chapter 14

Maria POV:

I can't believe it .. I mean- there's nothing wrong with it it's just...

I cleared my throat.

"So... Princess and the frog huh..." I looked over at him curiously.

"Yeah.. is it not good?" His voice was low, and he sounded nervous... Oh Lord...

"No no it's great!" I said in a hurry.

He sighed in relief and put the disc in as I sat on the couch, then he sauntered back into the kitchen as the advertisements began to play.



*Pop!* *Pop!* *Pop!*

Wait is that..!!

The sweet delicious and buttery bliss of popcorn filled the air and I began to drool.

It's been so long since I've had popcorn!

Popcorn, a good movie, a hot guy-

As he walked in and sat down, putting the two bowls of popcorn on the coffee table in front of us, he reached a hand over me and before I could question him about it, I felt a soft plush fabric touch my skin.

Is that- a blanket?

Popcorn, a good movie, a hot guy, AND a blanket?

I snuggled in close to his side and rested my head on his shoulder.


This is the life.


Around half way through the movie, I could tell a disaster was upon us. My fingers had begun to scrap the bottom of the bowl. There has never been a time where I had felt so lost. So helpless. And so in need of saving. And when I felt all was lost-... He showed up.



"I noticed you were out of popcorn... You can have the rest of mine and I'll go make us some more"

"Are you an angel?.."

"Ha... I'll be back"

This is love... I have found the one... Love may be making your partner popcorn... But True love... True love is sharing that popcorn. Sharing that popcorn and making more! He's the one! The savior of the weak! The Lord of the light! The bringer of the popcorn!!


The tragedy has been avoided and a new found love has sprouted.

What a beautiful story.

May the day come when you find someone who will not only make you popcorn, but share their own with you to.

Because when that day comes, you will know it is not only love, but true love.

And true love conquers all.

~The End~

Nathan POV:

By the end of the movie, I could hear her soft breathing slow down and become a rhythmic in... Out... In... Out... As her eyes began to close and her body tangled up into mine and the blanket.

It was getting late...

As I began to get up, I felt her small hands grasp onto my side. I could so easily move them away and take her to bed but ... I guess we're sleeping on the couch. There is no other solution then this.

Oh Well- I tried.

'Lier.' Maxine shook his head

'Shut up' I huffed.

After slowly flipping us over, I wrapped the blankets around our bodies, and let her lay on me as a body pillow.

This is nice.

She'll probably yell at me in the morning...

I winced.

But this is nice.

I'll deal with it tomorrow.

'Nice knowing you.' Maxine's annoying voice echoed in my head.


I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the smooth beating of her heart. It's such a sweet sound..