Chapter 13

Maria POV:

That's it.

Who the hell does he think he is?

Leaving me here to my own devices.. not another person in sight... All....alone...

What a rude host!

I couldn't help but giggle to myself as I walked up and down the halls of the largest building. This week had been so busy, I completely forgot to explore! But seeing as no one's around and Nathan has left to who knows where, I finally have the time.

As I treaded along the velvet carpet, my hands moved along the golden walls and explored the antiques that rested up on the polished tables.

Everything seemed so... Old.

Not that I was complaining or anything. It was just odd. Nothing about the man I had met a few days ago, that was dressed up so nicely, had any indication that he'd been one who'd enjoy old world charms.

This house- no- now that it think about it.. this Mansion, was amazing!

I've never been one for wide spaces but- somehow this place feels spacious and roomy. It's perfect!

Nathan POV:

Is this what it's supposed to look like?

Its round... covered in frosting and edible.. so probably.

I checked my watch.




I waited a few moments before trying again.

"Hey Maria! Come here!"

No answer...

I rushed out of the kitchen and into the greeting room where I had left her. She wasn't there.

"MARIAAAAAA!!" I cupped my hands over my mouth and yelled into the adjoining hall. Sounds boince off the walls fairly easily, so the echo would be heard for a couple more minutes. But as I heard the soft pitter patter of feet, I knew it had been effective.

"What? Who's dying? Did someone find the stash?!" She asked in a hurry.

"No no, I just finished what I was- wait- stash?"

"NOTHING! Nothing. You were saying you finished something?" She was trying to change the topic...  Siiiiigh. We'll come back to the later.

I grabbed her hand and led her into the kitchen.

Here goes nothing.

Maria POV:

Candles decorated the small walk to what I assumed was the kitchen. A Small vase filled with bright red roses was set on the table along with a white table cloth, two plates, two glasses and some silverware. That's nice and all.. but the most interesting thing was what was being hidden under the silver covering dish.

Reminds me of what the waiters bring to the tables in ratatouille.

Anyway- what was being hidden under the...

Before I could ponder anymore, Nathan cleared his throat.

"To much?" He asked.

"We'll see."

He seemed a bit.. flustered. How cut- I mean.. *cough cough*

He pulled out my chair and motioned for me to sit down, before he took his seat in front of me.

"I don't know if you've noticed but... Im not very good with words.."

Well that's the understatement of the century

"Go on" I replied slowly.

"So I decided to go about this a different way..." He reached over and lifted up the silver covering to reveal the small white cake underneath.

He made.. a cake?

I chewed the inside of my cheek, he'd probably get embarrassed if I laughed.

Hold it in Maria Loveless.

Just like the simulations.

Breath in.. Breath out.. Breath in.. Breath out..

After restraining my raging emotions, and discreetly wiping away a few tears, I motioned for him to continue.

He didn't.

So instead I looked over the platter. Besides the white cake, there was also a small rose and what I assumed to be a letter.

I curiously grabbed the letter and began to read.

Dear Maria, as I said before, I'm not good with words. So I decided to write it all down for you.. as you already know... Blah Blah.. Luna... Blah Blah.. pack.... And because of this... Blah Blah... Feelings... I know this may not make any sense, but with time I hope you will come to understand that... Blah Blah....

-Your very loving, very handsome, and very (He's really milking it here) sorry Nathan. 

I looked up at him and then back to the letter a few times.

"Yeah, to much."

Maria POV:

He looked a little nervous at my words, but seemed to relax when I gave him a small smile.

"This is a lot to take in... But it's not as bad as I thought it might be."

"So... Your not upset?"

"Oh no- I wouldn't say that. But instead of being a confused upset, I'm a understanding upset. I still haven't forgiven you for you know- the stalking, the kidnapping, and other illegal crimes you've probably committed" I stated dryly.

Oh god- he looks like a dejected puppy...

"But I am a lot closer than I was I'm the beginning! We're getting there. There's no need to rush ok?"

He nodded.

"Now then- aren't you going to serve me some cake?" I asked, giggling.

Nathan POV:

As I went to the kitchen to grab a serving knife, I could hear her muffling her laughter behind me. I was embarrassed to say the least, but I refused to show it!

I may not be well versed in the art of the kitchen, but I'm sure it can't be that bad...

When I walked back to the table, I could see her straighten her posture and act like she wasn't just having a miniature field day.

After cutting her and myself a slice of cake, I sat in my seat and waiting patiently for her to take a bite.

It was one of the most nerve racking experience I've ever had. Taking over the pack seems like a walk in the park compared to this!

This was the most delicious cake I've ever eaten.. did he actually make it, or did he buy it..

I looked over at him suspiciously.

Taking another bite of the heavenly masterpiece, I thought back to the time I've spent with this man, and I've started to realize a few things.

I've never actually been mad at him. I've never hated him for anything he's done, and honestly, I have no reason to.

If he hadn't of come along, where would I be right now? Probably lost in a large city miles away from my home. And even if I had made it home, what would I be doing? Going to school, eating junk food, and dreading the day my brother came back...

But ever since I was brought here, I've had nothing short of an amazing time. Good food, a comfy bed, and someone who whole heartedly loves me.

Life's pretty great right now.

And it's all thanks to this man.

After finishing my slice and making sure there was nothing on my face, I looked back at Nathan.

"Thanks." I said after a moment.

He paused, "for what?"

I just shrugged.

"So, what's next?" I smiled brightly, he returned my smile with a glint in his eyes.

"How about a movie?"