Chapter 10

Nathan POV:

She seemed really mad... but damn was she hot when she was angry.. I was mentally drooling.

I didn't really know what to say to her so I kinda just stood there staring, like an idiot. She seemed pissed.

"Sooo umm... wanna explain why you brought me along?" She asked folding her arms.

I sighed debating if I should tell her or not.

"Well u see... I'm a werew-.." that's when I heard the rustling in the bushes and I could smell an unwelcomed scent. Rouges.

She looked at me expectantly and tapped her finger on her on her forearm, waiting. But I was to focused on something else to pay attention to her.

"Get behind me.. NOW." I growled. She looked at me confused but did as I told her as soon as the rustling drew closer.

"What's that sound..." she whispered.

"Rouges" I said in a hushed tone.

Growls came from everywhere yet no where at once and I knew in an instant we were facing more than one wolf. I could probably take them if she wasn't here but... she is. And she's mine, I won't let them touch a hair in her perfect little head.

I growled threateningly as a man in ripped jeans and a button up shirt stepped out from behind the bushes with 2 wolves on his left and 2 wolves on his right. He had a smug look on his face as he looked at me then then grinned as he looked at her.

"Well well well if it isn't the fearsome alpha himself." He snickered.

"What are you doing here rogue!" I sneered. I pushed my mate farther behind me, as if that would protect her from his threatening gaze.

"My pals and I were just passing through, but it looks like we hit ourselves the jackpot." He laughed.

I couldn't take it anymore, he was talking about my mate. My wolf was fighting for control, I could feel him winning. And I didn't even mind it.

I turned around to her and saw her shaking, she was probably afraid of the wolves, afraid of him, afraid of me.

I leaned in to her ear and whispered,

"I want you to turn around walk 45 feet away, close your eyes and don't look back until I come and get you."

She looked at me, worry clear in her eyes.

"What about you?.." her voice was barely hearable.

"I'll be fine, I promise." I gently pushed her away and she did exactly what I told her not turning back.

I turned back to the 5 rogues and my anger flared back up to its peek. I was ready to kill, And not afraid to do it.

"what a pretty little thing she is.... to bad she won't be alive much longer." He grinned.

"All you rogues are so cocky, that's why I'm gonna have fun killing you." At that I didn't even waste time with my clothes I let them rip off my body and I let my wolf take control.

I charged at them and let my teeth sink into the nearest ones fur, ripping and tearing skin from their body and enjoying the taste of their blood in my mouth. I felt their body go limp and teeth sink into my back and legs but it was nothing to me. I swung my head over dug my teeth into there neck, crushing their vocal cords and killing them instantly.

They were like rats, sickly rats attacking and angry lion. This game of cat and mouse always goes the same way. No matter how many mice there are the cat always wins.

I kept killing and killing and pushing the bodies away until it was only me and him. He wasn't bigger then any of the other but something about he felt different. He must have been the leader of these batch of pathetic rogues.

I growled threateningly and he charged me, we were snapping and biting at each other until he grabbed onto my neck. I put my paw up and clawed down his chest. Blood pooled everywhere and I could hear a cry of pain as he released my neck, stumbling back and falling to the floor. Dead... that's what he deserved.

I howled victorious.

Now to get my mate.

Maria POV:

I could here the sound of a howl slice through the silent. After he told me to walk away, I did exactly what he said for reasons I didn't understand. I felt like I needed to trust him. As soon as I left I could faintly here the sound of dogs... they sounded like they were fighting.... but why would there be dogs in the forest?

It made no sense, the only explanation would be something I didn't want it to be. Something I feared. Something that every girl would fear... wolves.

I was in the forest, alone, with a man I didn't know, and there was wolves. That's just fricken wonderful!

I heard rustling in the bushes behind me but I remember what he said. 'Don't look back until I come and get you.' But this is important right? There could be a wolf! The rustling got closer and my heart raced.

A hand was placed over my mouth and I think I literally died.

"Shhh.. it's just me." That familiar husky voice said in my ear. He removed his hand, I sighed in relief and probably would have been on the ground if 2 arms didn't wrap around my waist just then.

After I got my bearings together I looked at him and asked the first thing on my mind.

"What the hell just happened?" I questioned.

"Like I was saying before I was interrupted back there... I'm a werewolf..." he said the last part slowly as if trying to figure out how to say it.

"Sorry, did you say werewolf?" My mind went blank, then raced with questions.

My life just got a lot more interesting.

My boring everyday life... May you rest in peace. You will be missed...