Chapter 4

Maria POV:

I wasn't totally sure about what was happening but, I knew I was in a hospital, with no way to get out, and my brother was probably in jail. No one knew who I was, and my math paper that was I was supposed to hand in 4 weeks ago is waaayyy over due.

Sooo- This is my current way of thinking, I'm completely screwed at this point. Unless some magical spell comes and lifts this curse that was cruelly placed on me, I have no way of getting out of here.

I slumped back on the bed, giving up as he continued to explain the situation to me. When he was finally finished explaining the whole mumbo-jumbo, he gave me one last look before writing something on his clipboard and leaving without another word. He could probably guess I wasn't gonna say anything anyway.

What was there to say?

'Oh thanks for getting me out of my jail just to put me in another one' or 'I really appreciate what you guys do here' maybe even 'couldn't u guys have just gotten me a glass of water and left me there?'

Is my way of thinking really that hard?

I sighed, getting annoyed with myself. How long would I be here? I wasn't even hurt! That's when A nurse walked into the room and set a glass of water on the table next to me. I could tell she didn't really want to be here, if the way she avoided eye contact and was skittish every time I moved was anything to go by. I decided to ask her the only thing I could think of. Plus, i wanted, no needed to know.

"How long are you going to keep me here?" I asked plainly. She gave me a confused look, and then smiled.

"We're not keeping you here, you can leave whenever you want to..." I almost choked on the glass of water she gave me. Was she telling me the truth? Could I really leave? As if reading my thoughts, she continued.

"We just thought since u were sleeping and had no were else to go we'd let you stay here." She thought for a moment. "And since you didn't tell us your name we couldn't call your parents and tell them to pick you up." I sighed that's right I didn't tell them my name. But, oh well- I was free! I'd be out of here as soon as I get out of this stupid patient gown.

She smiled at me and left saying a small 'goodbye' as if she knew I'd be leaving. Well I was and I wasn't coming back. Ever. I was moving to California and taking my money with me. All of it. If Rio was going to spend it on parties I was going to spend it on me. Start over and forget about him. Forget about it all. First things first, to get out of here...