Chapter 9

"I'm sorry what?" She asked a bit confused and worry spread across her face.

"I said I'm taking you with me.." I said a bit louder. I then picked her up bridal style as she struggled to get out of my grasp, and walked over to the window. I kicked the glass shattering it and turning around, covering her with my body as the glass flew around us.

"Ready?" I asked cautiously.

"No!" She replied, screaming as I was about to jump.

And then...

I jumped.

Maria's POV:

In an instant we were flying through the air. I felt the wind in my hair and I could see the stars shining brightly in the sky so close it felt like I could touch them. We were so high I believe I almost reached out and tried.

I looked down and I thought the ground was getting bigger. Oh no, we were getting closer to the ground! I was about to die! This crazy man was about to kill me! He just jumped out a window, and the worst part was he had to take me with him!!!

I braced myself for the impact but nothing came, except a little squeeze to my body and I heard a light thud of something hit something else. Was that it? Did I really just die? Oh great am I in hell this early in life? Cause I sure ain't in no heaven. Welp- that's it folks.

I sighed, waiting for whatever demon was going to take me to my personal torture chamber. When nothing happened I sneakily peeked through my lashes.

"Demon?..." I whispered.

"Uhh... Satan??" I tried again.

Hmm... that's strange .. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, but that was a bad idea. As soon as I did we were moving again! Did we survive? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be in someone's arms if we didnt... Well- at least I wasn't dead, I guess.

We were moving so fast, faster then I thought any normal man could move. Well I knew by now this man was definitely NOT normal. But what was he?

He continued to run taking my breath away as the wind brushed against my face and the sounds of the forest danced around me. Wait the forest? How the hell were we in the forest?! We were in the city like 5 fricken minutes ago!

He slowly came to a stop and my head began to fill with questions, so much so that I became nauseous. As soon as he let me down, I began to wobble over to a tree and barf my brains out. Gre~at.

"You ok mate?" He asked nervously.

I didn't answer for a few seconds. I was kinda busy trying to stay alive after almost- you know- dying. I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and turned around faster then you could say 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' and yelled at him.

"Your asking if I'm ok? Really dude?! First you seem nice and help me, then you kidnapped me! Not to mention that fact you just went super human speed running to who knows where and dragging me along with you! and now you ask if I'm ok..." I laugh hysterically. "Yes mate I'm just grand!!!"

He winced and looked down at his feet as if searching for something that obviously wasn't there.

Ya! That's what I thought.

Now then, where the hell am I this time?

Can't a lady get a break around here?!