"I made the cabin so cozy just like my home before. I guess I subconsciously loved the home I claimed to hate.
I even heard that mom went around looking for me but she couldn't locate Dylan and me anymore although I still wonder how.
Not to brag, but, my father's connection is the best so if he was to use these connections to search for me, no doubt he would have found me sooner." I frowned in confusion as I thought back to all the influential people who usually visited my parents.
So, no one could track my location? So, no one could find me and drag me home and save me from all this heartache?
How come I'm so fragile at heart? Where and when did Dylan and Kirsten break me to this level? What did they do that broke me?
I wish my parents had found me years back. What if they were eventually tired of my constant nagging? Calm down, don't overthink it…yet.