the center.

A couple minutes after I gave up, a man in a white coat came into my room holding up a clipboard, which I assumed had things about my health on it. "The nurse said you dont remember anything about who you were or how you got here?" It was more a statement then a question.

"Well, let me tell you what happened last week and see if that jogs your memory" Last week? I've been out for a whole week? I needed to get back to school! Spring break was long over by now!

He continued to tell me about Rio and how he had a party with a bunch of drunks, they had gotten the police called on them and the whole property was searched for anyone who was trying to hide or who had gotten drunk and could still wondering around.

In the search they had found the cellar and while looking they had stumbled upon a girl. They brought this girl out of the cellar but before they could question her, she passed out.

Obviously, That girl was me.

Damn it Rio.